Trusted you to help...only help

Dazzle kept on a cold look outside but deep inside, she was concerned and wanted to know what happened to David.

Dazzle was extremely puzzled by David's sudden change of character. Dazzle wondered, "Why didn't he kill me?" "Why is he calm?"

Dazzle kept on thinking and stopped once she saw herself hugging Lisa.

Lisa asked," What happened Dazzle?"

Dazzle looked around and understood that she was about to trip over a trash can and before that would happen Lisa pulled her towards her.

Dazzle looked at Lisa who looked so worried and said, "Sorry...I was thinking."

David smiled and then said, "Let's go..." Lisa looked at David and said, "We will go when we want...kept quiet and follow or get lost."

Dazzle looked at Lisa surprised and smiled widely.

Lisa whispered to Dazzle, "Don't think I am not scared.

I don't know where I suddenly get courage from but once I do that brave work all my courage disappears.

Dazzle laughed and walked with Lisa.

David was looking around but Dazzle's laughter made him look at her filled with happiness, that Dazzle was indirectly giving him with her happy face.

Dazzle and Lisa reached their training place and informed KL and Noah to meet them at their training place.

David started walking inside their training place but Lisa and Dazzle immediately stopped him and said, "We still didn't permit you."

David said, "I can sneak in if I glad that I am going inside your training place in front of your eyes."

Dazzle mumbled, "Half of the time...I cannot even understand what he talking or what he meant."

Lisa nodded and said, "David...stay there...don't move. Let Noah and KL come."

David rolled his eyes and stood in a corner leaning against the wall.

After a few minutes, Noah walked in with KL and said, "Make it fast girls and...Lisa after the go and visit Monica..."

Dazzle asked, "What about me?"

Noah looked at Dazzle and said, "You are banned from the hospital..."

Dazzle nodded and pointed her finger at David.

Dazzle looked at Noah expecting him to be surprised and mad but Noah smiled.

Lisa looked at Noah surprised, as Noah walked towards David and shook his hands.

Dazzle asked sternly, "Care to explain?"

KL patted Dazzle's shoulders and said, "Dazzle...and Lisa, David met us in the hospital yesterday.

He showed us all the convincing proofs for him to be here."

Noah continued, "So we are gonna let him help us...but we will never take him inside our personnel places..."

Lisa nodded while Dazzle looked at the fresh green grasses below her.

Noah walked towards Dazzle and hugged her.

Noah then said Lisa to go and visit Monica.

Dazzle looked at David who was staring at her and walked away to their apartment.

Noah said, "Dazzle be safe. We are not going to leave you alone with him.

Don't fall into his traps and tricks."

Dazzle nodded.

Once they reached their apartment,

Noah looked at David and said, "Take a seat."

KL sat next to David maintaining some distance.

Noah asked, "So can we have the key of yours?"

Dazzle looked at Noah and said, "It is our key..." strictly.

David chuckled and nodded.

David said, "I will but you have to open it in front of me."

Noah nodded and went to his room to take the chamber out.

He put the chamber with three key in it on the table.

Dazzle took a deep breath and waited for David to open the chamber.

David took out the fourth key and without hesitation put in inside the chamber.

Dazzle held Noah's arm tightly and looked at the chamber.

The chamber started to shine in bright red just like how Dazzle's pendant shined.

Dazzle looked at her pendant which was shining red.

The chamber made a loud creak and then a soft thud. All the bright lights started to shrunk and vanish.

Dazzle saw the same beam of light that shows her direction when she needs, going inside the opened chamber and disappear.

Dazzle like all other curiously looked inside the chamber to find a small paper filled with names in black.

Noah took the papers out and read, "Owner, please do the needed work."

Dazzle asked, "Owner? Work?"

David said, "You are the owner and the pendant is telling you this."

KL added, "I think you must meet all the people named here and ...find something."

Dazzle nodded and read the names.

The small paper had ten names on it. Five of the names belonged to Men and other five of ladies.

Dazzle read the names aloud, "Steve, Authur, Ray, Nathen, Lev, Steffy, Millie, Selin, Kiara, Windy."

Dazzle said, "What in the world? Kiara?"

Noah said, "Nathen? Why are these names familiar?"

Dazzle touched the names and suddenly the name "Kiara" changed from black to red colour.

Dazzle remembered the lines in her wrist that changed their colours once the person noted in her wrist dies.

Dazzle immediately explained it to others.

Noah asked, "So you mean... we must kill these people without a reason?

And As Kiara is already dead...her name changed the colour."

KL added, "So it's the same Kiara who.."

Dazzle nodded and kept her hands on KL's mouth to close his mouth.

KL nodded understandingly and said, "So I have some knowledge with computers because of Monica.

I will search for the peoples."

Noah said, "But we are not killing unless we have a reason."

Dazzle said assuringly, "Yes...sure."

Noah said, "I will call and inform Lisa about this then."

Dazzle said mockingly, "I think Lisa will pull off your wig once she finds we opened the chamber without her."

Noah asked, "Wig? Seriously...I am kind of scared of her reaction though."

Dazzle laughed loudly but stopped when she saw David staring at her.

His stares were so intense and it made Dazzle tensed.

Dazzle looked at her pendant and rubbed it to hide her nervousness from David but David just chuckled and pulled her for a hug.

Noah cut his call with Lisa and stood up alarmed.

Noah said, "David...stop...We trusted you to help us...only help us."

David smirked and let go of Dazzle who was trying to use her mind-reading stone on David.