Contrast feelings

Just like that, the male actor is naming the woman's kid as one of the hated and avoided genders.

So now, the woman can't hate the name cause that is her child's name. Peridot."

Kaycee nodded in awe but leaned towards Kevin, a little blurred in confusion, and asked, "But that is a total bullshit, right?"

Kevin nodded and said, "Yeah. This is very immature and childish to do, also because the male actor is not in the right state of mind, according to the story, remember?"

Kaycee said, "Ahhh!" and finally understood the part. She was dumbfounded by the script and plots. It was intriguing and informative.

Just as the play was near to the end, Kevin and Steve got a call from the police station.

They were informed that a kid from the park was gone missing.

Kevin immediately stood up from the seat and said, "I will drop you at your house. We have something important to do. Steve sir?"

Steve nodded and slowly got up while sighing.