Scared but bold

Lisa didn't feel good about going alone to the top room of the old building anymore.

She thought, "It would be a waste if I died without telling others anything."

Her thoughts were all messed up.

Lisa stood at the middle set of stairs fighting with her thoughts whether to leave or stay.

Her confusion made her lose control of her emotions and voice.

Lisa finally decided to go back to their apartment and pretend nothing happened.

Lisa took two steps down but was stopped immediately by a cold hand pulling her.

Lisa looked at the person who was dragging her with a fear visible in her eye.

Lisa said, "Leave me alone, David." In a stern voice but it showed how scared she was.

The person immediately let her go and looked at her.

Lisa looked at David blankly. David asked,

"How did you find it was me?" Lisa said, "Who cares?" with a cold expression.

David said, "I do care. I didn't want anyone to know about this but...look at you." annoyed.

Lisa said, "You were dumb to show those letters." David chuckled and said, "Oh. So, That is how you found me."

Lisa asked, "How are you still alive?" David said smirking, "Do you think I can simply die without even hugging or kissing my baby?"

Lisa looked sharply at David and said sternly, "Shut up. Leave Dazzle alone.

I came here to talk about it. Now that you are alive, leave this place and find something better to do."

David said casually, "Fine then. Goodbye."

Lisa suddenly realised that David has the fourth key.

Lisa shouted, "DAVID...STOP. GIVE ME THE KEY."

David was expecting this. He simply smirked and said, "Sorry. I have to leave from this place." with an innocent face.

Lisa let out a frustrated cry and pleaded, "Please...David, don't make it hard for us. We have to save Monica."

David's eye suddenly darkened.

He pushed Lisa a little and said, "How will you feel when the person you love and the person for whom you are ready to give your life... plays with your feelings."

Lisa stopped David in middle and said, "Dazzle didn't play with you. She just didn't like you and wanted to leave."

David said, "So she used my love for her as a weapon against me. I was kind to her...that is the fault.

If I had tortured her as I do to everyone, at the very first, she wouldn't have dared."

Lisa smiled and asked, "Which Dazzle are you talking about? Dazzle isn't a weakling like you. She is strong."

David smirked and asked, "That is why, the person whom she hated, who she escaped from, made her go insane when she heard his voice.

I just called her name and she was already shaking. I hugged her and she fainted. So strong, right?"

Lisa looked down and asked, "So what do you want now? Please don't tell me you want my friend."

David said, "Right now...I or more like WE have something more important."

Lisa asked puzzled, "What?"

David said, "The pendant. We have to find more about it. Save Monica..."

Lisa asked more puzzled and suspicious, "Why do you care?"

David smiled sadly and said, "Did you forget...that the pendant was the only reason my life is a mess.

I lost love and comfort by seeking it from that horrible thing.

I lost everyone but thought they were with me inside the pendant but they were freaking puppets of the magic."

Lisa asked, "The magic controls them?."

David nodded and said, "I guess it kills all the love that the owner gets. It gets possessive over the owner in a wrong way."

Lisa added, "Like you." David scoffed and said, " First, we must open the chamber and then continue finding until we know the truth."

Lisa nodded. David added, "But before that, we must reveal me to my baby." with a smirk.

David said, "Lisa pretend like I am dead. Don't you dare tell anyone anything?"