Close / Chapter 25

We parked about half a mile away, the element of surprise was crucial in this moment.

On further inspection, I confirmed it was definitely a warehouse. I'm observant like that.

There was nothing special to point out, gray walls, gray roof, a couple of doors around it.

"um...ok everyone got the plan?" I asked as I made sure my gun was loaded.

They all nodded,

I was so nervous. I was so nervous. I can't even remember the last time I felt like this, like I couldn't breathe. I was trying not to show it, but I had a feeling it was kind of obvious. It made me feel a little better when Harley practically had a panic attack as he got out.

"Let's go." I said, we started walking, walking towards where we knew the warehouse was.

She's probably not even there.

Yeah. I was probably freaking out about nothing.

We split up. Me walking around the building, staying in the shadows, memorizing the exits. The others did the same.

And then it was time. We went into the entrances, all looking for the same person.

But it wasn't Alex.

No. Not yet anyways. We needed leverage first.

I stepped in, shutting the door silently.

And surprisingly, It looked like an abandoned warehouse.

A few doors that led to various rooms, cardboard boxes, some full, some empty, strewn about the place.

My footsteps were invisible as I walked, trying to find whoever it was we needed.

See, we didn't know.

What we did know was that we needed the Southside leader, but not who she was.

I heard steps in the distance, slowly getting closer.

Shit shit hide shit shit hide shit shit shit HIDE shit shit shit HIDE CASE shit shit shit shit,

I managed to get behind a pile of boxes.  Holding my breath, I waited. Through my nerves, I knew this was good. Someone was here, and I was pretty positive they had Alex.

Their steps got closer, closer, closer...until I could hear their voices.

"Yeah I mean you'd think she'd get rid of her by now." Said a deep male voice,

"Yeah. But what fun would that be?" Asked another guy,

"She doesn't want blood on her hands, I think."

"Well she's going to have to get some eventually. We can't keep that girl locked up forever."

"She's going to let her go."

"She'd kill her before that happened."

"She wouldn't."

"I'm telling you she would! If she lets her go, Sky'll go telling everything to her boyfriend."

I rolled my eyes. But still, it was confirmation. Alex was here.

"Not if he's dead." Argued the other guy,

Good luck buddy.

"See, I don't think she has the guts to do that either. They used to have a thing." He said with a low chuckle,

Well that narrowed it down. I didn't date much, didn't need those distractions. There was Tiana, Brooke, Dani , Mary....

I mean those are the ones that could possible be apart of this.

"I think that's another reason why she would,"

"Shes not bitter. She doesn't care."

"She doesn't give a fuck about anything really." Mumbled the other.

And that's when I knew it had to be Dani. Which kind of made me frown. If it was Dani, then I'd have to hurt her. Or at least threaten to. We never really went through the I hate you phase in the breakup.

It was more like, I'm bored of you.

So like, I doubted this was some sort of payback. Damn, I hoped it wasn't payback, she could be fucking evil if she wanted.

"Whatever, hopefully this just goes as planned." He mumbled

"It never does.." said the other, then their voices faded and I could no longer hear them.

I counted to ten, then peeked up to make sure they were gone.

All clear. I stood and walked quietly the way they'd gone.

That's when I realized our plan sucked. It would be much harder than I thought to just find her without being seen.

I've got six other guys on it, maybe they were having luck.

Dani. I tried to remember everything about her, mainly her skill level.

I remembered was she was like the best kisser on the face of this planet.

That's not very helpful right now Case.

Right. I knew any of my guys could take her in combat, but I had a feeling her gun would be an easy end to any fist fighting.

I shook my head, it would work out. Maybe it wasn't even Dani. It didn't matter.

But of course it did. I just tell myself that when I want to stop thinking about stuff.

I was walking, stopping every so often to look around and make sure I wasn't being seen.

Then movement.

A flash of a door slamming open. Muffled yelling.


Obvious thrashing.

I jerked my head over to look full on and not through the corner of my eye.

Thank God for Harley.

"Case is this the right girl?" Harley called, he had dragged Dani from a room and had her pinned with her face against the wall, Harley had a bruise showing up over his eye.

