
10 Seconds to Disaster

Owen got up from the soft, gray couch that he was certain, relaxed on. Derek stood by the side of the front door, looking outside each and every second he viewed. Owen was sure what was the matter with him. It seemed quite suspicious and apprehensive. "Um, is something—wrong?" Owen asked with a cynical pause. Derek faced the window with a very focused still manner. "Derek—?"

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to ignore you," he said with a diverting smile. It was not much of a surprise of his very balmy smiles he gave. Owen shrugged relievedly. He went to the fridge in the corner of the window and opened the door. There was a cold carton of orange juice. He tossed off the drink to his mouth.

Today happened to be very pleasant this evening. Owen looked at his phone and noticed that he was in school. He was absent for two weeks. He didn't count it as a bummer. But then, something was on the side. The sky was gray and hazy and you saw a man in a police uniform looked around by the grass. Very far, he turned to the right to Owen's eyes. His smile was like a viper's fangs, his hands turned to popping veins and his eyes began to widen.


Owen fell to the ground, very startled about the sound. "What was that?" Derek wondered. He raised his assault rifle up and faced that certain window. In a sudden whoosh, the man disappeared. "What...is that?" he said, lowering his weapon very slowly.


Sofas and chairs were punctured with holes. White fluffs flew from the furniture. "Get down!" Derek shouted. Owen hid under the table in a rush. More bullets flew through the house.

*Shatter* Glass fell and slid all over the floor. Derek revealed out of behind the sofa and fired his weapon, but he didn't know whom. He reloaded his gun and continued to fire. The door began to weaken, hole after hole after hole. *Grrrrrr*

Soon the commotion stopped and the door opened with a very loud creak. Owen's mouth froze completely as he saw armored shoes.

*Click* "Find the boy," someone said. Footsteps were heard from every corner.

He knew it was those masked people from SEOT, they've been hunting him since. The new team captain and two of his men searched around his bedroom. One of them carelessly threw his bed out the way. Some checked his drawers. "Move the dresser," the captain said. Each person grabbed the dresser and pulled it with a strong amount of effort.

"Not here, sir," the puzzled soldiers confirmed. The guard gave a gesturing signal to go to the next room. But, in a sudden time, a smack with a weapon was given by Derek. "Kill this ba—" Derek punched him and elbowed the team captain. Masked soldiers raised their legs but missed with a jump from Derek.


The masked fighter flipped and crashed into the vulnerable glass. *Crash* The team captain unnoticeably kicked Derek and knocked him senseless. *Thud* "We got the man out. Continue finding the boy."

*Boom* Blood splattered at the wall and a soldier fell headfirst on the floor. "What the—"

Owen faced the pistol with shaking hands. He had a lucky shot, but what was about to happen wasn't lucky. "Give me the gun," the team captain said, creeping towards him. Owen swung his arm to smack him but the pistol flew crashing the TV.

*Smack* The team captain knocked Owen unconscious, with a whack to the head.

"Tie them both and take them to the bus," the team captain ordered, as he massaged his fists.

*Plop* Both Derek and Owen's rope constricted bodies were dumped into the middle part of the bus, as armed guards kept watch on them.

*Vroooom* The engine of the bus roared, as he pulled out into the road.

"Two hours to our next destination, if we encounter no unnecessary traffic or unpleasant surprises," the driver announced. The captain nodded his head at him, in an affirming way.

Thirty minutes into the journey, Derek woke up. He observed his pathetic position for a while, before he sensed kicked in, as he frantically tried to look for Owen, only to find the boy laying silently beside, with his body constricted with ropes just like his.

"Looks like our friend had woken up," a guard announced to the captain. The captain only nodded in response.

"Freak, where are you taking us to?" Derek asked the captain of the masked guards.

"Somewhere you'd love," was the only short reply of the captain.

Derek rolled his eyes with a disgusted tone. "Stop this now. He has nothing to do with you."

"Actually, he does."

The captain left the room and returned to the main room of the bus. Derek looked at his belt and he saw his walkie-talkie still there.

He reached through the ropes that constricted on him. His fingertips reached very close but had an adjacent miss. Then with a first time of a satisfying effect, police cars wailed behind them. "Ahh, yes. Perfect," Derek whispered. Owen was very silent and in that fact, close to fainting. His eyesight blurred and his head throbbed. It was possibly that knockout the captain gave.

"Sir," a soldier said. "We have unwelcomed company." The team captain orange face began to darken. He turned his head to the driver of the bus, and had a very harsh storm. "Jones," he said, slapping his hand onto the driver's shoulder.

