The girl reached a valley wondering how long it will take for her to reach the forest of darkness when suddenly she felt her throat tightening up, her breathing getting restricted and before she could react to what was happening she fainted and fell to the ground. There her lifeless body lay, before she fully blacked out, she heard a male voice "miss... are you ok?"
The girl could smell food from where she lay and with a groggily voice still half asleep, she says "mom? Are you feeling better? You'll never guess what I just dreamt about-" she cut herself of as she now where she is. " this isn't my home, where am i?' the girl thought. 'did someone kidnap me?' She questioned, right when she was about to step out of bed the door to the bedroom opened revealing a man in a white- pink suit. "ohoho easy there, your head is still quite hurt so you're gonna feel dizzy, I got you some foo- "Annabelle cut him of with "where am I? did you kidnap me? What do you want from me? I don't really have anything, I'm broke you see- "cutting herself off, memories of what happened started flooding her brain. "the forest of darkness! i need to go there! oh do know where it might be? i need to get there to save my mother, she is the only one i have right now, so coyld you olease take me there?" thr man now looking at the pleading girl said "well i must say the forest of darkness is quite dangerous for a little girl like you-" "excuse me, do you think i can't handle a forest on my own" getting defencive the man said "i never said that i just said a girl like you should reconsider the forest of darkness" the girl now offended said " listen here pinky, i can get through the forest of darkness just fine-" the girl cut herself of with a sneeze " and i don't have time for your mysoginistic mind set, now i think it's time i must- achoo!!- leave" with those words the girl slammed the door, the man in the white-pink suit just registered what she had called him just now in his brain and went to go after her "stop right there! you're allergic to roses right! that means you can't leave, we are surrounded by roses" the girl turned around from her spot on the stairs and said "pinky, don't worry i am able to get through these roses i did once and i can do it again." the man getting annoyed by the nickname said "stop calling me pinky, my name is vincent" "well vincent stop calling me little girl, my name is annabelle and i am 18, so i guess i'm not little, so stop calling me that!" anna stormed of out of the house in to the flower field vincent getting worried for her health went after her but he was to late he found the girl laying on the floor in a pile of roses, as he looked at her and picked her up he said "you stubborn girl, you don't know what kind of danger you're putting yourself through" and as the man was saying that, he carried her back to the house.