
I graduated

I managed to get into Yale

Which I have no clue how the fuck I did that

I had a huge graduation party

I buried my Papo under the oak tree in his back yard

I signed papers for the money my mum saved me

I'm standing in the airport

Head phones blaring

When James Bay let it go comes on

The universe finding a way to mock me

I show up to Yale a week early

I wonder how Star is doing

I go to stalk her social media

Knowing I'm still blocked from everything

So I give up on my first attempt

I hope she got into the college she wanted

I hope she is doing some amazing things in her life

It's January 5 and it's cold as balls in New Haven

I'm locking up my single spaced room

When I bump into a girl

Her name is Annalise

Her blond hair goes so well with her blue eyes

I can't help myself at all

I take her on a couple of dates

And I'm astonished with how quick I'm falling for this girl

Who is a sophomore

Going for her science in Bio studies

She is smart and talented

Super funny

I'm in my pre med class when a familiar laugh be holds the room

I glance over

And then there she is

Her very long dark brown hair

Her brown eyes

She is walking next to some guy

Not that lesbian I thought she would of got with

I keep looking forward

I act like I don't notice her at all

But she notices me

But my dumb ass won't even look at her

I run out of the classroom

And I take deep ass breath

I guess I some how was holding

I hid behind a tree and watch her walk out

I can tell she looking around to see me

But then this other guy comes up

He hugs and kisses her

This guy is tall

He has tattoos

Hell he is bigger then I am

What in the world

I am so lost

I finally meet up with Anna

I fuck her so hard that night trying to erase the memory of her

That I don't realize I haven't cummed yet

And my beautiful Anna has

So I fake it

I tell her imma take a shower

She roles over and starts to fall asleep

I let her memory creep in my head

I start to touch myself

And I can't help but breathe harder of the sight of her in the shower her breathing my ear

I cum so hard

Something I haven't done in a long time

Then I put

Marianas trench stutter to pick up my beat before coming in the room

Anna is still crashed out

I put clothes on and lay next her

We hardly cuddle and when we do it's kind of forced

I hate cuddling anyone