You May Begin Whenever You're Ready

Now what the actual hell is this? Carmela couldn't believe it. This was getting seriously creepy.

She stared at Taehyung's dropped jaw as it turned into an angry frown, a frown that she furiously returned. The other judges sitting behind the long table, glanced at them strangely, unaware that they had met damn again for the hundredth time. Carmela scoffed lightly, turning a corner of her mouth upwards into a forced smile. She snatched the paper from Taehyung's trembling hand and briskly turned around, walking to her spot at the other end of the room.

How could... why did... who even... what just happe- HOW THE FUCK IS HE EVERYWHERE?

Okay, it made sense for him to be at the bar, like it wasn't a crazy coincidence since it was a popular place, and a lot of young people work there. But as a judge for the specific audition she was performing? Now hold on a smokin sec there... Suddenly, a shiver ran through her and her puzzled eyes hit him from across the room as she returned to the group of people.

Could... could he have been serious that time?

She narrowed her eyes into his scowling ones.

Was he actually stalking her? Wait... what could he possibly want? Revenge? For what happened on the blind date? Oh, why did she have to pull his hair! And why did she have to say all that shit to Aunt Kass about him... fuck what was he gonna do now?! What if he ruined her audition? No, no, no, that would destroy her career and dreams and happiness and then Aunt Kass would try to marry her off to some random dude, but she'd run away before the wedding and go to fucking college for a hairstyling degree but eventually fail miserably at everything and then be forced to live in a carboard box on the street, BEGGING FOR THE REST OF HER LIF-


Carmela felt an odd silence, and snapped out of her stare on the curly haired boy. She glanced around and realized everyone in the entire room was looking at... her? The standing woman was gaping at her too, and she realized the judge had stopped talking. Wait a sec... did she just yell? Was that not in her head? Ohhh shit... ohhh fuck... Her cheeks flew up in flames as she loudly cleared her throat. Sweat slid behind her ear as the bag dropped from her flimsy hand. Why were they still staring? God, stop staring before I do something and get kicked out!

"Um... All good there?" The blonde young woman called hesitantly. Carmela awkwardly reached down, grabbing her bag.

"Yes!! Um... sorry. Yes. I just- um, I'm a little sick, so... the cough just came out weird, um yeah..." Carmela mumbled, and heard a few snickers from the group of dancers around her. She never got embarrassed and when she felt the feeling a little bit, she just got angry and shut them up for good. But this was different. She had to be professional, and think with a cool clear head... can I please just rip the curly hair out of his motherfucking head first?

"Okay..." The judge said. "Namjoon, help her with the sticker."

Sticker? She looked down at the thick, glossy paper in her hands. Oh.

A tall, dirty-blonde haired young man leaned away from the wall beside the group of dancers, sighing. Carmela didn't even notice he was there as he stepped over to her, holding out his hand.

"Give it." He said, annoyed.

Carmela looked at the boy and before she could say she could do it herself, he reached out and swiped the paper from her hand. She quietly scoffed but kept it cool, feeling everyone's eyes burn into her again. At least the judges weren't staring; they chatted amongst themselves at their table. Namjoon peeled the backing of the paper, letting it fall to the ground, and held the large square sticker by the tips of his fingers. Without warning, he pressed it quickly to her stomach, and she smacked his hand away as he neared to smooth it against her shirt again.

"Um, thanks." Carmela said with a strained voice. She hated how it was so fucking silent and everyone was just peacefully watching her face turn into a tomato. She pursed her lips in anger, casting menacing looks to the girls and boys around her. Was this some fucking errotic movie? STOP STARING FOR FUCKS SAKE!

"Alright, everyone get out now and line up in the hall according to your numbers, from least to greatest. Go." The light haired women sighed and shoved her hands in the pockets of her jumpsuit before slumping back in her chair. Soft laughter echoed from the end of the room as Carmela spied the judges' amused faces.

Fuck. Fucking hell.

First her... her dad... died. Then she fucked Hosi for no reason. Then Jules was pissed. Then her audition date was changed last minute. Then she was late for the audition. THEN the fucking guy who she basically attacked, rejected and humiliated, was one of the judges of the audition that determined her career.... yep best of times, fucking hooray!! Congratulations Carmela Lee, you have officially entered Hell.

She wearily rubbed her forehead as she followed the auditioners out the door, feeling uneasy. Some of the dancers were looking at her, smirking and whispering behind her. She tried to ignore them, they were stupid assholes with no lives, thats all. They moved around positioning themselves along the wall, but Carmela stood still.

"Fucking weird ass..." She heard the hiss escape a male voice behind her and she whipped around, her long ponytail snacking the face of a snickering girl.

"Hi there, sorry, what was that? Huh? Couldn't quite hear the shit coming out of your ass. Wanna repeat it?" Carmela shot, staring at a muscular boy with an evil smirk frozen on his sharp face.

"If you wanna say something, say it to my fucking face." Carmela spat stepping closer to him. "Did you understand that? Or were your parents too busy fucking that they didn't teach you basic social skills?"

A few giggles and gasps erupted around them. The boy's face darkened and he clenched his square jaw, glaring hard at Carmela. She returned it unwaveringly, but her heart beat slightly faster when she heard a short skinny girl beside the young man whisper up to him.

"Aaron, just forget it. You could get in trouble. Aaron, calm down..." The girls pleading blue eyes relaxed Aaron's tense face and he stepped back, clearing his throat. His face softened slightly as Carmela unwound her fingers from the fist they had formed.

"Sorry about that. Your number thing's upside down. I found it funny. So I laughed. I promise I won't do that again around you." His brown eyes narrowed for a moment before he flashed a white-toothed smile and turned away.

Carmela felt her cheeks burn again as she looked down at herself. Shit. The number "19" was really upside down. That Namjoon asshole would get a taste of her blood soon. She quickly tore the sticker off her black shirt, trying not to rip it, and stuck it on the right way, even double checking. After that was done she wiped the wetness from her forehead and heaved a nervous breath. Well, so far everything was going to hell.

Could it get any worse?

As Carmela found her spot at the end of the line, the bald judge popped around the corner, out of the room holding a clipboard in his tattooed hands.

"Ey guys. Sorry, but Roxana wants y'all to flip the number order. Tardy, you're up." He pointed his fat finger towards the end of the line and Carmela didn't know who he was talking to until she caught the eyes of the others on her. Again.

Wait, did he just call her... Tardy? What the fuck did that mean? Keep your cool, Carmela, just let it slide...

"Sure." She confidently stepped away from the wall outside the door and walked towards the judge, passing the young men and women.

"It's Carmela Lee, by the way. Feel free to call me Ms. Lee." She couldn't help herself say, as she walked past the short man and into the room, offering a sweet smile to the 4 judges in front of her.

She dropped her bag by the door and quickly changed into her athletic shoes. She fished out the papers and shoved them quickly in an empty folder she thanked herself for grabbing. At least the judges wouldn't see the crumbled papers clearly.

She walked to the table, placing to folder down. Stepping a couple feet back, she unclasped her drooping hair and flipped her head over and back up, gathering the long blonde strands tighter in her hands before tying it neatly. She smiled at the judges and stood heel to heel on the light wooden floor of the practice room. The bald man stomped behind her and sat around in his seat. She smiled wider at him and turned to the scowling Taehyung, smiling even wider.

This was it.

This was her moment.

Her body almost jumped from anxiousness. She's said it before and its worth saying again: this could go one of two ways. Either very well, or very fucking bad.

"Alright... um Carmela... Lee." The stern young woman who she assumed was Roxana read over her papers and offered the smallest smile Carmela had ever seen.

"You can begin whenever you're ready."