
Ever since then, Dazzle and Liam started talking randomly. Dazzle kind of felt Liam knew more about her than what she said him. She found it creepy. But he is her only friend right now.

They talked about random stuff and became close enough to be called friends. They even planned to hang out later today. After school, Liam and Dazzle were walking in a peaceful road. Liam was looking at Dazzle and then the ice cream shop nearby repeatedly.

Dazzle sensed Liam wanted to take her to an ice cream shop but had no money. So she dragged him towards the ice cream shop, which was Jenny's. As expected she got two free ice cream from her friend. Jenny was very happy for Dazzle who finally has a friend in her class.

But the problem is, Liam is also a victim of bully and can't protect her. Jenny didn't like Liam after noticing him for a few minutes. She felt he had a bad gaze on Dazzle and gets irritated whenever she talks about another person.

Especially when she was talking about Noah, who is like Dazzle's brother. Liam was clenching his teeth. "If it is admiration, then it is okay but if it is an obsession it is dangerous... "Jenny thought.

After having an ice cream Liam was about to ask Dazzle about something but from nowhere an expensive car came. Lisa waved at Dazzle and Noah said: "hi Dazzle, hop in". Dazzle looked at Liam and said, " I am going now, nice to be your friend Liam." He was so furious that Dazzle left him but controlled the anger by forcing a smile.

Dazzle went to her apartment with Lisa. They watched a movie and slept together. Meanwhile, Liam was busy in his training. He is training hard to become strong. He has to complete it before his mother comes.

He doesn't like his mother at all because she is a dirty lady who does anything for money. He heard a faint creak of the door and then a happy humming with a deep manly voice. Liam's mother was with another man again. Liam immediately hid under the blanket and acted like he was asleep.

He felt his room door opening. He heard his mother's voice "He is asleep, let's have fun". Liam was so angry and wanted to hit both of them. He reduced his angry by crying his heart out, mumbling "how will she like me if she knows about these?".

Dazzle woke up and rushed to the cafe and found her boss busy. So she quietly started working but suddenly she felt his hand on her waist. She screamed but he pushed her down. She wasn't strong enough to stop him.

He tried controlling her but she managed to stop him for a bit and started crying. She has no idea what is going to happen. Just as she was about to give up, she heard a loud thud and found her boss lying down lifeless.

She was so afraid. She looked at the person. It was the guy back at the alley. He said, "we are meeting again." with a smirk. She rushed and hugged him. He said to her boss "she isn't working here anymore, order by MY BOSS GRIM ." Dazzle was sure that her boss died, seeing his lifeless body. Even though the hit by the stranger wasn't hard, the boss died.

Dazzle was shocked. BOSS GRIM is a gangster and heartless man but when it comes to kids and girls he has a soft spot because of his daughter. He is a very dangerous and most respected person. Dazzle tried processing everything. She asked that guy "who are you? Why are you wearing the mask?."

He said "call me LM" with that he left. She started crying thinking about what would have happened without LM. She said everything to Lisa. Dazzle was crying in a park seeing all the scratches that her former boss gave her.

She also said about it to Liam who was angry. But she felt that Liam was expecting her to say about this to him. Liam also said that her boss died after that. Liam and Dazzle became very close that they even enjoyed getting bullied together.

Later that week, Liam said Dazzle that it was his birthday. She was so sad that she didn't know it in advance but she planned to buy a gift for him and follow him to his house for a surprise.

She bought him a small bunny toy and a cute pencil. She tried following him to his house.

It was hard but she reached his house very excitedly. She ringed the bell, a man who looked so irritated, opened the door. As soon as he saw her, he licked his lips and smiled.

He let her in, she was hesitant but wanted to give the gift to Liam. That is when she saw a half-naked woman. That woman was so annoyed that she wore a shirt urgently and asked: "WHO ARE YOU ?" in an angry tone. The woman was thin and pretty with nice brown hairs.

Dazzle flinched with the sudden rise of voice and regretted coming. She said "sorry mam, I am Liam's friend. I wanted to give him a present for his birthday." That woman laughed and said "He has a girlfriend? I didn't know, LIAM."

Dazzle said "No mam, not his girlfriend, just his friend". That woman smirked. Dazzle saw Liam and smiled. But he was shocked and glared at Dazzle.

Dazzle was scared and totally regretted coming here. She thought she should just leave. But before she could turn, that woman pushed her to the floor. That woman said " I am Liam's mother, how could you come here without my permission. Did he say about me to you darling?

Liam's mother kept her left foot on Dazzle's chest pressing it. Dazzle started crying. Liam's mother said "Oh look she is crying, now because of you and your stupid gift. Liam is going to be punished ".

Liam's mother faced Liam and told "YOU FORGOT THAT YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO CALL YOUR GIRLFRIEND OVER UNLESS YOU ARE GONNA HAVE REAL FUN" Liam was angry that he rushed towards Dazzle and pushed her out of the house harshly by holding her hair.

She wept and said "I am so sorry, I wanted to surprised you but...." but he rudely said, "shut". With that He locked the door, slamming it on her face. Dazzle was crying uncontrollably, not knowing how to see Liam later at school.

She felt she messed up and ruined the whole friendship but still left her gift in the doorsteps. Liam felt bad but because of her kindness, he got hurt badly by his mother Later.