Cannot run

After five minutes, Igor said, filled with excitement, "We reached."

Kaycee looked at a big fashion house, filled with many costly dresses, handbags and cosmetics products.

Kaycee shook her head and said, "Too go...I am not coming."

Igor chuckled and said, boasting his wealth, "I am paying for you. So come on."

Kaycee smiled sarcastically and said, "Well, it ain't your money. Either you stole them from some random people, or it is your freaking dumbass father's."

Igor shook his head, giving up on convincing her and forcefully pulled Kaycee out of the car by grabbing her arms.

He said, sternly, "Just do what I say."

Kaycee rolled her eyes, in annoyance and followed Igor with a pout on her face.

She looked at the other side of the fashion house and saw Yuna and Kim Sik, looking at gowns and suits while Viktor was flirting two girls who were the staffs working at the shop.