Doomsday is upon us. And the cause is you.

It slowly reached out its slender fingers and pressed them against my forehead. For a moment, I felt like my life force was being sucked out. Seconds later, it left. I collapsed. Minutes later I guess, I woke up and washed my face again. But the horror didn't stop there. As soon as I opened my eyes, I wasn't in my washroom anymore. I saw what can only be described as pure horror. The screams of thousands filled the air. Corpses lined my way. Landmarks were annihilated. And at the center of it all, Me! I rubbed my eyes in disturbance and found myself in a different scene. Same as the one before with minor changes. That's when I realized that what I saw was the future.

Suddenly, with a turn, I was back in my washroom. I looked at the mirror. But it wasn't who I expected to see. Instead of me, the demon stood. It uttered something. The next thing I remember is opening my eyes. I never experienced any of those things. They were all just a dream. But they felt too real. I walked back to my room slowly, crawling up on my bed and wrapping myself in sheets. Never in my life have I experienced such horror. Words cannot express what I saw. But what lingered in my mind wasn't any of that. It was what that thing said. I couldn't make out most of it, except for the last part which said: "the cause is you". Of what?

I didn't sleep that day. Wasn't able to. All I could think of was that verse. What did it mean? I got a new mission from TUCOT, which was to go to 1917 Russia. As I got inside Chronos, I was taken aback for a moment. The holo-projector flashed: "The Doomsday is upon us". What's strange about this was that I didn't start up Chronos. I immediately rushed to the guards. The guards came with me to Chronos. But I was too late. The projector was switched off. The guards inspected the ship and found no additional problems.

"But it was there. I-I s-saw it," I said.

"Sir, are you alright? Should I call the medic?"

"No need Tom. Maybe I'm having another episode. Thanks,"

"Sure. No problem"

The guards left. I booted up Chronos and set the course for 1917. Midway through the course, my destination was altered to an unknown location. The time-stamp showed no year or event. Eventually, the location displayed: The Void. The Void was a place located outside time. Nothing is affected here. The Void was like a reset manual for pilots when they fail to provide the desired outcome. I crash-landed on an asteroid. The primary engine got exhausted. So I had to wait for some time. Meanwhile, I attached a tether rope to one of my belt loops and explored it. After a while, I felt someone pull the rope. Strange. I headed back to the ship, and to my surprise, it was missing. I searched for the ship relentlessly. Finally, I did it. I found it. But not how I hoped it would be. It looked rusty and old. Out of the blue, I heard strange voices. I turned back and found mindless people hoarding towards me, saying the words: "The doomsday is upon us and the cause is you��. It shocked me. I tried to run, but there were too many of them. One by one, they ripped off my limbs. They didn't hurt as I thought it would. After a while, they made way for someone. The entity's face was blank. Meaning, he had no features. He held up a vintage Shotgun and walked towards me. The next thing happened within seconds. He held the shotgun to my head and fired. Upon hearing the sound, the entire scene vanished. I got my limbs back. Chronos was back like it was. I rushed back to retreat from the Void. Just as I started to head off, something/someone was resisting me. My neck and torso were turned against my intentions. There, standing or hovering behind me. I saw it. The Demon. All I wanted to do now was to kill myself to end this brutal horror. Why was this all happening to me? What did I do? I gathered up my remaining strength and asked it:

"Who are you? What do you want? And Get the hell away from me,"

"Relax, Aiden" It replied calmly.

"You know me?"


"Who are you?"