It can be considered as a tradition, or even something that must be done every year. Actually, a year isn't complete without it. It's like, the joy of the whole year, the climax, the most important day, and yet…. It does not have a set date, or even a month. The important thing is, it is done once a year.
Nobody knows who started it or where or even when. It's like, it just sprouted out of the ground like a mushroom, and then everybody eats it. And so, it spread and was treated like a holiday. Now, they're doing it, at a random day of a month, of the year. And it sure is fun to play, and even just watch.
Some consider it as a game, some consider it as a ritual… the most important thing is to follow the instructions as clearly as possible, any mishap or misstep can lead to something horrible. (Although no one has made such a mistake, but, it's better to be safe).
Oh? You want to know what it's called?
Nobody knows the original name of it but…. Most people now call it 'The Kiss Bet'.
Hmm? How is it done? Why don't you watch with me… they're starting.
First, look for a school to use as a venue. The school must be abandoned and it must not be used by the previous year. Every venue must be different from the last, if the event was hosted on the same venue, something bad will happen.
Once we have found a school to use, choose a room that has many or just sufficient amount of chairs, preferably 11 chairs or more. Then, we must clean the room first. Sweeping the dust would be enough, just so that if a participant has asthma, there won't be any danger. After that, arrange the chairs in this manner:
Place a chair at the middle front of the room, that will be the hosts place.
Then, place an odd number of chairs at the right side of the room, the chairs must face the left side of the room. You can have as many chairs as you want as long as it is an odd number. This will be the place of the 'Kissed' (they are mostly girls)
Next, place an even number of chairs at the left side of the room. The chairs must face the right side of the room. Like the right side, you can place as many chairs as you want, as long as it is an even number. This will be the place of the 'Kisser' (they are usually boys)
Lastly, place chairs at the very back of the room at the number of threes. Place as many chairs as you want as long as it is the counting of three. That will be the chairs of the spectator.
Now, we shall choose the host. Most of the time, the host is the one who presented the venue. If a group presented the venue, the most mature one of the group will be the host. If the one who presented the venue cannot fulfil the role of the host due to some important or personal issues, the oldest among the participants shall take the role of the host.
And then, we move on to the Kissed and the Kisser. Anyone can be a Kissed or a Kisser, just follow the rules. As we have mentioned before, there should be an odd number of Kissed and an even number of Kisser.
Then lastly, the spectators. Anyone can be a spectator as long as they are in a count of three.
And so, we proceed to the event itself.
There must be a succession of entrances for the game to officially start. The host, standing at the door frame of the classroom, shall announce that, "The Kiss Bet has begun." and then, he will usher the spectators first.
The spectators must enter in a single file, all going in the same direction and must sit by three. If this is not followed correctly, the event must be adjourned immediately and everyone must get out of the school grounds before it hits 3 minutes. If it is done successfully, then proceed to the Kissed and the Kissers.
The Kissed and the Kissers must line separately, the Kissed lined up at the right side of the host, and the Kissers must line up at the left of the host. Make sure that only the Kissed is at the right side and only the Kisser must be at the left side. No participant shall confuse their placement or it will derail the event. Both of them must hold a piece of cloth as a blindfold.
When entering, the Kissers enter first, sitting at their assigned place: the left side of the room and proceed to tie their blindfolds immediately before the Kissed enters. They must not emit a single sound, or show some kind of signal to anyone. They must stay still and move no inch, or else. If someone did make a sound or moved an inch after they have tied their blindfolds, they must remove it and run as fast as they can out of the school grounds. They are considered disqualified.
However, if everyone followed perfectly, then the Kissed may proceed. Like the Kissers, they must do it exactly. Sitting at the right side of the room, tying their blindfolds as fast as possible and never emit a sound or move an inch. If they did, they must say, "Please, I still wish to play." and wait if the host says something. If the host said, "Please leave, you are disqualified." do not leave, stay at your place, it is a trap. If you leave, you may not see the sunrise again. If the host said something else other than that, then it is safe, you are not disqualified or anything. You may continue to play.
In a case where a Kisser or a Kissed made a mistake, and needed to leave or suddenly disappear, the host must do something to keep the number in line, like the instructions have said. Be it removing someone from either side or even doing the extreme once, that we shall not mention.
Once everything is in place, the host will then walk towards the middle front of the room where their seat is. Before sitting down, he must tap the chair two times, and the ground two times. Then mutter the phrase, "May everyone receive the love that they deserve." and then sit down. As the host sat down, he may tell the Kisers to stand up, take their blindfolds off and approach the one of the Kissed who they wish to kiss. The Kissers may only Kiss one person. However, there are some twists:
If the odd number is higher than the even number, the Kissers may keep their blindfolds and proceed to kiss the one they wish to kiss. In this situation, one may not receive a kiss, and when it happens, the host must escort that one outside and wait there until everyone is done. They shall be called 'Odd One Out'.
If the odd number is lower than the even number, the Kissers must put their blindfolds back and walk towards the Kissed. There, they must kiss the one who is directly in front of them. The Kisser without a partner must stay there in line until the other Kissers are back at their seat. Then, the Kisser without a partner may walk and choose who they will kiss. Once they have chosen and given another kiss to one of the Kisses, they may return to their seat. Once seated, the Kisser who gave the second kiss must take off their blindfold and guess who they kissed. If they guessed right, they may stay, but if they guessed wrong, they must wait outside. They are to be called 'Twicer'.
Now, onto the best part. Remember the Odd One Out, once everyone has left the classroom and the school grounds, except the host. The Odd One Out must then enter the classroom and sit where the host did. Once seated, they must recite this: "I wish for a love so pure and gentle, so sweet and passionate. A love that is for me and a love that I deserve."
Once recited, they shall stand up and walk out of the room. If they successfully walked out without feeling pain, nausea or blacking out, they still have a chance to meet their destined one. If they felt those or even blacked out, then there is no one destined for them. And if that happens, they might feel a sudden urge to die the next day. It is up to them if they want to do it or not.
To the Twicer, when they guessed right and stayed, they must stay still and wait if the one they kissed returns to them. If they return, then they are destined to be. If they didn't return, then they are not to be and that they do not have someone destined for them. And just like the Odd One Out, they might feel the sudden urge to die. Again, it is up to them.
But what is the purpose of this thing you might ask? Aside from the fact that it is considered as a tradition, ritual or a simple event.
Well, it was believed that it gives all of the p[articipants a fruitful love life. Just that. So simple right? Well, that's The Kiss Bet for you. It only ever becomes dangerous when… one does not appreciate the one destined to them. It might end in a very red place.