chapter 4 : the forest of darkness 2

coming down from the stairs Annabelle was excited, she can finally start the journey in curing her mother. she sees Vincent at the end of the stairs waiting in a splendid suit looking beautifully perfect as always. "are you ready?" Vincent said as he reached his hand out to help her down from the stairs, "i'm always ready" Anna said with a slight pout and with those words the door flung open and as that happened Vincent screamed "take my hand and close your eyes, don't look until i tell you to!" with those instructions Anna grabbed his hand and quickly closed her eyes. she felt the morning breeze around her, not knowing where she might be confusion started surrounding her thoughts with a little bit of fear but right as that happened she heard a whisper, it came from Vincent "walk princess" hearing his voice slightly comforted her 'w-wait what why am i thinking this?' intrusive thoughts filled her brain as she started walking. taking the first step felt... weird, because the steps she took didn't feel like the ground she is so used to walking on instead it was more of a fluffy like feeling almost as if she was in the sky, hah but that would be impossible right? "open your eyes princess" opening her eyes she looks around her self and... no way... it can't be, there walking on clouds! "beautiful isn't it, the scenery is especially beautiful at sunrise and sundown and with the amount of flower valleys around really adds the cherry on top" smiling Vincent looked from the beautiful scenery to one of the ever growing ones that is taking a place of fondness in his heart. Anna felt Vincent staring, getting shy she quickly looked away to something that is not his beautiful face, while doing so she sees the sunflowers below and not far she sees a row of multi colored tulips, absolutely enamored by the beauty of the flower valleys. meanwhile Vincent was so busy looking at the way her curly hair jumped in the air and how her cheeks got a slight brush of pink and that the way her white summer dress flowed beautifully in the wind making the clothing vibrantly alive, that he didn't realize she was telling him something until she pinched his cheeks, Vincent now out of the spell she put him under, only now realized what he was doing, embarrassed and with a uneasy voice asked what she had said earlier. looking at him annoyed by the fact he wasn't listening, Anna repeated "I said, do other people live in the surrounded area's?" Vincent coming back to reality with the response she gave. "yes actually there are many people who own their respected flower valleys here, the sunflowers belong to a misses and her butler they have been living their for generations at the other side by the tulips you have a witch, she is still practicing to become a well respected one but she is almost there." Anna intrigued by the information asked Vincent "what did you have to do to become a wizard?" Vincent thinking back about the past started feeling nostalgic and said in a happy voice with a somber undertone " My grandfather was a wizard he thought me everything about wizardry" "What about your father?" Anna asked " My father didn't want to be a wizard instead he became a farmer, he felt like wizardry wasn't really his calling" Anna extremely curious started asking about his mother "my mother... she had fallen ill early after my birth" the girl saw vincents face, regretting even asking but before she could apologize he interrupted. "we're here princess" and with his words she looks down and sees the ever awaited forest. the forest of darkness.