
The Cat and the Dog

It was a day or so that Doxin woke up from his knocked-out sleep. He was inside a dark room with one couch, no lights, except a dying lantern, and in particular, no human. Yes, no one was there, just a lone room that was there for no simple reason. The detective took a very silent gaze around the place, it was sure that no one was there. He began to get up very slowly, he checked behind his back and grabbed a pistol from his belt. He faced it around shakingly, his eyes twitched from the pain.

*Click* Doxin wiped his pale face. His brown hair started to sweat and his red long jacket and black vest began to change colors.

"Wherever you are, Mr. Scam!" he shouted, with a shaked voice. *Click* And this time, it was his pistol. It was lights that followed on Det. Jacques innocent confused face. "I forgot to turn down the air condition," he said, smacking his head. Doxin rolled his eyes and laughed at such a fear he had for air conditioning. "My, my my. My head feels squashed," Doxin said, taking a seat.

"Well, after all, you did hit your head really hard."

"What do you mean?"

Det. Jacques sat down with him and sighed. "Well, you were knocked off my Mr. Scam and bumped your head on a pole and then landed onto a store of apples." Doxin grunted in embarrassment but then he muttered. "How—he just—"

"Mr. Scam is not a guy to play with, he was a Lieutenant-Colonel in the military." That certain sentence made Doxin one piece of his mind blow.

"Colonel S!" Mr. Scam was a in the military, so SEOT must be—"

"That SEOT is a part of the military. But then that means, didn't their military turn to? Probably explains—"

Holding up a strict finger, Doxin hissed 'Don't even.' Jacques dryly chuckled. "Also, the boy—Owen—is sleeping right now." The detective's happy face folded into a confused one. "Why do you never tell me anything?"

It was correct that Owen was there sleeping very snuggly. But sooner or later, he got up.

He went out of the bed very tired and worn out. But then, as he turned around, he saw a splatter of blood.

"Qui crie?" Det. Jacques wondered. He adjusted his black hair and put on his hat. As he came, he saw blood on the bed and Owen breathing as if he was about to blow. The french detective chuckled silently. "Boy, that's tomato juice." Owen stopped his crying in a sudden second. He slowly looked at the bed, the "blood" was very chunky and thick. He knew it was all those hard experiences from his aunt dying to the scar on his eye. He was scared, frustrated and very tired.

"Je suis désolé, if all this is too hard for you," Det. Jacques said kneeling down and patting him on the back. Owen's tears quietly fell out. "Are you going to save my father?" he asked. "Yes, we will."

Det. Doxin put on his dark red, long jacket. "Come on let's go." Jacques nodded, comforting Owen from his seldom tears. As the detectives left and closed the door, he looked at his orange pajamas which were stained with tomato juice.

In a beamed rush, Doxin opened the door to the driver seat. "No, passenger seat, your head is squished," Det. Jacques explained mingling with his hands to show how Det. Doxin's head was squished. They switched at the least, and drove off to the gas station. It wasn't a planned thing at first but the grand tourer seemed to have run out of gas first.

Doxin put the fueler inside the fuel hole of the grand tourer vexedly. As Det. Jacques was in the car, looking at pictures of him and Doxin, he said, "Would you mind—"

Det. Doxin looked at him with an arched eyebrow. "Would I mind what?" he asked, putting his hand on the car and crossing his legs wonderly. "If we have a exquis' est satisfaisant donut meal, I'm much of—hungry," Det. Jacques replied softly with a pause that was very indeed—silent. Det. Doxin thought about it for quite a time.


It was indeed true that they strolled into the gas station building which had red shiny tables and white chairs and was overall—empty. "Hey, is this place closing?" Doxin asked, gazing at the view around the soulless place. "Yes, certain enough."

They took their pleasant seats and sighed of the beautiful smell.

"Well, this smell seems familiar—aw yes, cinnamon," Jacques said with a pleasant low tone. Doxin checked the time on his watch, it was about ten am—which had Doxin wondering. Why would they close so soon? He decided to vexedly ignore and continue on with his pleasant donuts. A female waiter that had brown hair, a red shirt and blue jeans, and a black apron came over. "What do you want for today?"

"I'll take two donuts and a cup of decaf coffee, and make that two."

The woman quickly wrote the quick orders of the detective's. "Okay anything else?" Doxin abruptly cleared his throat. "Why are you guys closing so early?"

"It was an order from the king to do that, so we have to."

Doxin nodded and chuckled, "Makes sense." The waiter returned to make their orders. Det. Jacques leaned closer to whisper to Doxin. "Do you know the address to their base?"

