Chapter Five : Talent

Chapter 5

I woke up early at exactly 3:30am, I began to start getting changed into dark tight-fitting clothes that I thought were inconspicuous and perfect for combat training. It was now 3:45 so I decided that I needed to leave for the wine cellar immediately. I walked down the lavish carmine coloured halls decorated with extravagant paintings and ornaments, cautiously tip-toeing along as to not be discovered by the mansion's guards or other maids on night duty. Although I work in the Von Heimberg household, if I were to be found suspiciously lurking around at night I would most likely be suspected as a spy from other rival households. And spies of the Von Heimberg household are definitely not treated nicely. I would most likely have my tongue cut off and my arms amputated… Just the thought gave me chills. Still recovering from the disturbing thought I felt a cold hand touch my shoulder from behind, "Did someone sneak up on me? I didn't hear anyone though!" I thought to myself as I panicked, quickly trying to devise a plan that would stop me from being discovered. I decided that I would pull my top over my nose to cover most of my face so as to not be recognised, and after I would turn around hit them in the stomach and as they try to recover I would run.

I was about to put my plan into action when I heard the person behind me say, " Pathetic." I turned around as I recognised the voice and saw that it was Eliza, the person that was supposed to train me. Surprised by her disdainful expression, I took a quick step back. She wasn't like the Eliza from before. She was full of expression and obvious scorn. As of right now she looked like the devil, sadistic and cruel.

She spoke quietly but still full of strength, " We need to go, seeing your measly skills has put me in a revolting mood and now I'm craving blood." The murderous look in her eyes made me shudder but also made me fully realise how weak I am… I need strength. To avenge the ones I love and to protect myself in the future. No matter what, I will get stronger.

I followed Eliza to the wine cellar, filled with large neatly stacked barrels of liquor. Eliza pressed a slightly chipped stone that was hidden behind one of the oak liquor barrels, a hidden pathway was opened at the corner of the room. Eliza and I walked towards it when she cautioned, "If you even think of telling anyone about this place I will rip out your tongue and skin you alive..." Her menacing voice was dark and devilish but Louise's was much scarier. I remained composed and simply replied to her remark with, "I like my tongue in my mouth, so I will ensure that It remains there." As we descended the stone cylindrical stairs Eliza stopped suddenly, almost bumping into her I steady myself. My balance was only just returning when Eliza turned her head and looked into my eyes, she was searching for something though I'm unsure as to what it was. Determination? Confidence? Whatever it was I think she found it as she turned her head back and smiled subtly.

We continued down the never ending stairs lit with strong burning oil candles that shone a radiant gold. Finally, reaching the bottom of the bottomless stairs I heaved a sigh of relief, "We did it!" I shouted internally. Eliza turned to me swiftly, " Your training will take place here, I hope that you will soon familiarize yourself with combat and poison synthesis soon so that the Young Madam has some use for you."

"I promise you that I will become a master at them quickly, I don't enjoy being a burden." I said, filled with determination and confidence. Just after I had finished my sentence Eliza's hand quickly moved towards my throat trying to jab it, but before the blow could fully connect I dodged it by moving to the left and catching her hand with mine halting it's movements. Surprised by my own reflexes my heart began to beat rapidly. I didn't know I could do that?! Eliza obviously astounded too halted and once again looked me in the eye, �� You have talent. Now it's time for some real combat training."

To be continued…