I grinned, "Yeah that's her.."

I had my gun out now, pointing it at Dani as I walked over beside Harley. I'd congratulate him later.

People were rushing forward, but my guys stood firm, the barrel of a gun was to the back of Danis head, the other guns pointed at various South/Westside members. No one would shoot, I knew that. If someone shot at us, they knew we'd kill Dani instantly.

I scanned the crowd, Alex. That's who we needed.

Instead I saw Shane, he was smiling at me from the midst of the others.

"I hate you Woods.." Dani groaned.

I rolled my eyes "Where is Alex?"

She chuckled, "Awww, you miss your girlfriend?"

Harley slammed her head against the wall. She groaned in pain and Harley seemed to regret his decision,

"Um sorry.." He whispered to her.

"Dani don't make this harder than it has to be." I growled,

She paused, thinking. "I've got a few conditions." She said.

"How about this, give me Alex and I won't put a bullet through your head." I said in a friendly voice.

She laughed "You wouldn't."

I smirked, pressing my gun to her temple and cocking it. "Three...two...o-"

And I would have done it. I really would have. But I won't say I wasn't relived when Shane spoke up, "Stop Woods. This wasn't even her idea."

"Then fucking give me the girl!" I yelled, not staying as calm as I'd planned,

He rolled his eyes, I looked at him, remembering the whole thing. It felt like a flashback in a movie, bits and pieces coming together...

It was late, I had fed my mother some lie about a school project. This was dated back when she still cared about where I was and what I was doing.

"Case!" He called, grinning. I turned to him, smiling we did one of those 'manly hugs'.

I was 14, at the time. Really young, actually innocent. And so, so stupid.

We tried to be cool, as all 14 year olds. We drank some beer behind his house, taking over plans.

"Yeah, how hard could it be right? They do it in movies all the time. We just need to train. We just need to practice." He smiled,

I nodded enthusiastically, "Yeah! And, look I bought this from a pawn shop.." I reached into my pocket and pulled out a knife, it was maybe five inches, a switchblade that I was extremely proud of.

Flashes went by, Training. Training. Training.

"Dammit Shane, catch the knife!" I yelled,

"It's flying right at my face I'm getting the HELL out of the way!" He said, grinning.

I laughed, "Well do it faster!" I threw another knife, which he barely twisted away from,

Another scene change...

"Case catch my hand, twist it behind my back." He instructed. Of course, I already knew that.

"Shane I honestly doubt whoever I'm fighting will be coaching me on how to beat them. So shut up."

Shane rolled his eyes smiling and we did the drill, over and over, then we switched places, and did it again, and again.

Skipping months ahead...

"Yeah I'm 17." I lied, looking up at one of the gang members.

I won't say I wasn't practically trembling, because uh...

He glared, "Don't. LIE."

I flinched at his tone, "Well what is there an age limit?" Sarcasm was coating my voice,

"We don't need kids." He growled, like I had spit on his grandma or something.

I looked at Shane for help. He got my cue, looking at the guy,

"Can't wait to see your reaction when these kids kick you out of your own gang." Shane smirked right into the shocked face of the guy.

So I was thinking 'shut the hell up before he breaks your face'

And he tried. Yeah, he did. But Shane ducked under his large fist, grabbing his arm. He wasn't strong enough, I knew he wouldn't be. So naturally I helped,

I took out the switch blade, and let's just say, it was a quick fight after that.

And that little stunt got us in, we didn't think that's what would happen when the supposed leader walked over to see us beating the crap of his half unconscious gang member.

I believe my exact thoughts were: Holy fucking shit he's going to murder us.

But no, he gave a small smile, waiting patiently for us to stumble away from the guy and face him.

He asked what we wanted, we told him.

After a brief explanation of what we were getting ourselves into...

"Welcome, to the Eastside." He smiled, extending his hand to shake.

                 And I shook it first.


Backgrounds are fun. Sorry this is late, inspiration=none.

Sorry guys, these chapters probably sounds choppy and awful.


I apologize, give me feedback! Like and comment! We're almost to 2k!!

Follow me! Keep reading guysss!❤️❤️