
Dazzle flipped her hair as she entered the court, which was just a renovated council room.

"I am back here." She mumbled as she did the procedure with the help of a few men in black.

She took a seat and just looked straight. "Everything is ready. Just focus on your points, and well, I am here for you, mother." Jake said as he hid his face with his cap for extra fun

Dazzle nodded as she looked at the opposite. All her opponents were there.

The court had three centre chair for the judges.

Either side of the centre chairs was a row of chairs in which one side was filled with Dazzle and people who support her, other was Jaxon and his ministers and officials.

The judges entered with a smile and bow. Dazzle smiled as she looked around.

The main judge and another judge were men, while the other one was a lady.

The place was surrounded by many cameras. "I never knew that I was a celebrity." She whispered as she chuckled.