chapter 3 : the forest of darkness 1

the girl woke up in room that wasn't hers and of course yet again she asked "where am i?! who are you?! what do you want from me? i am broke i have nothing-" cutting her of vincent said "jeez is everytime you get a allergic reaction you lose your memories, anyways here is some chamomile tea" confused yet again she was about to speak but yet again the man was quick and said "let me guess you're going to ask me 'did you kidnap me?' 'are you going to hurt me ?'" "who are you and how did you just know about what i was thinking?" vincent now at this point in the couch opposite from her said "because we have been here already, you're going to say that you have to go to the forest of darkness and tell me that sob story of you and your mother." the girl now warmed up by the blanket around her and the tea said in a rush "what do you mean-" cutting herself of anna suddenly got back the memories in a rush "ah, do you remember now?" anna looked at vincent and proceeded to look out the window, immediately she saw a valley full of roses. "are we completely surrounded by roses?" "yes, we are, which is why i am worried about you" the girl cut him of "why do you care so much? we just met and yet you still care about me" vincent now feeling a blush grow unto his cheeks looked away, his intimidatingly, gentle aura changing in a more comforting almost humorous aura.

clearing his throat vincent said "i am a healer, i heal people that's my job" anna now looked at the man with a protruding gaze as if she was trying to see if he was lying or not, but ultimately she found no trace of lies in his face, or in his voice. "how did you know about my allergies?" "i just said i'm a healer didn't i? it's my job princess" anna staying quiet, still suspicious she just decided that it was best to just ask him about the forest of darkness. "so pinky do you know the way to the forest of darkness? i have to head there fast because my mo-" vincent interrupting her, he said "first of all stop calling me pinky for the last time my name is vincent and i am the wizard of the valley of roses and you shall respect my name" anna annoyed by his response she said "okay pinky enough with repect- blah blah blah blooh- tell me where the forest of darkness is" vincent now definitely annoyed about the fact of how rude she is, he decided it wasn't worth it to argue with her. "i will tell you where the forest of darkness is-" anna happy he complied stood up to do a victory dance untio vincent spoke again "in the morning" those last words annoyed anna this time with a whine she asked him "what! why!? i have not scurried all the way from my cozy cottage with my sick mother outside the forest and went through the village, which by the way is so fucking big for no REASON WHATSOEVER! went to a fucking crazy hag to look for a forest blindly with no direction just for you to say we are going in the morning" vincent now rubbing his temple thinking to himself what he has put himself through.

with a calm voice he said "we are going in the morning because the forest of darkness is a dangerous place at night, so if you want your mom to live i advice you to wait the night and go in the morning." and with that he walked towards her to carry her back to the room. "w-what are you d-doing?" vincent now tired and just wanting to feel the soft, fluffy cushion on his bed just continued to lift her up. anna still resisting and questioning why he is carrying her was flailing her arms and legs around, until vincent said with a loud but calm voice yet still very intimidating "stay still princess, if you keep on flailing your body around we will both and up in a situation we don't want to be in." and with those words anna quickly stopped and quickly just as how she stopped a blush started to grow on her cheeks. vincent noticing her quiet form, smirked to himself thinking 'she looks cute when not trying to fight me' quickly snapping out his daze, they had already reached the room. putting the girl down he saw that she was already fast asleep and with a stroke to the cheek, he bid her a good night.

waking up from her slumber anna woke up to a smell coming from downstairs. looking around her she quickly realized she was in the same bed when that pinky guy put her in yesterday. the girl wondered about how she got in the room but those thoughts quickly left as she smelled the amazing smell coming from downstairs.

in the kitchen she saw vincent mesmerized by his beauty in the sunlight she fell into a daze, his beautiful blond locks flowing and dripping of his shoulder like honey yet looking so soft and fluffy like cotton candy, yesterday he had a pink suit with white and gold details today he happens to be wearing a light blue suit with a butterfly necklace dangling from his neck. "oh hey good morning... anna was it?" finally snapped out of the daze she looked at him and said "it doesn't matter, all i care about now is the forest of darkness, it's morning now when are we leaving?" "princess you need to eat breakfast if you want to go to the forest of darkness, come on let's go eat." anna all flustered by the close proximity he was in and the new nickname quickly nodded while making her way to the dining table. the nickname she decided to not argue about, she doesn't want to drive him away not when he agreed to telling her where the forest of darkness is.

seated across the girls seat, vincent enjoyed seeing the different faces she would make taking bites of of her breakfast, he didn't notice this but now that he stares at her he could see the beauty radiate off of her, her golden brown hair looking like a chocolate fountain so curly it looks as if it has a life of its own, her strawberry colored lips looking so sweet and plump like the fruit and her skin glowing a radiant, beautiful tan in the sun light. vincent completely entranced with the beauty of the girl didn't even notice he was smiling like a idiot at her. "hey pinky what are you staring at?" asked annabelle with a mouth full, vincent noticing what he had just done said in a haste "there is chocolate on your lips" going in with a towel vincent wiped of the dark brown stains on the side of her pink lush lips he wondered how soft they'd be pressed on his, how they would taste would it taste just as sweet as it looks, vincent felt a blush creep on his cheeks, realizing what he was doing he quickly looked at the girl seeing as her cheeks was mirroring his rosy cheeks, now shy and embarrassed he retreated to his side of the table. clearing his throat he said "you should be ready in a hour time" anna now enthusiastic said "so we are going to the forest of darkness then?!" vincent looking at the excited girl said "you know in all 21 years of my life i have never seen anybody so excited to go to the forest of darkness" the man was chuckling to himself at this point as he couldn't see the girl anymore, she had quickly gone upstairs to get ready.

smiling to himself he said "what a peculiar girl."