"Your his favorite." Shane mumbled to my one day,
I rolled my eyes, "does that hurt your feelings or something?" I laughed, not even denying it.
"No. I just...don't get it." He said, twirling a knife in his hand.
We were training. Or, supposed to be. Brent told us we had to train, learn more and get better if we wanted to stay apart of this.
It had only been a few weeks.
"Oh come on, it's not a big deal." I attempted to consul Shane.
"No no, yeah I know. I just.." he shrugged.
I rolled my eyes, "Catch," I threw the knife I held right at him,
And he caught it as a grin spread over his face.
Brent walked out. "Case, Shane, ready for your first job?"
Shane looked at me like he had some kind of power, which of course he didn't. Because here I was, probably seconds away from killing someone he couldn't afford to have dead.
"How do you know she's even alive?" He smirked at me.
Harley looked like he was going to be sick, I forced myself to roll my eyes and brush it off with confidence that was 100% fake.
"I know she's not dead." I snapped at him.
They didn't kill her because those guys I heard talking were debating if she would be killed, they wouldn't be doing that if she were already dead.
For some reason it took me a while to convince myself that I heard correctly, I mean of course I had. Right? Yeah. Right.
Shane smiled at me though, "and how's that?"
"I heard your guys talking."
Why'd I say that? Why didn't I say something smarter or bitchier?
I continued before Shane could reply, "So bring her to me. Now."
"I could kill her right now." He said.
Ok she's alive, thank God.
"And I could kill her right now." I said as I grabbed Danis arms and turned her away from the wall to face him.
She was bleeding under her eye, and her jaw was bruised.
How the hell did she manage to look bored in this situation?
Not the point.
I glanced to Harley, he certainly didn't look bored. He was pale and practically shaking, his eyes darted from me to Shane to Dani to anyone else there.
Shane glared at me, "Someone bring me the girl!" He yelled.
About four guys started to walk off, before they realized they were all going, then three of them stayed back to let one guy go.
I took note of which room he walked into.
"Who's this Woods? He looks new." Smiled Shane, looking at Harley.
Was it that obvious? I mean the guy was like...trembling.
"That's the girl's brother." Why'd I even tell him that?
I was so off my game.
"Awww, someone miss their wittle sissy?" Dani laughed, speaking like she was talking to a baby as she turned to look at Harley,
I rolled my eyes, "Shut up Dani."
Harley looked triggered, I gave him a warning look and he glanced away.
"Don't worry, we only broke her a little bit." Dani smirked.
I slammed her head against the wall, "I said SHUT UP." I growled,
She bit her lip hard, biting back her pain. "Fuck off." She mumbled.
Harley's fists were clenched tightly, his eyes turned to the door as it opened,
The guy who had left to get Alex walked out, holding Alex's wrists behind her back. She had a sort of bandana wrapped around her mouth to keep her quiet. Alex looked around boredly, like she was used to all this.
Which I guess she was. Her eyes landed on me, and they brightened instantly. She turned to look at Harley.
She was smiling, I could tell. The cloth covered her mouth, but her eyes had lit up with excitement.
I looked over her, trying to take account of all the injuries.
A lot of mild cuts. Her wrists were bruised, a slight purple tinge to them, marked with half moon gashes, from fingernails I assumed.
Her face was cut and bruised, nothing that wouldn't heal. Right as I noticed the hickeys, Harley demanded,
"Who the HELL did that to her neck!?"
Alex cringed, looking down.
I was more relieved that she seemed ok, I had been expecting all of this. The cuts, the bruises, you know her neck.
Plus she smiled earlier, which means she can't be all that hurt.
The guys all kind of chuckled at Harley, whose anger only grew.
No one answered him, and before he could yell about it again, I spoke.
"Alex are you ok?" I asked, trying to sound like asking was just a formality, when in reality I needed to know.
Alex looked at me, holding my gaze for a second and then nodding.
The guy holding her took out is gun, on a signal from Shane,
"No, no, no...no need for that." I said quickly,
He looked at Shane, who shrugged.
