This is not the end

It had been two days ever since the doctors stated that Noah lost his life.

Lisa, Dazzle, David, KL and Darwin planned on keeping a simple funeral. It is not like many people want to visit the funeral.

Lisa gave up on trying to call for her parents. Dazzle looked at Lisa's state. Lisa hoped for her parents to notice them.

Dazzle sighed and called to their old buddy, Strange Lover. Dazzle told him what had happened.

Strange Lover was not good at comforting and Dazzle didn't expect for the comfort too. She ended the call with an invite to the funeral.

Dazzle thought for a while and also planned on inviting her their old friend, Jenny.

Even though, the call was awkward. Jenny accepted on visiting them soon with her boyfriend, who lives in an abroad country with Jenny.