I trembled in the mans firm grip.
Working hard to kept my mouth shut, since it had a tendency to get me in trouble.
Well, more trouble...
Jacob smiled, putting his hands on my waist.
Chills formed all over my body.
I did the only thing I could think of,
My knee was brought right into his crotch.
He cried out in pain, stumbling away from me. His face turned bright red. He looked like a tomato. The thought made me smile.
Case was looking at me in a I'll bring flowers to your funeral sort of way as he tried to calm Jacob down.
I struggled against the guy holding me,
"Let go!" I yelled, hoping to escape in this moment of confusion.
"Dammit Tom, punish her for that." Growled Jacob,
Tom, as I shall now call him, smirked at me in a pleasured way, I felt myself being spun so I was facing him.
Sudden pain shot over my back as I was slammed against the wall. I swallowed hard as he ran his hands over my sides and leaned towards me.
He peeled off my jacket and threw it aside.
He ripped my shirt sleeve as I struggled, laughing a bit as he threw the fabric on the ground.
I was fighting him as much as possible, but when I felt his rough lips brush my neck, I went rigid.
"Tom knock it off she's a kid." Case said angrily, forgetting about Jacob.
His fists were clenched tightly,
"Oh cmon Case, she could be fun!" He smiled, his face inches from mine. His hands creeping towards my chest.
I looked at Case desperately,
'Case please' I mouthed, he had to help me.
He seemed to be battling with himself.
"I said cut it out." He growled, his voice taking the dangerous edge again.
Tom laughed.
"You care about this girl Woods?" He asked, sounding amused.
"I don't want any more reasons for the cops to be after us." He said, glaring.
I knew that was a lie. Right...?
Tom still had his hands pinning my to the wall. I didn't struggle, I was practically paralyzed with fear. Silent tears flowed down my cheeks.
"Doesn't matter. We did the deal Woods. Now leave." He growled. Taking a step closer to me. He leaned down and kissed my neck roughly, I gasped, the tears increasing.
I could feel bruises forming..
"DAMMIT TOM I SAID THATS ENOUGH!" Case yelled furiously.
Tom stopped, he turned to Case, looking murderous.
"I'd watch your mouth if I were you...before I put an end to our little alliance." He hissed.
"She's a kid. Leave her alone." Case said sternly.
"You can have her when I'm done!" Yelled Tom, "Damn I'm not gonna kill her." He said like Case was being ridiculous.
Case took a deep breath,
"Give her to me." He ordered,
"You can play with her when I'm done!" He offered, sounding annoyed,
"Dammit she's not a toy!" Case yelled,
Tom laughed like Case was joking. "She's my little Barbie doll!" He grinned at Case.
I felt angry. A Barbie doll? This guy was a sexist idiot. If you hadn't figured that out yet.
My tears stopped,
"I'm not a doll." I growled
"She speaks!" Laughed Tom, "now lets see what else you can do.." he put his hand on my bra.
My heart was pounding in my chest, that hope that Case would do something was fading. Did he really care? This wasn't the Case I knew.
Because...the Case I knew, wasn't really Case.
This was.
Which meant I was screwed. Like 100% screwed.
I wanted to kick him, but he kept his feet on top of mine so I couldn't.
My eyes were closed tightly, I was trying in vain to ignore the feel of his rough hands over my body.
Suddenly I felt them being jerked away, i opened my eyes quickly and got a feeling of déja vù.
Except I wasn't going to stop him this time.
Case had Tom pinned to the wall,
"I warned you." He growled, punching Tom in the jaw,
Tom fought back, making it a full on fist fight. He punched Case so hard, I thought he would go down right there, but he simply laughed, hitting back harder.
I had no idea where Jacob had disappeared to.
But I didn't stay to watch Case beat the shit out of Tom.
I stumbled away from them. Grabbing my jacket and putting it on, I picked my phone up off the ground and bolted.
running faster than I can ever remember running.
Finally I got in front of the door, moving my hair to cover the bruises on my neck.
I adjusted my jacket, zipping it so you couldn't tell my shirt had been ripped.
I was glad I hadn't worn mascara, it would have been running everywhere.
Taking a deep breath and walked in, "Hey Harley." I said like I typically did.
He sat up on the couch,
"Whats wrong? What happened?" He asked, like he could just hear it in my voice.
"What are you talking about?" I looked at him innocently.
"You...somethings wrong.." he insisted.
