"I am Tempus. The Guardian of Time. I've been guarding time since the birth of this universe. I know 37100 languages, each and every detail happening in all 2 trillion galaxies. The birth and death of each star happen within my knowledge. My only challenge was keeping the wormholes hidden. When one wormhole showed up, TUCOT exploited it and created the so-called time travel. So far, only TUCOT and its pilots are the only ones who cracked time travel without any faults. All their predecessors have failed, being frozen in time permanently. But now's not the time to discuss history. I've come to warn you of impending doom. Changing time is not as safe as you think. It affects everything and everyone cunningly.
"But I've made sure that the future never changed," I justified.
"The future is never set Aiden. Think of Time as a simple human being. The Past, Present & Future as its memories. When someone hurts it, it either plans on revenge or sits idle. TUCOT focuses on the sitting idle area. But remember that even if a person sits idle at that time, he/she will always have their revenge at some point. Changing even the smallest details can affect the future. There are many unknown things about TUCOT that you aren't aware of,"
"What do you mean?" I asked in confusion.
"TUCOT is not an organization that sets out to explore the unknown or rectify past mistakes. They are using time as their greatest weapon. You and your fellow pilots are just pawns in their hands,"
"Don't talk bullshit about them," I replied with fury.
"There's no use of arguing Aiden. The more you help them, the more they are closer in achieving their goal,"
"The memories of each human being is influenced by past events, with one event chained to another. If you change these events, you erase the memories of the people in the future. They won't know the difference between good and evil. TUCOT is aware of this. They are using this as an advantage to rule the world,"
"Hold up. So what I saw, the people and the destruction...they were all true?"
"Not yet. But if you continue to follow their orders, It will be. Very soon. "Time" is planning its revenge. If you reach TUCOT by 12.52 PM, you have exactly 5 minutes to find out the truth."
"Why can't you intervene?"
"That is beyond my capabilities. I was created with the sole purpose of guarding time. I can only guide others. There should not be any record of me."