A piece of her past

Stephanie woke up as she found herself lying in a stack of hays inside a dungeon.

Her body was itching, and small pieces of the hay sticks were poking and tickling her.

She got irritated as she couldn't rub her back, which was itching her.

She started screaming and yelling while kicking her legs.

She looked around, disgusted and saw herself inside a dirty and rusted prison.

It had bloody handprints, blood drops, hairs, torn dresses which were freaking her out.

Her hands and legs were cuffed tightly, but she still managed to reach the iron bar of the prison by dragging herself.

She held on to it and looked around with difficulties.

She looked around and saw many kids around her, tied up and also beaten up.

She cried as she saw her brother and Noah among them, lying on the hay floor while sleeping with discomfort.