Blind spot

Kaycee sighed in relief as she asked, "Jake? What about him? Hmm"

Rose's smile faded while Jenifer looked down at her feet while hesitating. "Tell me,"

Kaycee asked, firmly as she sensed that something was wrong.

Jenifer sighed as she said while stammering, "The hospital didn't admit or treat him as he is a gangster.

They said they needed a police authority to sign their document.

So he has been taken to a private hospital, it is far away.

We still didn't hear from them. They don't want us to visit them too.

Viktor called me two days ago and said that they are in a hospital, two days ago, that is all I heard from them.

I don't know, honestly. Don't worry, he will be alright.."

Kaycee looked away as she blinked in a few of the tears that flowed out without control.

"I am freaking killing all the doctors here if anytime happens to him. Fuck this shit."

Kaycee said as she gritted her teeth, angrily.