Peaceful torture

Dazzle was waiting for the guard to come back with her father but the guards told that he was in a very bad condition because of that they already took him to the hospital.

The guards didn't want to tell or show Dazzle her father's body's condition. But Dazzle was not giving up. She kept on saying "My dad is alive. He is waiting for me."

Dazzle and the others went to the hospital. Dazzle felt so weak so she sat on a chair while Noah asked the doctor "What happened?"

The doctor sadly looked away and said, "He died. His body was badly torn up after his death. I am afraid I can't let you see him in this condition."

Dazzle stopped breathing once she heard the word "death". She angrily went and held the doctor by his collar and said, "You failed to save"

Noah and KL pulled her back and apologised to the doctor. Jenny and Lisa's therapist also came to visit them at the hospital.