A curse is happening

Kaycee chuckled and said, "My love life happened a bit too fast along with some unfortunate and unforgettable events,

so I wasn't able to concentrate or think about those small but beautiful moments and well, share them to you."

Noah looked at how his sister was blushing and asked, "Can I talk with him, right now?

Or text him? I just want to have a man to man talk with him."

But Kaycee said sternly, "No. He just helped me escape his best friend and his mansion,

so if I call him or text him, he will be caught over there in the mansion for helping a hostage to escape.

He is still in that mansion.

So, let's act professionally and think before we do something."

After saying that, Kaycee started to wonder how her parents are as that advice reminded her of her mother's advice,

but her thoughts were disturbed as her mobile phone rang.

She immediately picked up the call, curiously as she saw the caller's name. It was Kevin.