
Nice to Beat You

Since their utter defeat last night, Doxin and Jacques went inside their house at 45th Kane Street, and took a big long sleep. Owen woke up at seven in the bright morning. Somehow, he felt safe and comforted. One of the house's guards came in. He had a helmet that covered over his face except his eyes which were haze green. "Derek!" Owen said smiling. Yesterday, he made good friends with him during a game of cards.

"How are you doing," he said, hugging him very tightly. "I'm fine." Derek nodded. Owen asked him a question, which felt in a way much disrespecting, although was not.

"Why did you decide to become a guard?" he asked quietly. Derek smiled.

"Don't worry, I get paid a huge amount for this. And also, because your dad was my friend. These detectives are very good ones, so I decided to help them." Owen nodded with a warm feeling. Derek was always so caring, he took off his helmet and his hair was soft brown and slicked backwards. His face was as soft as cream and his eyes glowed more than ever.

Owen looked at his own self. He had scars on his arm which were big and lumpy. "Your father will be found, I'm sure of it." Det. Doxin got out with his boxers, unknowingly having nine pack abs. Det. Jacques came downstairs with his suit.

Jacques eyebrows raised as he saw the certain muscles on his body. "Quoi dans le monde!" Jacques shouted horrifyingly then fascinatedly. "Where did you get those?" "Missions before you came."

Jacques scoffed.

"Probably with Julie."

Doxin nodded. Detective Julie was a good friend of his until blown up in a mined place. She didn't die but she was in a coma for almost one year. He was devastated when he heard the news but it was better than dying. Her clean blonde hair and shining face of a million dreams turned to dirty blonde hair and a dull face of many bruises.

"I totally forgot," Det. Jacques said. "They took the note." "But, we still have a location we can try to find."

"Good point, but go put on some good clothes, if you'd please," Jacques said with a confused disgust. Owen and Derek looked very blankly, still startled about the big pack of abs he had. Later that same day, Doxin came down with a checkered red and black suit with the same vest and tie. "You're all about class, aren't you?"

"I'm glad you know that."

The determined detectives went outside the wooden door and went into their Nissan car which was towed back to their house when yesterday, they went to the gas station for donuts. "Well, that's one relief." Jacques snickered very silently. Doxin got out his shiny keys and went into the car. Although, he closed the door vigorously.

The sky was bright blue and the rusted houses fascinated Doxin's sight. "Eyes on the road, tourist," Jacques said, with a much bigger tone of covetousness. "Hey, your place is good too. Don't be jealous," Doxin said with a smile. Jacques noticed that Doxin always smiled when he was around nature, perhaps he liked nature.

But that wasn't right either, but he liked the car instead. "Rebirth of Air-Force: Organization," Doxin quietly said to himself. "Let's hope this is the place." "It should be the place, I don't know any other address it is." Doxin's eyes began to widen which showed the shadow of his eyes. "Address."

He looked at the GPS on his phone and found a certain odd address.

"Srehtaf eht ot Thead," Doxin said, with a very sly smile. "Yes, this is it."

It became a very dark night. "Wow, this was extremely unstimulating." Doxin sighed disappointedly. "How about we get something to eat, don't you agree?" he asked. Jacques snickered, and this time it was because it was only the best thing you can do.

They went inside and the place was very loud with a place packed. Doxin had a particular feeling about this place.

"Hello, what would you want for today?"

It was quite weird since you took your order at the doorstep of the restaurant. "Is it okay if we can get dark coffee, and mashed potatoes with gravy and fried chicken by the side."

The waiter smiled and went away very slowly. Doxin had suspicions on everyone so it was normal when he was suspicious about someone. "That guy seems a bit distrustful, don't you think?" Doxin said with a whisper. "Quelquefois, he is a guy with a tuxedo, blond rough hair and an innocent face. What could be suspicious about him?"

"Many things my friend."

As they took their seats to eat, a set of carbonated drinks were set to them. "Thank you," Doxin said with a very dry smile. Det. Jacques looked at everyone, thinking with a particular thought of regular people—unlike Det. Doxin. "I don't believe we should talk about that thing, right?" Det. Jacques said rubbing his hair.

As usual—paparazzi flashed everywhere in his eyes. "Um, excuse me. I gotta go," Det. Jacques said silently.

At that certain time, he needs to go to the restroom. He walked through the men's door, and as usual there were men there. He went inside the door and after he was done he immediately came out. Jacques washed his hands very thoroughly. One man with silk black hair and a scruffy beard, with a black jacket and a blank white shirt with jeans and black shoes.

"Your Detective Jacques right?"

"And your.."

"No time for that now, I'll need you to come with me." Det. Jacques backed away through the door because of one thing. He was a SEOT member from his tag which he particularly forgot to hide. Also, that it was Mane; he was quite young but had a lot of fighting energy.

Jacques busted through the door and fled. "Get him!" Mane ordered much louder with a scary tone. The men with very fancy tuxedo's went after him.

Doxin was reading an article on how to get more abs, he heard a loud voice which rumbled in his ears. Glass fell, and screams filled the place. "What's going on?!" No one answered. Then, debris fell on him. And masked soldiers slid down.


