
It's a start of a new year

I have my beautiful girl on my side

And damn is she looking as beautiful as ever

She is walking towards my car and all I feel is loved

I keep telling her I love her

She hasn't said it back

But I know she loves me

The way she holds my hand

The way her hand traces over my tattoos on my chest

My neck

My abs

Her hands so soft

And all I can feel is her love

But why won't she say it back

"Hey hot stuff

How do I look for senior year"

She is in black shorts knee high socks

A stitch t-shirt

And some black suspenders

"As beautiful as ever"

All I want to see is her out of these clothes

But the way these clothes hug her hips

Have me aching

Her first class is science

I walk her to class

And I kiss her in front of everyone

She blushes

I turn to run into Kendrick

He has this smug look on his stupid face

"What do you want"

"I don't know ya dumb dyke" he says so stupid

I look at him and walk right past him

He grabs my bag and slams me against the wall

"I'm not scared of you

You low and pathetic little boy

Your mad bro cause I landed the girl of your dreams and guess what she is mine"

"Get over it and get over your self you can have that ugly hoe"

Just as I was about to turn around and make Kendrick eat his fucking teeth

A teacher

Mrs. K walks by

"Get to class

And Kendrick

I hear you speak about a women like that I'll have you benched for the rest of the season"

She smiles at me

And I give her a wink

I'm walking to class when my phone goes off

Some weird number is calling I ignore it and walk into class

I wasn't in class but for only five minutes when I'm getting called to the principals office

They have me walk into the room

I always feel uneasy in this kind of setting

Ms. Simmons

There has been an accident

My heart is racing I can't think straight

I'm hearing these words

But it's like nothing is coming out

My eyes are burning

I'm running to my car

When someone is running after me

She grabs the car keys

There is nothing but silence

We get to the hospital

I'm running in

We're looking for Zoe Simmons

Please Zoe Simmons

She is my mother

She is in surgery right now

I'm pacing the room

I can't ignore this ache in my heart

And just like that she asks so sweetly

"Ash let me hug you"

I look at Star for the first time and I wrap my arms around her so tightly

I'm feeling my world crumble

I can't breath

Then the Dr comes out

And the air I was holding is released