Holding on

She lay there so silently

Broken hip

A bad concussion

She nearly slept two weeks and half

She would come back to me

Whispering my mums name

I new my mum was watching over

So I prayed

I prayed for her to come back

To mum to give her safe travels

To give me strength to not fuck this up

To give me a light of hope

That in a fucked up world

This girl was meant to be mine

I can't say I'll marry her right now

But just let me date her

Let me hear her beautiful laugh

Let me hear her


Dr came and went

Her mother was stuck some where else of course

So I stayed

I held her hand

I hardly ate

Only left to use the bathroom

But I came back grabbed her hand

I held her close

I just want my beautiful angel back

She finally come back to me

She rushes to get up I slow her roll

I hold her close

I fill her in on all the deets before the dr comes in

She has to do physical therapy for her hip

But she will get to go home soon

But I don't want her to go home home

So what did I do

I buy us an apartment

I move all the stuff in

I allow her to pick out everything

Anything she wants

I do this all to show her I'm staying

I'm not going anywhere

You know what maybe I will marry this girl after all