chapter 1: The witch of the edge of forest

Once upon a time in a land very far ago there lived a girl, her name was Annabelle and she lived happily with her mother and she wouldn't wish for anything else in world, her life and her mother's life was complete and they just needed each other, until the plague hit their village and her mother fell bedridden. Not knowing what to do the little girl went to the witch of the edge of the forest, the girl went to the witches cottage at the side of the forest, she had to travel quite a bit for where the witch resides is a place of abandonment, it wasn't easy to go there but the girl was determined to go for she loved her mother and didn't wish to go with her uncle. You must be wondering why, why would a little girl like little annie not want to go with her outgoing, fun uncle burt to the city, it's because little Annaballe is just sure her uncle killed his wife for the money he has now, it's not her imagination it's real she saw it with her own eyes just nobody believes her, she told her mom, she told her grandma but nobody believed her they we're all convinced she was hallucinating, frustrated the girl decided to just not mind it it's not like she ever has to see him again, until now.

She had reached the edge of the forest all she had to do now is find the witch's cottage so that finally she can be with her mother again. The little girl looked and looked and seeked behind every corner but she didn't find the cottage. Until she heard a noise, it came from the tree there she saw a wooden door stuck to the big willow tree, she decided maybe it was the witch's cottage. When she entered the cottage the witch immediately asked "ya haf any monay?" ' wait a minute, I didn't sound like that' yes you did now shut up, anyways where was I? yes- so terribly confused the girl asked " excuse me, I can't quite understand you?" the old wrinkly witch- ' wait a minute I am still so young how can I be old?' Barbara, 125 years old is not young and if you would quit doing posions and spells to make yourself look younger then by now you would actually have a long lasting boyfriend and quit chasing that stupid prince- 'ok, ok fine, you can stop you're starting to hurt my feelings anyways where did I trail off…yes so the old wrinkly witch turned around, white long strands of hair instantly turned into long flowing black hair as she turned around, simultaneously the hair covering her face unveiled a stunning beauty like no other, the girl was stunned, so stunned that she couldn't even speak. When the witch asked her what she was doing in her cottage…no answer… when the witch asked again…no answer…the witch was starting to get irritated." What are you doing here child?" the witch tried to ask again finally getting out of the trans she was in the girl finally answered with "my mother is awfully ill and I want her to get better so that I don't have to go with my uncle, I was hoping that you might have a cure." Without even a single bat of the eye the beautiful witch asked her "how are you going to pay me?" the girl realizing she was broke would have been heart breaking if the witch still had a heart unfortunately the witch sold her heart of to the wizard of the valley of roses so to her it was quite hilarious in fact, that the girl traveled all the way to the side of the forest to ask for a cure for her mother who is in fact almost dead to only realize that she has no money. So in fact being the heartless bitch that she is she laughed in front of the girls face "haha- you travelled all the way to the edge of the forest to ask for MY help just to have no money- hahaha" the witch fell into a fit of laughter and finally when she calmed down she said "if you want a cure you need to pay…otherwise I won't help you." Feeling hopeless the girl quickly went on her knees took the witch by the foot and begged " please, please I can't go with my uncle…i- i- I just can't, I'll do anything, anything just please help me and my mother" suddenly jumping up of interest the witch said" anything?" confused the girl said " yes anything, I just said that" annoyed by her responds but yet satisfied the witch continued "the only way you can save your mother is if you go to the white fairy in the forest of darkness and take her ring and give it to me then and only then I will help you and your mother, but be careful for the forest of darkness is dangerous full with insects and beast of the darkness, no one has ever made it out alive." The witch stopped to look at the girl just to be surprised to see that the girl is quite happy maybe even happier than before. Confused the witch went further to ask " how old are you actually?" the girl answered her with "I'm older than I look some people think I'm 14 but in fact I'm actually 18" surprise filled the witch's face with that information, with that she said "that place is no place for a girl like you, so you can go on your way back to your sickly mother and and murderous uncle, goodbye!" the witch proceeded to push the girl out of her cottage as she could feel the spell wearing of. Frustrated with what the witch said, the girl said "you'll see, I'm gonna get the ring, I have experienced the most dangerous of lands, I went true deserts, mountains and valleys of roses, and I'm allergic to roses by the way , if I can go through there I can go through the forest of darkness" the witch looked at the ranting girl not believing a word she said and just dismissing it. "ok go ahead let's see if I'll ever see you again, goodbye little girl" And with those last words the witch slammed the door shut at the now mad girl. Determined the girl stomped off to the direction she thought might be the forest of darkness. " the forest of darkness is quite easy to find in the day" the girl said to herself "the witch said there was eternal darkness in the forest, so that means right of the bat there will be darkness, just the only problem I have is that there is no directions to where the fairy lives, that damned witch, she did this on purpose." Mad the girl stomped off into the direction she thought was the forest of darkness, but will soon to find out it's a valley full of roses.