Victorious smile

Millie said, "Hey...little girl...we are going to burn you to ashes."

Dazzle replied with a rude tone, "I am going to beat your asses."

Dazzle chuckled making everyone worried and confused.

Windy asked, "What? Why are you laughing? It was not funny."

Dazzle said, "Everyone gets burnt to ash once they die...nothing special in burning me to ashes...umm..let me help you.

If I was you, I would cut off all your toes one by one. Pull each of your hair out.

Poke your eye out with a fork.

Feed you your fried fingers. And server you acid to drink."

Dazzle looked at everyone and blinked innocently.

Selin asked stammering, "A-are y-you a p-psycho or what?"

Dazzle smiled and said, "What else would I be? Something more influential? A MAFIA?"

Dazzle started laughing again.

Ray said, "You have a big mouth...wait till I break your bones and make you weak..."

Dazzle said blankly, "Do it first..."

Ray angrily pulled Dazzle down by her hair and started hitting her.

Dazzle who was bleeding heavily said, "You made the biggest mistake." and started laughing creepily.

Lev asked, "What do you mean?"

Dazzle looked at him but a voice said, "You think you trapped her? or she is the only one who killed your friends?"

Lev said trembling, "You didn't open your mouth ... Then who?"

The same voice said, "It was me". followed by a deep chuckle.

Everyone looked behind them and saw Lisa walking with her thorn belt in her hand, swinging it side to side.

Suddenly Noah from behind said, "You are utterly ridiculous to bring all our target in one place..making our job of killing you all easier."

Dazzle laughed and said, "You were been tricked..."

KL said with a struggling tone, "Ahhh...guys.l.when ...must I release him."

Dazzle said with a smirk, "Now"

Within seconds, David growled like an animal and jumped in the top of Ray.

David was not a human right now, the beast inside him woke up because another man touched his girl.

Dazzle said, "Goodbye Ray."

Lisa who was furious walked near to Windy and pulled her by her hand and pressed her heels onto Windy's stomach.

Noah shot on the arms of Lev and untied Dazzle.

Dazzle walked to Selin and Steffy. Dazzle said, "Did you really think I would be careless enough to walk here all alone?"

Dazzle punched repeatedly at Steffy and Seline.

Noah shouted, "Everyone...please shoot them. We are not giving our fingerprints to the cops. Right?"

Dazzle said, "That is only gonna add a bit more of the stuff against us."

Dazzle noticed Millie sneaking away.

Dazzle sang, "I am Billy. I want Lily. Where are you going, Millie?"

Millie started running away but KL shot her with his gun.

KL and Noah's motive was to kill but Dazzle, Lisa and David wanted to torture them.

David stood up with a satisfied grin looking at Ray's dead body.

Ray was torn into pieces and was surrounded by a pool of his blood.

Dazzle said softly, "Drown in your blood Ray."

KL killed Lev who was shot by Noah and couldn't run away.

Lisa happily hugged Dazzle with a victorious smile.

Lisa and Dazzle looked around to see all their targets dead.

Lisa sighed and asked, "What's next?"

Noah said, "We go back to the chamber and check..."

KL, Noah, Lisa and Dazzle hugged and walked towards their apartment with a wide victorious smile.