New Friend

Noah said, concerned, "Wash your face and change your dress. Tell me, if you feel ticklish on the wound. It is a sign of infection. We MUST see the doctor in that case."

Kaycee gulped and asked, "Hey. How do you know these kinds of stuff? I mean, you ain't a doctor."

Noah scoffed and said, "I have seen dad treat his wounds. You forgot whose child we are, didn't you?

We are born to people for whom stabs are as usual as breakfast."

Kaycee chuckled and said, "I am embarrassed to say this-" Noah stopped her, shrugging and said, with a proud face, "Don't thank me? It's alright."

Kaycee chuckled and said, "I wasn't going to thank you, though." Noah looked away, embarrassed and said, "I don't care. Good night."

Kaycee looked up and saw her brother walking away. Kaycee scoffed and yelled, "Yah! TAKE ME WITH YOU! I CANNOT WALK, RIGHT NOW. PLEASE."