The Gangs / Chapter 7

"Hey babe." Smirked the eleven year old, Caden.

I forced a smile so as not to displease the child.

"Hey Caden, you ready to try that backwards skating?" I asked,

He smirked, "Id like to see you bend over for me." He shrugged,

My eyes widened. "Uh...lets j-just try the skating. Can you make two laps for me?" I requested, trying hard not to yell at this kid.

He rolled his eyes, "whatever." He started skating around the arena, he was off balance and needed to stand straight. But their was no way would I tell him that.

I didn't need to lose my job.

Stupid rich kids.

He got back "How was that?" He asked in a smug way, he knew what I would say.

"Very good, your getting a lot better Caden." I smiled, glueing a fake smile to my face.

"Am I? Hey I've been wondering," he said,

"Wondering what?" I asked. Knowing it would be something stupid.

"Was your dad a painter?" He asked,

"What? No.." I frowned confused as to where this was going.

"Because your a masterpiece." He smirked.

Oh. It's going there. You know, please kill me town.

"Oh...ha ha.." I said,

Was ten dollars worth this torture?

Let's skip past the rest of the terrible pick up lines.

My feet hurt badly. My legs were sore. As always. It was around four, since I had practiced awhile by myself, then gotten something to eat. I had forty dollars in my pocket from giving lessons.

I walked towards the bus stop, wanting to get a start on my homework.

About twenty minutes later, I stepped off the crowded bus and walked the block to Harley's apartment.

As I walked in, I realized my brother looked furious.

That was never good..

"Alexia Sky," he growled. "You have been skipping school." He said angrily.


" wasn't a lot.." I mumbled,

"You still skipped!" He yelled angrily.

"I had reasons!" I yelled back

"Which were?" He asked

A gang leader beat up some kid for me and I got upset. Then I faked a dramatic break up with him so he would leave me alone.

Yeah that conversation wasn't about to take place.

"I was sick of school...I didn't miss anything important...I did all of my homework.." I defended,

"Don't you ever do that again." Harley crossed his arms angrily,

I nodded, "I won't...sorry.."

Harley sighed. "Now why did you really skip?" He asked

"I was sick of school. People were being idiots.." I said.

"What did you even do?" He asked

"I went shopping..." I made up quickly.

"Doubtful." Harley said.

" won't happen again." I said, feeling bad for worrying him. I hated to worry him.

"It's fine." He mumbled,

"Hey I've got to go print some stuff out, they have a printer at Walmart I can use." I said, knowing that I had an essay to print. And well, finish while I waited in line.

I grabbed my phone with about ten dollars stuffed in the case and put it in my pocket,

"Be careful Alex." Harley said.

"Of course."

He was so over-protective. What was going to happen?

I laugh at my past self. Ha ha.

Walmart wasn't far, so I decided to walk.

The photos took forever to get printed. There was a long line. I got stuck on writing the conclusion. My phone wouldn't connect. by the time I was done it was almost dark outside.

I walked out and looked around, checking for people who looked like they wanted to kill me.

I was in the clear.

It was about six blocks to the apartment.

I know what your thinking,

Alex your going to get kidnapped! Walking home all alone at night in your crazy town!

Well you sound lot like that pesky voice of reason that I made leave.

Besides. I had pepper spray...

I passed a few allies. I always got chills walking past them since I couldn't see what was down the ally. It looked like a black void and I hated it.

I was walking, completely innocent, when I heard voices.

Typically I would walk past...but parked in front of the ally...was a motorcycle that looked all too familiar.

Cases'. I hadn't thought about him in a a few days.

Me, being curious, wondered what was going on. It probably had something to do which why he wasn't at school lately...

Please don't go in that ally Alex..

Voice of reason? How did you get back in here? I thought, then promptly kicked it out again.

I walked silently into the alley. Listening to their conversation from behind a trash can.

Their was an faint glow, I could see three figures. I couldn't tell who it was...

"Yes." Came a voice. "You do this for us, and we'll stay out of your way."

"Fine. When and where?" Asked Case.

Wait...Case? Why was I surprised?

"You can figure that out. Just get it done."

"I said, when and where." Growled Case in a dark way I had never heard before.

"Be smart Woods.." warned the other guy, "Its two against one if you try anything."

"I asked a question." He said through grit teeth, as though the man hadn't just talked.