"Well, if you look at the map of London, there is a military close by called the Rebirth of Air-Force: Organization, seems similar to 45 Heoted no 54 Seot." "So, they already told the location of it, that'll be easy." Not knowing that someone with a black suit and black jeans with a pork pie hat and very dark sunglasses heard every word they said, he got up with a slow motion and as fast as a snakebite, he grabbed the note and ran.

"Hey!" Doxin shouted. The detectives got up briskly and ran after him, including dropping their orders and the waiter.

"Get him!" Jacques shouted. "Aww, come on!" In front of their eyes was a closing garage. It was true that they were out in the city where a garage is in front of them.

The guy slid under the closing garage.

The detectives slid inside too, in very thin range.

The room had a desk with two firearms and a door to the side and had a haze of gray. "Hmm, funny," Det. Jacques said very quietly. Doxin opened the door and was met with a hard kick.

Doxin flew backwards and crashed to the wall inside the room they were in before. The thief started running very quickly and they continued to chase after her. "Get him!" Doxin shouted. The man went through the door in the building. They went up the stairs in a rushed sense and continued their pursuit.

As the man went to the hall of the second floor, he turned to the long left. Doxin and Jacques came after him swiftly.

As the thief stopped at the end of the hall, where a window with a steep fall was at.

"Stop, right there you thief!"

The thief looked at the detectives in the eye both at the same time. It was a while before he swung his arm. Doxin ducked gave an elbow, but was blocked from the thief. They gave elbows and heavy attacks and blocks from each other's hits.

Doxin kicked violently and gave an uppercut.

The thief elbowed and then was blocked from a hit. He ran towards Doxin and jumped and kicked with two of his legs, causing Doxin to collide onto the stairs. The thief crashed through the window without notice. "Are you okay?" Jacques asked Doxin. "Go, get him. Before, the mission will fail!" Taking heed to the word, he went through the window. The man's suit swayed as he ran through the street. Jacques tailed the man and zoomed towards him.

Jacques used to be in track, he was always second and once in a blue moon first. He's always been a faster chaser since. The french detective trapped his leg and they tripped to the itchy side, where grass was climbing down a precipitous hill. They rolled down like balls, except ones that fight each other. They crashed onto a basketball court which was filled with people.

"That's Detective Jacques!" someone whispered. This was not perhaps the best thing to do inside a chase. The thief seemed not to like it too, he looked around and stammered. "O níl, ní anois," he said in rather a low tone. He kicked Jacques, making him wobble onto the hoop pole that was rather in front of spiky rocks. He came towards him very fast and was blocked by Jacques.

He gave every hit he got and Jacques punched him to give himself space. Jacques throbbed the man and then elbowed him. The man reacted with a very weak face slap and a drag in the shoulder.

Jacques got his pistol and smacked the man with it, leaving him teetering to the side. As he tried to gain his balance, Jacques kicked him with force and he fell and bumped his head onto the court.

It was a certain triumph which Jacques was proud of, which didn't last long. *Click* Soon, many people with black armor suits and vests faced their firearms at him. Jacques looked around overwhelmingly and stepped back in a silent motion.

"Well," a man that came out that was with a black jacket and a black vest said triple times. "You guys are quite the detectives. Hey, where's your friend?"

Jacques scoffed. "I'm sorry but you have no class. Who dresses—" He found himself on the floor with throbbing pain on his head. "I didn't expect foolishness from your mouth Detective Jacques Of the Banner Family. You had the smarts to find many things out, but you didn't find half of anything. You don't even know our story."

"Oh, I know plenty. The father of Owen Davis was on your team before, until you turned it into a criminal organization! And I also know that the military is on your behalf!"

Everyone gasped. Mr. Scam's face turned red, and he brought out a pistol and shot at the air. Screams echoed and faded as the people ran. Then, he walked towards Jacques with a slow and deadly motion.

"So you do know some things, sehr überraschend. But, what would do with it when you see this—" Still on the crowded street, stood Doxin with his mouth wrapped. One of the SEOT members pinned a gun at his head.

"Give us the paper."

"Jamais dans ma vie!"


"Give me the paper, now."

Jacques started sweating and his eyesight began to blur. His black hair started to feel very numb and his face began to feel molded and clumped together. "Just give to him," Doxin said.

He looked at the detective, and Doxin nodded. Jacques gave him the note that said 45 Heoted no 54 Seot. "You made a very wise choice, count on it."

He walked away with a smirk, although you can't see it his cheeks were much wider than usual. Soon enough, they drove away from the scene. Jacques went over to Doxin at the grass area by the court and freed him. Then—as usual—paparazzi were all around them.

"Man, I'm tired," Det. Jacques said, panting. "We'll get some sleep when we get home."