Bringing the love

Monica wiped her tears and started again with a deep breathe . " I wanted to talk to him thinking we both are together and couples . But I was so shy that I kept glancing at him while he was just staring at me .

I thought he is waiting for me, so I walked towards him but he sighed frustrated. I was confused . He suddenly stood up and asked " Why are you acting weird ?". His voice was so annoyed and dark .

I stammered and said "sor..ry ...". He was silent after that . So I asked him "hmmmm...want something to eat or drink." He coldly said " no ...I need nothing ."

I felt a bit uncomfortable because he was rude and cold to me . He was about to leave but I stopped him by dragging my courage .

He turned around with a raised eyebrow. I asked him "why ...why did ....kiss ? Noah sighed and said " I didn't kiss you .... I would never do that ." I was shocked and confused. He again walked away but this time I held his arm and asked him again "why did you kiss me yesterday ? And the lover's design ?" Noah pushed me away and said "I would never kiss you ... stop forcing me ."

That is when anger took control over me. I screamed at him and said " I liked you Noah but I didn't tell anyone But you were the one who gave me the lover's design and kissed me . Now you are telling you didn't.

I never thought you are a player and cheap boy ." Noah was so angry and he almost choked me by pinning me on the wall . He said "I never liked a normal and weak girl like you ... I wanted to visit the tattooist for a reason but to reduce the suspicion, I bought a damn lover's tattoo .

I can't give it to Lisa or Dazzle , so I gave it to you . I didn't want you to ask me stupid questions ... so I closed your mouth my kissing you . We have nothing more ." I was so shocked and heartbroken.

I asked him once again "Noah , is it true ? You really didn't have any emotion towards me ..." Noah firmly nodded his head and walked away but I yelled at him " you stole my first kiss for you little games ... you are a idiot ..." That is when Noah got so angry and slapped me .

I was the one who was supposed to be angry . He used me Lisa and Dazzle . Noah used me . I have always seen him kind towards you .

I thought that day, when he accepted my name suggestions of Deadly Charms , he liked me or at-least as a friend but no ...he didn't like me at all . He only saw me as a weak girl who is clinging with you .

I saw him as my friend , more than my boyfriend. But he was ready to break my heart . I would never be able to do it to him . This clearly stated the difference between my love for him and his emotion towards me ."

With that Monica started to cry again . Dazzle was so angry but was surprised on how Monica said the whole event detailed . Noah usually is not a womaniser but to succeed his missions he uses girls .

But Monica is one of his friends, he can't do it to her . Dazzle suddenly remembered the photograph she took when Noah and Monica kissed . Dazzle asked Monica "Isn't Noah denying the fact he kissed you ?"

Monica slowly nodded . Lisa said " then we will prove him that he is lying ." Dazzle continued "If he thinks no one saw what happened yesterday night , then he is wrong . He will deny his kiss with you but we have proof to make him speechless."

Monica stopped them and said "No, please no ... I don't want to ruin your eternal friendship. I will take this burden."

Lisa smirked and said "No.... we give justice to every girls and punish every boys who makes a girl cry , Noah is our own boy ... let's do this ." Dazzle held Monica's hands and said "You are not ruining our friendship. We have had bigger fights . This is not a big deal . But your heart has been crushed .... that to by Noah .

You are crying but you are not the one to be accused . You did nothing wrong . Noah will just learn a lesson ."

Monica wasn't very sure about it but she accepted . Dazzle and Lisa had a plan in their mind for Noah . Their plan was to say everyone that Monica is missing . They also used a letter that Monica wrote while she was sad , in which she says ,

" My heart is in extreme pain . I don't want to live . I had been cheated before but this time it hurts more . Sorry Dazzle , I could not help you anymore. I want to work for Liam but I cannot. I am going to leave you guys . I am going to my parents and ancestors. Time to say good bye . I love you Noah ."

Dazzle was so angry when she read the letter because this letter was written whole heartily by Monica before Lisa and Dazzle found her in the building top . Lisa was so sad that Monica was ready to die for Noah .

According to Noah it is a usual job . He kissed many girls just to trap them by his charms and surrender them to his boss but Monica was not used to it or knew about it .

The other main reason why it is painful for Monica is because she loved him .Noah could have just said her the truth why he bought the lover's design .

Dazzle and Lisa were ready to act according to their plan . Monica will be staying in the church until Lisa informs her .

Lisa and Dazzle didn't tell anyone about their plans . That night, Lisa and Dazzle walked back to their training place with a concerned face . They noticed Noah fidgeting his hands . Lisa slowly said " Monica is missing .

Please search around the place and check around , brother . " Noah widened his eye and obeyed her . Dazzle smirked a little .