Busy as hell

It was midnight, past the time to be awake,

"Gosh! How can someone be so cruel?

The biggest sin in this entire universe is waking a person who is sleeping peacefully.

Sinner!" Noah whined as he held his torchlight in one hand and used the other for rubbing his sleepy eye.

"Shut up, you are loud and annoying," Kaycee warned.

They were walking on the empty corridor of the hospital's fifth floor.

"I don't know why, but this part of the hospital is empty and quiet," Noah said.

"Idiot. This is the fifth floor. Duh!" Kaycee said, rolling her eyes.

"What? So what if this is the fifth floor?" Noah asked as he was clueless.

"Well, I actually eavesdropped that the fifth floor is the floor in which mentally unstable people are kept.

Doctors are scared to even step here.

Only strong and brave doctors, along with many other supporters enter here." Kaycee whispered.

"Then why the heck are we here!?" Noah whisper-yelled.