"6th street...ten o'clock.." said the guy firmly.

"Right. This alliance will be important to both of us." Case said, suddenly sounding laid back.

"Yeah. It'll make things easier, that's for sure."

"And remember," Cases voice was teasing, but not how he used to tease a sinister way. "You owe me after I get that little job done for you."

"That has been established...I-" he froze.

Oh hey, you know what I really really hate?

When your hiding from three thugs, really regret your decision of doing so, and suddenly, you feel you phone buzz in your pocket. Signaling whatever psychopaths, who are discussing what sounds like murder, to your exact location.

I hate it when that happens.

I heard hushed speaking,

Then steps coming towards me. I turned and bolted, running to street.

Of should I say, towards the street.

I felt my arm being grabbed tightly. Then a hand clamped over my mouth before I could scream. I was lifted off my feet.

Ok whoever the guy holding me was, he was strong. I heard him laugh a little as I thrashed.

He held my arms still by pulling me tightly to his chest, he held my legs down with his other arm.

He was obviously skilled at this.

I was brought into the faint light, I looked at the man who had been talking to Case, trying to memorize his face.

Case was looking at me amused. But his eyes were cold, no soft glow to them. It didn't look like the same guy who had claimed to be my boyfriend a week or two ago...

Case was waiting for the others guys call on what to do with me.

The mans face lit up with the same expression, amusement.

But no...his was different. Crueler.

It made my skin crawl.

"What do we have here?" He smirked at me.

Oh wow, real original.

I couldn't speak, a hand was still being held over my mouth.

"This cute little girl heard your whole conversation Jacob." Said the guy holding me,

Jacob laughed. "That was very unwise of you," he smiled cruelly at me.

I looked at Case desperately. He was the only thing keeping me from bursting into tears.

I was pretty sure he wouldn't let them kill me...but...he was looking at me like he had never met me.

I started to tremble.

"What do you think Case?" He asked, smiling

"Let her go." Case offered.

Hope soared in my chest.

Jacob scowled. "Why? She heard what we said." He said angrily.

"What's she gonna do about it?" Case shrugged. Looking careless.

"Go to the cops!" He yelled, looking at Case like he was crazy.

"So? we can make sure she stays quiet." He shrugged,

"Give me her phone," he held out his hand.

Jacob reached his hand into my pocket and pulled out my phone, handing it to Case.

He turned it on, "what's your password?" He asked me.

The guy moved his hand.

I took a deep breath, finally able to breathe properly.

But I didn't say anything.

Case looked angry. His fists tightened around my phone.

My IPhone 7. Like, how dare he?

"I asked you a question." He growled.

I still didn't reply,

I gasped as I felt myself being slapped. I knew it hadn't been Case. It was Jacob. He was smirking at my fearful expression.

I looked at Case, he was tensed up.

"1 7 8 9." I mumbled.

He typed in the code and went to my texts.

"Harley....Who's Harley?" He asked.

"My drug dealer." I lied. Did I ever mention; I can't lie.

Case looked amused. "Good. Now tell me the truth. Because I can tell you've never been high." He said confidently.

Jacob pulled back his hand and slapped me again. My eyes filled with tears.

Case looked away.

"Answer him." Jacob growled.

"M-My brother.." I said,

Case nodded, reading through some of our texts, he looked at my pictures next.

Which were mostly of Harley and I.

"He's important to you huh?" Said Jacob.

I swallowed and nodded.

"Hmm. He's dead if you speak a word of this to anyone." Jacob said in a cruel way that made it perfectly clear he was serious.

"I-I swear I won't tell a-anyone.." I promised, terrified for my brother.

Case wouldn't look at me.

Damn idiot. 

I didn't care if he was in a gang, or even that he knew me. This was wrong, and he shouldn't just stand there...

"That's right you won't." Smirked Jacob. "Now cmon baby, lets have some fun." He said, walking towards me.


You guys have no idea how long I've planned this. Or how long I've waited to finally write it! Thanks for reading, please comment and tell me what you think! If I get to 500 reads I'll make an Instagram account for this story so I can give you guys peeks and updates! Lol,cause why not.

New chapter coming Sunday!

Pic- Alex, (a loooooot of editing on the pic. She's supposed to have highlights but I couldn't edit them in right, lol)