Interlocked hand

Boss Grim assured Lisa and Dazzle that he will come to the hospital and he also made sure to look after the mysterious sniper. Dazzle was talking with Noah. Noah was explaining her briefly about his visit to Nathan's shop.

Noah said "Nathan is a thin but tall guy. He always has his sly grin plastered on his lips. He has a dark intense eye and a causal clothing style." Dazzle said "I have no idea about that person but why didn't you tell me about the design.

Weren't we together in investigating the old building." Noah said with a deep sigh "I am sorry ...Nathan is very badly mannered when it comes to girls. I was afraid to take you along with me. Any girl who gets his attention, ends up in his bed."

Dazzle chuckled and said "Any human girl would but not me." Noah nodded defeated. Dazzle asked "Can you show me the design?" Noah said "Sure ...check in my gallery." Dazzle rushed and took Noah's phone.

It had a badly damaged screen but she could see the icons and pictures in it. Dazzle opened the gallery and scrolled through the picture. Her eyes that were also scrolling down the phone stopped when she saw a design.

She impatiently asked Noah "Is this it ?" Noah looked at the design in his phone and nodded a yes. Dazzle looked at Noah with wide eyes. Noah was confused and asked "Dazzle, are you alright?"

But Dazzle didn't reply. She looked at the design which had two hands interlocked and hearts surrounding it, but the shocking part is, it had been depicted with bloods and scars. Dazzle immediately looked at her bracelet.

Her bracelet had a design of two hands interlocked and surrounded with hearts but no blood or scars. Noah who noticed Dazzle's weird expression, got up from the hospital bed and looked at the picture in his phone. Dazzle looked at Noah and gave him her bracelet. Noah understood her expression and looked back at her with a unexplainable expression.

Dazzle was expecting her body to react to her finding, as expected her wrist started to draw a new line on itself.

Dazzle didn't have the wrist pain ever since Liam died. All the lines disappeared because she managed to revenge all her most hated person and forgive rest. But now she has the pain again.

Noah said "Ummm...a new enemy ...the design in the bracelet and the design found in the old building are same except the additional features of blood and scars. I am so curious."

Dazzle looked at Noah and said "Take rest Noah. Dad is coming today. Let's ask him about the bracelet." Noah nodded and said "don't tell him that the bracelet and the design is related ...yet" Dazzle gave a confident nod and walked out of the room to tell about her findings to Lisa , KL and Monica.

Lisa and Monica were truly shocked and kept on looking at both the bracelet and the design. Lisa suddenly said "Why do I feel it is a bit romantic?" Dazzle asked her "romantic ?" Lisa replied facing Dazzle ,"I meant ....those couples interlocking hands and hearts around ... definitely romantic"

Dazzle said "Dad said me that it's mother's...he gave it to me in her memory." Lisa said " is so lovey dovey..." Dazzle groaned irritated and said "that is not the matter but the same design is a bit disturbed in the design we found.

Lisa nodded when KL suddenly said "I think I have seen this design on Boss Grim's chest once when he was treated for a gun shot." Dazzle asked "the bracelet design or..."

KL without any hesitation said "the one with scars." Monica said "Maybe, Boss Grim was in pain of his loss so...." Dazzle nodded and said "Yes, Monica has a point."

KL asked Dazzle "Do you think it is someone planning for a revenge ?" Dazzle said "Maybe ..." Lisa added "we can be sure only when we ask about it to Boss Grim." Everyday were waiting for Boss Grim.

Finally , Boss Grim came to the hospital in a bad temper. He shot two guards of his, on spot without any questions.

Boss Grim scolded every guard "You are freaking here to take care of my beloved daughters and sons but you ... EACH OF YOU ARE GOING TO BE PUNISHED SEVERELY FOR NOAH'S INJURY ...That you will feel those two who died are lucky." Every guards were shivering in fright.

But once his eyes fell on terrified Dazzle, he softened. He immediately hugged her and asked her "Are you fine princess? Where is Noah?" Dazzle said "I am good dad ...Noah is in the first room in the second left corridor.

"Boss Grim left immediately to look at Noah. He talked with Noah and the others for hours. Later, he left the hospital with Dazzle and Lisa, leaving KL and Monica to take care of Noah. Once they reached the training place. Lisa and Dazzle freshened up.

Dazzle took this opportunity to talk to her dad about her bracelet.

Dazzle searched for her father. She finally found him in his office , drinking water and relaxing. Once Boss Grim saw her, he warmly welcomed her inside. Dazzle went in.

Boss Grim asked her "What do you need, my dear?" Dazzle asked " umm dad ....can you tell me about this bracelet and the carvings in it?" Boss Grim looked so happy and said "That was a hand made carving gifted to your mother by her former boyfriend."

Dazzle looked shocked and asked "you let her wear it ?" Boss Grim chuckled and said "He Broke her heart because he had to marry his cousin according to his father but he still loved her. I didn't mind it. He actually made it for both of us. I tattooed it in my chest."

Dazzle looked surprised and nodded. She said "thanks dad..." Later, they talked randomly and finally when it was late Dazzle left Boss Grim's office to sleep.

Dazzle was confused because KL said Boss Grim had a scary tattoo version of her bracelet's carvings , maybe because he wanted it to look scary. Dazzle thought. Dazzle said Lisa about what ever she learnt.

Everyone suspected her mother's former boyfriend because he drew this tattoo. But suddenly Noah said "wait but Nathan said he drew the design the other day." Noah also mentioned about how Nathan said the person whoever bought this tattoo from him, had a same tattoo as Boss Grim in his arm.

Everyone were so confused. They were hoping for the better.