Main characters


Age    : 16

Parents : Her parent were killed in a car accidents

Status. : single

Character : unpredictable, sensitive

Dazzle has a long black, soft hair, with dark eyes balls. She is kindhearted but always get in trouble because of her pretty face and good-looking structure.


Age    : 18

Parents : His parents are rich.

Status : single

Character : funny and sweet

Noah is a blonde haired, handsome teen. He is sweet and funny but when it comes to his sister or friend, he is a totally different person. He likes to end things short and sweet.


Age    : 17

Parents : His father died when he was young and mother is a prostitute but it is unknown.

Status : single

Character: mysterious and shady

Liam has a silky and black hair, with equally dark eyes balls. He was usually a friendly person but life made him cold and hard.


Age    :16

Parents : Her parent are rich and has a brother, Noah

Status  : taken

Character: bossy and rude

Lisa is a cute but bossy teen with brown hair. She is sweet to her friends but to those who hurt her, she is a total mean girl. She is close to Dazzle and loves her like her own sister.