"Harley, I know you pretty much pride yourself on being ridiculously overprotective, but nothing's wrong." I lied easily,
Harley seemed to consider this. "I...sorry...you hungry?" He asked.
"No.." I said, "Thanks...I'm going to take a shower.." I mumbled as I walked away.
"Oh, ok have fun Alex..." Harley said.
He knew something was wrong. I had expected him too. But he didn't know what. As long as he didn't know what, I was fine.
I took a long shower. Very unlike me, but I felt like I needed to be cleaned. I used like half a bottle of soap.
Getting out I wrapped my hair in a towel, then got another, putting it around my body.
I looked at the mirror and frowned, it had bruised worse than I'd thought it would.
I grabbed some concealer and quickly dabbed it over my neck until it wasn't recognizable as anything to be concerned about.
I wore my pajama pants, and one of Harley's old t-shirts. My usual sleep attire.
I went out to the living room and sat by Harley on the couch. Leaning on his chest.
"You need to watch this with me." He smiled
"Harley, how can you like this movie...?" I laughed, looking at him,
"I mean...Alex, i-it's White Chicks!" He said like I just didn't understand.
I laughed. "Yeah yeah, ok. I'll watch with you." I smiled,
"Awesome." He grinned. "Hey sissy?" He asked,
"Yessssss my dear brother?" I asked,
"Will you make popcorn...?" He asked like a little kid,
"Yeah I'll make popcorn." I smiled, going to the kitchen.
"Yes!" He pumped his fist,
He was so easy to please.
After two bags of popcorn, we had finished White Chicks. And I had to agree, it was great.
Neither of us were tired, so I made him watch Pitch Perfect. Which he pretended to hate. But secretly, he liked it.
I know what your thinking.
You seriously are just ignoring what happened in the alley.
Well here's the thing, I'm good at forgetting. At pushing things aside. And that's what I was doing now.
Moving on.
We fell asleep during Pitch Perfect 2.
At least I have tonight, I thought, as I watched the show. Whatever happens in the future, at least I have tonight.
Yeah no.
I woke to a soft knock on the door. I groaned and sat up, glancing at the clock on the microwave.
3:21 am.
A frown coated my lips. I grabbed pepper spray from my backpack, holding it in my right hand.
My breathing was heavy. Did I even have to answer the door? A scream almost escaped my lips when whoever was at the door knocked again.
Looking through the peep hole, what I saw confirmed that I wouldn't be opening the door.
How could Case come to my apartment after what had happened?
I went back to the couch, planing to wake up Harley.
Then the threat came to my mind.
Maybe if I just....ignored him. Yeah, maybe then he would go away.
The once soft knocking turned into banging.
Harley was about to wake up.
I went to the door and swung it open, holding the pepper spray in front of me I pushed down on the button, aiming it right at Cases face.
He ran away screaming and I never saw him again.
I wish.
But noooooo,
Instead, he ducked out of the way of the pepper spray, grabbed my wrist, forcing me to drop the canister, then twisted my arm behind my back.
This all happened in a matter of seconds.
He held me like that for a moment,
"You really though that would work?" He asked, his voice annoying as ever.
"Let go of me." I growled.
"No, because then you'll call the cops or something." He argued.
"Please leave me alone..." I said in a pleading voice,
He was about to say something, when suddenly Harley shot awake.
He took in the scene,
Some random stranger holding his sister with her arm behind her back.
Harley stood quickly and ran over, punching Case in the face before he could even react.
Case let go of me in shock.
Harley pushed me behind himself.
"Alex go to my room." He ordered.
I didn't move.
Case looked ready to fight.
"No, no, no, Case you don't get it please don't-" I was cut off as Harley stumbled back, holding his jaw from Cases hit.
They were going to get into a full-blown fight weren't they? I asked myself.
Yes. Yes they were.
Within seconds they were swinging punches, one after another.
But Case was better.
Soon, Harley was pinned to the ground, Case was hitting him over and over again,
Harley was trying to fight back, but it was pointless.
"STOP!" I yelled desperately, like I had been doing the whole fight.
"PLEASE CASE!" I cried, grabbing his arm and trying to pull him away.
I could barley see through my tears, how could this be happening?
Ok! What do you guys think? Just know it was really hard to find time to write the chapter, with school starting up and all that. But anything for my readers!
Guys it would mean a LOOOT if you guys would comment and tell me what you think, I really need the feed back, thanks!
Picture- the alley