"Lose them."

"This is a code 3," the officer which was in front of the three behind him affirmed.

The police cars accelerated to the side of the bus, giving it no space to turn. Masked guards got out their rifles one by one. "Let's go!" the team captain shouted.

*Grrrrrrrrrrr* The roof of the police cars began to mold and bend.

They started to stumble and galloped from the ground.


Cars collided and windows turned into scraps of glass. A police car spinned and slammed into the front of the car.

The trunk of the other Honda car shaped into a messed up mountain.

"We got them off," an associate reported.

The bus sped and ducked around the corner of a street light. The police cars got confused and flipped towards a silent gas station.

*Boom* Fuel boxes turned to flames, and cars swayed through and lurched into other cars. *Crash* "We need a block!" an officer shouted through the walkie-talkie. The officer leading the group rubbed his white beard. "Crate a perimeter around the freeway, and send in more backup to chase them if they escape."

"Yes, sir."

The bus darted to the Heimlich Freeway, dodging cars. "What are you doing? Ram them!" the masked team captain shouted. The bus rammed into cars which caused many overboarding from the freeway. A pickup truck with a thriving farmer was seized and it crashed into a separation between the way up into the road.

The farmer found himself with an airbag pushing at his head.

"Sir, we got company up front," a colleague warned. The team captain looked up and from a distance was a police block. The bus came to a very strict stop.

"Get out of the car, and put your hands on the roof now."

The team captain bit his lip and looked to the roof. He saw a handle and pulled it, and there was a very rusty RPG. He grabbed it and crashed the window. *Crash* "Sir, we have a problem," someone in the blockade confirmed.


Cars flew to the sky and cars flipped and crashed and blew up.

The bus continued to rally by the crash. "They passed them. It's code three!" The commander hammered his transmitter. "Call for backup!"

A helicopter appeared suddenly. "Ahh, shoot. Go!" the team captain. More police cars continued to pursue on the freeway. Rifles from the masked SEOT enemies began to report and fixed up a few cars. They flew and crashed into others like flying oranges.

*Crash* A police car slid and dodged all the flipping cars, also trying to evade pieces of glass.

It penetrated to the side of the bus. The dispatch echoed. "Code 3. This is code 3." The bus had a hard ram into the police car, in fact it bumped into the rolling hill. The police car crashed and doors flew away. It then piled onto a Hammer with a flipped commotion. "Watch out!" a soldier yelled.

The bus slid and crashed into many trees, bending roofs, and making doors flee.

*Crash* The bus flipped and crashed onto the floor. *Shatter* Glass visited the room.


The bus blew up in flames.

Owen started to sniff something that was much of—unpleasant. Then, he heard silent voices. "Get up! Owen!" He weakly opened his eyes, and saw someone he always wanted to see. Derek.

Derek picked up Owen and ran with a limp out to the bus. But then, he flew and crashed—dropping Owen onto the hard dirt. "Ugh, that hurt," he sighed, rubbing his head. Left there was a man with a masked face and an unpleasant smirk.

The team captain.

"No one, and I mean no one—takes this boy."

"You wish," Derek said, weakly getting up from the ashes from the back of the bus. The team captain lunged forward and back-smacked Derek who spat out blood from his teeth. He gave a punch and the team captain gave a block. Derek was kicked and rolled backwards. He gave an overhead punch and the team captain collided with a seat.

Derek continued with an axe kick and jabbed him in the throat.

The team captain reacted with a ram to the window. He gave a sidekick and gave a hard blow in the stomach. Derek started panting and the team captain ruthlessly gave another kick. Derek rolled and dodged the kick and gave a spinning back.

"Arrgh!" the captain cried with pain. He dropped onto the seat grunted in pain.

"You see, no one gets the boy. Not you, not your colleagues, or Mr. Scam," Derek said, picking up Owen. The captain mysteriously laughed with a wide grin which confused Derek. Then, as quick as a snakebite, he shot through Derek's chest.

He fell and screamed in pain and bunked his backhead onto the border of the window. "Well, you got that wrong. I'm getting the boy, whether you like it or not," he rasped, walking towards Derek and grabbing him through the neck.

"But, you won't be there to save him, nor your detectives," the captain said. And then he placed a bomb on the flipped roof of the burning bus. He took Owen and grabbed him away from the bus.


And all that was left was just a bunch of police cars and a bus covered in flames.