A kiss in public

Jake immediately removed his mask, dragging every girl's attention.

His big doe eyes, bunny-like nose and thin lips were a perfect visual when they joined his sharp, blade-like jawlines.

He wore a sandal loose shirt, which made him simply attractive and his tight pants, showing off his muscular thighs made girls crazy.

But his eyes were on Kaycee, only on her.

He looked at her with his mesmerising eye and leaned closer as he whispered something in her ears.

Kaycee gasped when he asked her for a ...

Her cheeks flushed as she was both coy and embarrassed.

He asked her in a dominating tone, "Give me a kiss, baby.

I want every guy here to know that you are mine,"

Kaycee was ready to stand up and run away, but she was glued to her seat.

"Huh! Here? No way." Kaycee said and looked away with a "save me" smile.

She hated it as everyone was looking at Jake.