Oh, Go To Hell Carmela Lee

(Thank you for reading my loves! I'd really appreciate it if you could leave a review for this book, thank you soooo much --Roo)

Tae's Perspective:

Are you seriously serious? My poor soul literally blew up into a million big fat pieces when I saw her again. So, the little devil wants to audition, huh? Well, I sure as hell ain't letting her choreograph for my group! Some other company can take her, but I'd feel bad for them 'cause they have to put up with her crazy shit.

She did seem a bit different at the club though. I expected her to fire up and start screaming at me again and continue ripping my poor hair out (i spent 3 hours at the salon to comb the style back into it!), but she just sat there with a weary smile, letting me say whatever I wanted. She wasn't... the same. Maybe she was just drunk. The last time, during our little blind date, she had literally exploded when I pointed her out for her unnecessary rudeness. I mean why come to the date if you're clearly not interested and can't be the least bit polite? I have NEVER met anyone so damn rude. I admit, I did start to like her when we were texting before we met, but I guess... she didn't feel the same- what the fuck, no, I don't care!

Here was the arrogant freak now, standing in front me, with a smile playing on her lips. I perched my elbow onto the table and lay my chin on the palm of my hand. This would be great. Prepare to be failed Carmela Lee.

"Alright... um Carmela... Lee. You can begin whenever you're ready." Roxana said. She impatiently swung the pen between her knuckles, clearly eager to get this over with like everyone else. I was so surprised when I saw her again. Coincidence much. When the girl walked in late and shouted in the middle of Roxana's intro, her face turned into a legit bright red tomato. I almost choked on my spit with surprise and amusement. Way to make an entrance.

Carmela nodded and lowered her dark eyes to the floor, positioning her arms in front of her. I didn't know what type of dance she was gonna do to the difficult beat Roxana had assigned them to, but it was probably full of shit.

A jazzy instrumental with a little hip hop background beat played in the room and I cleared my throat, silently cursing my fate of looking at her annoying face again. She looked up with determined eyes and jumped into a square stance and rolled her chest, doing a cabbage patch. Hmmm. It actually wasn't bad. She swung her hips and spun around, flowing with the beat. Her body bounced with the base, and swayed with the jazz. Hmmm. She was... okay. I glanced to the four entranced people beside me and scoffed at their awed faces. God, it literally wasn't even THAT good for fucks sake.

The girl dove to the floor and twirled around, feet in the air, carrying herself skillfully on her thin arms. Woah, didn't expect that. Roxana placed the pen down, and I actually saw her smile for a second. A big one. No.

Wait... she was a b-girl? Holy fuck. My face felt flushed for just a second and I quickly crossed my arms, leaning back in the plastic chair. I quickly reminded myself of the pain I was in when the nasty woman she was with, yanked my hair and kneed me in the abs for no reason.

As she jumped into a front flip, she suddenly lost balance and tripped, swinging her arms in circles to prevent the fall. I scratched my chin, trying to hide my satisfied grin from the rest of the shocked judges, and cough-laughed. That's perfect, Carmela. Keep doing that babe.

She recovered pretty fast though, blinking her eyes nervously. Good for her that the voting was mostly based on the choreography only. We want the best for our new band. Roxana's the lead choreographer of the group, Jade is a friend of mine and a professional contemporary dancer, Georgie's the sponsor and Eliza's in charge of the wardrobe. Oh and I was the first member. The manager, Jung Ko-man, gathered all five of us to quickly hire another choreographer so the group can debut straight away.

The blonde haired girl bent down, swaying her hip, dancing a butterfly... fuck. Was she seriously serious. I sat up quickly, coughing into my fist, trying to get my mind off her a-- Jade, the woman beside me, nudged me with her elbow.

"Shhhh!" She quickly focused back on Carmela, grinning from ear to ear.

I was about to scoff angrily at her, when Carmela gracefully leaped up and backflipped again and again, but it wasn't like any other backflip. She twirled in mid-air as she did them and matched the beat perfectly. Her moves were seriously stunning! They molded together so well and she even changed classic hiphop moves to match the jazzy beat, and she even fucking break-danced, and she even did a shit ton of amazing backflips and-- STOP. NO. FUCK. Tae, you get a hold of yourself right now boy.