Doxin nimbly hopped behind a couch, as the masked soldiers began their assault.


The sound of submachine guns rang, as the furniture and objects in the room showed no mercy.


More damage was done to the building wall, as the walls were punctured by bullets, giving it unnecessary multiple eyes. Doxin observed the destructive assault of the unwelcomed group from behind the now bullet baptized couch.

"Shoot, my gun is on that table," he said sadly to himself, as he looked at a table not far from one of the masked guards.

"Am I this unlucky," he asked himself, in grief.

Suddenly, gunshots and screams were heard from the upper part of the building, the masked guards at the lower exchanged puzzled looks amongst themselves. Then one guard gave a gesturing signal, that only the masked guards could understand, he seemed to be the leader of the group. The masked guards obeyed his orders without questions, as they made their way towards the upper part of the building, in a professional fashion.

"Sons of moronic fools," Doxin hissed, after the departure of the group. He got up from his half, bullet destroyed cover.

He strode cautiously to the table, as he picked up a Magnum.

"Looks like I'm falling in love with the feel of a gun in my hands," he grunted with pleasure, as he observed the gun in his hand.

"Where is Jacques anyways?" he said, as he moved cautiously, with his gun pointed forward. He moved towards the entrance of another part of the building, not too far from it was the stairs that led to the upper part of the building.

"Boss said we should wait here," a masked guard spoke to his colleague.

"Let's just take—" his colleague choked on his words, because Doxin had delivered a knockout hit at the back of the neck, through a side chopping action, with his arm.

His colleague raised his gun to shoot, but his reaction was too slow due to his earlier shock, by the appearance of the not welcomed visitor.

Doxin leveraged the opportunity, as he caught the guard's armed arm, and he twisted it.



The simultaneous sound of a bone breaking and a gun dropping on the floors rang out, as the guard arm was twisted.

Doxin fixed the guard up, by putting a bullet to his skull, through the vulnerable part underneath his chin, sparing the guard no opportunity to shout.


He shot the guard's knocked out colleague on the head.

"I really need a silencer, and a better gun," Doxin said, as he searched the gunned down guards. He took a submachine gun, alongside some magazines. He smacked it among a soldier's skull which fused blood on the walls. The sounds of the rifles made many more unneeded eyes on the wall.

He finally shifted to the upper room. Rifles roared but had a failed shot when getting him.

Doxin looked around, out of breath. Flipped tables, with strips of glass and people dead all over the floor.

This was chaos.

"Jacques!�� Doxin yelled, with a frightened side on his voice. He ran through the screaming crowd which luckily there were no masked soldiers.

Doxin came by inside the bathroom door to see if anyone was inside. There was, but not what he expected.

He had a long twirl of stairs under him. And masked soldiers with Mr. Scam holding Jacques' hands. Doxin bubbled in anger, but they already went into the elevator, leaving some masked guardians behind.

He knew no other choice but to run down the stairs. He did sneakily down the stairs, but was so very silent that his own silent steps were heard.

Doxin raised his other 44 magnum, with a suppressor, up and made a planted target at the guard's head.


"Oh—shoot, empty gun" Doxin said with a paused breath. "Who's there?!" a masked guardian asked.

He was backed with many more masked guards, as they went up the stairs.


Doxin quickly reflexed and gave a turning kick to the masked soldier by him which grunted as he fell over the stairs.

With a chop, he hit another soldier and elbowed his weak skull.

A masked soldier hit Doxin and grabbed his arm. He pinned him on the rail.

"Arrrgh!" Doxin shouted in throbbing pain.

"I'll be glad enough," the soldier said. "If I were to kill you—we'll be victorious over London." He pushed the collision between Doxin and the rail.

In a sudden second, he twisted Doxin's leg. The detective started sweating and grunting in pain.


Doxin weakly swung his head and crashed into the man's face.

"Aaargh!" he cried. And he landed on the stairs, expiring each second.

Doxin used his other arm to take care of the in front of him. He clobbered him and trapped him under his arm.

With his gun, he fixed him with a shot through his belly and the soldier fell tripping all the other ones. They rammed down to the ground, bonking their craniums.

Men expiredly laid on the floor with blood surrounding their areas of death. "Now, tell me where you're taking Jacques!" he shouted facing his 44 magnum and his SBM on the other side. Two injured masked soldiers, including the team captain, got up weakly and faced their pistols with shaking hands. "You tell us where Owen Davis is."

"What the, what do you—" It was true that they knew Doxin knew where the boy was hiding. "Well, you guys are really good yourself," he said, lowering down his weapon.


A soldier fell in reaction to a bullet in his neck. The team captain ran towards him. Doxin ducked as the team captain swung her leg.

He gave a punch and a high kick. The team captain flipped and bumped and hit the stairs with a pain grunt.

Doxin found himself on the floor with a very throbbed sour leg. He grunted, "Ah—shoot. This'll ruin my day."

The team captain came over and dropped a weapon. "Are you okay?" Doxin looked up bewilderedly and there stood a woman with brown hair and a soft face.

"Do you really know where my son is?" she asked. "Mrs. Davis?"