The end

David was waiting outside the emergency room. For the first time in a while, he felt stressed and worried.

"Ugh!" He groaned as he remembered about Kaycee Cadwith whose screams could be heard outside the emergency room.

David didn't inform anyone else yet as he was dumbfounded and confused.

He was tapping his leg on the floor but stopped as he couldn't hear Kaycee Cadwith's scream anymore. A barmy silence filled the corridor. Everyone in the corridor looked at David apologetic.

He didn't know how to react until he heard a low pitch cry. A baby was born. He smiled unexpectedly as he got up.

After a few minutes, a doctor stepped out with a tiny towel wrapping in his hands. "It is a girl, sir."

He exclaimed but his expression dropped as he said, "We couldn't save the mom."

David was shocked. Even though, it made things easier for him, he couldn't deny the fact he had a little crush on Kaycee or the fact, he actually killed her.