Man in the room

Just as Dazzle completed her sentence, everyone were ready to leave but stopped once they heard a clear male voice saying "Use me and leave me just like that." Everyone were shocked and turned around to see what they heard.

SL was sitting in the chair with a weak smile. Dazzle looked at Lisa and asked "You sedated him right?" Lisa nodded slowly. SL laughed and said " It is not her fault...this same thing happened to me before" looking at Noah. Noah immediately looked away.

"So I took a drug that kept me conscious to find out." Lisa exactly know what he meant and looked down a bit sad. Noah immediately apologised but SL shook his head and said "I know you are curious.... not curious but you need to get this information to save my friend.

I am not blaming you ... ask me anything you want to know about me or BOSS GRIM....let me help you with a whole heart." Dazzle didn't believe her eyes. Everyone nodded half happy and half confused.