"Ursula, Set course for 2210,"
"But master Aiden, our mission is incomplete,"
"Just do as I say, Ursula,"
"Yes sir."
*Rerouting course. Time-Lock - 2210. Estimated time until arrival - 3 minutes*
I reached TUCOT at exactly 12.52 PM. At first, I thought of talking about Tempus and the Void to the Director of TUCOT, Dr. Daniels. As I was about to enter his office, I overheard a conversation. He was talking to Mr. Nikola.
"Looks like Aiden is not well Mr. Nikola. We may have to postpone the other missions."
"Why? We can send other pilots."
"True. But they are not Aiden. Aiden knows how to get out of any situation. The others are not that efficient. Besides, we've lost many of our good pilots like Gerald and Parker,"
"I wouldn't trust Aiden. Not at this moment."
"I visited Mr. Jameson to retrieve his report and he said that Aiden was experiencing episodes of horror. This is exactly what happened to the others who found out our true intentions. We may have to kill him,"
"Let's wait, Nikola,"
I don't know what to say. It took me a while to accept reality.
The first thing I did was enquire about Gerald and Parker. It was true. Their ships didn't send out signals. Only possible if they went to a non-existing reality. Gerald was the one who introduced me to TUCOT. Parker was my mentor. He made me who I am. I went back to my cubicle. Jenny served me my evening beverage. An iced tea. I gulped down the whole cup. Seconds later, I started to get dizzy. Before I could call for help, I collapsed. The next thing I remember is waking up at the infirmary. Dr. Daniels was standing beside me.
"Hey, Aiden. Are you alright?"
"Yes sir. Just a small headache,"
"The doctor said you'll be discharged today. If you want, you can take leave."
"No sir. It's fine. I'll join tomorrow itself."
"Sure Aiden. Oh and one more thing,"
He bent down towards me and whispered something to my ear.
"I know you spied on our conversation. So stay with us and be a good boy. If you turn against us, next time we'll make sure you die properly. If you try to report it to the Government, then say goodbye to Julia,"
He patted my shoulders and left. I became more cautious and scared. I wished for Tempus as I realized everything. I think it was the wishing because moments after thinking about him, He appeared beside me.
"Tempus. Thank God you're here. I'm sorry for doubting you earlier. You have to help me,"
"All is forgiven. Now's not the time for apologies. Time is running out. Only days left for TUCOT to take over the world,"
"How do I stop them Tempus?"
"I don't know Aiden. Like I've said, the future is not set. I can show you only fragments of it. But I can show you the path of the fallen,"
"That's enough for me,"
I witnessed the gruesome deaths of many of my predecessors. But I knew what to do. I planned on destroying TUCOT forever. But it was tough. TUCOT was the one place that made me feel good about myself. They gave me a purpose. But I had to put that all aside. Before all this though, I had to inform Julia. She was the only one I can trust. I told her about everything: Tempus, The Void, TUCOT's scheme, etc. She wished me good luck. I was ready.