She finished on the ground, her shoulders slumped as she dropped to the floor on her knees, hanging her head to the chin. The music stopped and all you could hear in the room were Carmela's huffing, shaking breaths. Was she... was she crying? I scratched my scrambled head, and glanced to my left at the judges who were clapping.

"Wow, Carmela! That was a great dance you choreographed, very well done!" Jade squealed. Ugh. It's fine though, Jade literally never stops smiling, I don't even think I've seen the woman get mad in all the years I've known her. It's fine, Jade won't vote for her.

Carmela stood up, and turned away from us quickly, lifting her arm to her face, before whirling back with a small smile planted on her red complexion. Was she actually crying? Did she really think we cared about the fall? Stupid girl, you're here as a fucking choreographer, not a professional dancer.

"Yes, I loved the way you uh... integrated break-dancing, with a couple of modified hip-hop moves and spun it into a well rounded jazz-coloured dance. It was a very nice performance. Great job." Georgie said, sitting at the end of the table, crossing his meaty tattooed arms.

Eliza cleared her throat, straightening her posture. Come on, Eliza. She dropped the glasses resting on her nose and let them fall against her chest, hanging by the chain they were attached to.

"I thought it was nice. Although you did stumble a bit there, didn't you? How will you benefit the members you will be teaching the dance to, if you can't carry it out yourself?" Her wrinkly face set into a stern look, as Carmela scratched the back of her neck. Yes, Eliza, YES! I mean you kinda need to look over the judging criteria, but YES!

"Yeah, I uh... I mean it did it perfectly befo-"

"But that doesn't matter. What matters is your audition right now. The choreography was good, but I think you're much too young and unstable for the job. That is what I personally believe." Yes, Eliza, YES!

Roxana twirled one of her white-blonde braids in her long fingers and peered at the girl, before leaning forwards on the table with her bony elbows.

"Listen Carmela, the judging is mainly focused on the choreography of your dance. That matters." She glanced at Eliza sitting stiffly beside her. "You don't need to beat yourself up for that little trip. Your dance was captivating. I thought you were great. It was a great audition. Thankyou for showing that to us." She looked at her reassuringly and Carmela wiped under her eyes, resting her hands on the back of her hips. Was she embaressed right now?

My jaw dropped. No, Roxana, NO! She literally never said someone's audition went great. It was always, 'fine' or 'promising'. And she was also the lead fucking choreographer! No... Oh God, please stop torturing me. If she gets the job, I swear-

"Tae? Anytime now." Roxana said.

I snapped my head to the judges staring at me and then turned to the panting girl dressed in black that contrasted with her straw-coloured hair. I still can't believe shes actually here.

Clearing my throat, I rested my hands on the table, choosing my words carefully.

"I agree with Georgie, the dancing styles in your choreography were pretty well integrated, nice job."

Carmela's eyes widened slightly and she twisted her fingers.

"But... you were late and disrupted the meeting. You also interrupted the lead choreographer. We heard your voice shouting outside the room. And your application papers were messy and disorganized. Not to mention your inability to perform your own dance. Now, is that someone we want to work with? I'm thinking... no."

Carmela's frowing face sunk, and I found the others staring at me. Jade and Roxana looked mad but Eliza had a satisfied smile on her old face. Georgie just looked surprised. I shrugged at them and turned to Carmela again.

"You're dance was cool though. I um... I liked it."

Wait... what the hell did I just say? No. Did I seriously just say that? What's wrong with you, Tae, are you-are you messed up?!

Carmela swiped her hand quickly under her eye and nodded, joining her hands in front of her and staring at her feet.

"Well, that's it. Thanks Carmela. Go ahead and call the next person in. We'll call you later this week if you get the job." Roxana said and piled a stack of papers into a folder.

"Thankyou." Carmela turned around on her heel slowly, but spun back to them again.

"And sorry... about... everything I did today. It wasn't the best day for me. I promise I won't let my behaviour get out of hand again."

Everyone nodded as she walked across the room and grabbed her things.

Well, that was finally over with-

Her fuming eyes burned into me as she menacingly glared at my face, before stepping out the door.

Oh, go to hell Carmela Lee.