"What do you want?" I asked them,
Shane smirked at me, "Revenge."
Oh no. That was my actual though, oh no. I had figured he wanted revenge but I had hoped it would be over now.
"Give her to me." I snapped.
"And if I don't?" He asked, walking over and putting his gun to her head.
"You know what will happen if you don't." I rolled my eyes, wondering how many times I'd have to repeat this. I motioned to the gun that was pointed at Danis head.
Shane chuckled, but I could see strain in him.
What was he supposed to do?
He couldn't make conditions, he couldn't threaten Alex, because I had Dani in the same situation as he had her.
"How about we just make a nice fair trade, ok?" I asked.
Harley, who seemed to have been holding this in, shouted again,
"Who did that to my sisters neck!?"
Shane smiled slowly at Harley, before raising his hand.
Alex's P.O.V.
I found myself looking at my wrists, they were tinted a dark purple. Bruises in the shape of finger prints lined them. With crescent gashes dug into them from Travis's fingernails.
I scowled, running my fingers over the dried blood.
I was back in Dark Eyes room, if you didn't already guess. That's kind of the only place I stayed.
He was asleep on the chair,
And I was bored out of my fucking mind.
I paced around, I tried to think of escape plans, I tried to fix the bed nicely, I tried to do a handstand, I was that bored.
If your wondering, I failed at the handstand because of how badly my wrists hurt.
I looked at my neck through the glare of the window that was blacked from the outside.
I bit my lip, seeing the marks. "Oh Harley will love this.." I mumbled to myself.
Harley. I missed Harley. A lot. I knew he was out of his mind right now, and I hated that.
I wondered if he was with Case, or if he was like, crying in a closet somewhere.
Both seemed really Harley-ish.
I laid on the bed again. Then stood and walked around.
Then laid back down.
Are you bored yet? Yeah so am I.
I glanced over at him and waited. I groaned, then coughed really loudly, trying to subtly wake him up.
Dark Eyes finally woke when I sighed dramatically, he looked around a bit before speaking.
"You ok?" He asked, yawning
"No. No I'm not. I'm bored. And I'm sad." I put on a pouty face like a little kid.
He frowned, "I'm sorry..."
"Please let me do something, I'm bored out of my mind.." I mumbled.
He blinked. "Um...like what?"
"I don't care. Anything."
"Listen I-" he stopped, hearing something outside.
I heard it too,
It sounded like someone was thrashing around.
There was a muffled screaming, then a shout in a perfectly familiar voice.
"Case is this the right girl?" Called my brother,
A grin spread over my face.
Dark eyes groaned. "Stay." He told me and walked out of the room.
He locked the door behind him, so naturally I pressed my ear against the door and listened to their conversations.
A lot of threats. A lot of lies. A lot of hidden worry in Cases voice.
I knew I should be terrified, terrified that this would all go wrong and we'd all end up dying or something.
But I wasn't. I mean, I was, but only a little. I had that feeling of fear in my chest, but it was kind of overrun by the excitement.
More conversation between Case and Dark Eyes, with occasionally interruptions from Dani and Harley. Then..
"How do you know she's even alive?" Came Dark Eyes voice.
I scowled, thinking about banging on the door and yelling that I was right here, but I felt like that might get me shot.
I had come to despise Dark Eyes. I wish he didn't try and kiss me all the time, I wish he would stop trying to be all charming or whatever, and I was pretty sure he was faking this whole nice guy act.
He did bring me food though. That's kind of the only reason I stayed nice to him.
I listened to the conversation through the cracks of the door, rolling my eyes at how strong they were trying to sound.
I wish they'd cut all the talk and come get me already. I felt like a kid waiting to he picked up from school, on a much higher scale of course.
Dammit just hurry.
*fake gasp* Shane is dark eyes? No wonder we never learned his nameeeeee! Sorry guys that was probably expected lol.
This is short and shitty, like me. Sorry guys, I have zero inspiration and will probably wrap this story up, only to start another one that all of y'all should read lol. Anywho, comment vote and tell your friends! ❤️