Forgot My Water...

Taehyung walked over to them with a hand shoved in his pocket. His cheeks were the slightest bit red and his eyes sort of darted everywhere except Carmela's direction. Was he.... embaressed right now? Pfft. Weirdass.

"Here." He held the papers out to her while looking at the ceiling and brushed the tip of his nose with his other hand. Hmm. He really was embarrassed. But why? Everyone in the room was looking at Carmela  when she was dancing. Why did he get so flustered. Wait... was he... was he turned on? HA.

"Thankyou." She smiled at him and he glanced briefly at her face, scoffing. She reached out both her hands and slid them softly over his fingers as she took the papers. His hand twitched and he coughed into his elbow. Carmela wickedly grinned and turned away from him. She needed a pen. She walked over to Yoon who was the closest near by and standing alone. He looked up and walked over to her too.

"Hey Yoon! Mind if I ask you a favor? Can you please get me a pe-." Carmela grinned widely but her smile shrunk, looking at the boy's depressed expression. What's up with him? He scratched his Adam's apple nervously with two fingers, staring at the floor as he towered over her, and shifted his feet.

"Um... listencarmelaimsorry." He mumbled quietly. What the hell?

"What was that?"

"Uh... Im... sorry." Huh, what now???

"Sorry? Why? What the hel-- heck are you sorry for, Yoon?" She shuffled closer to him, furrowing her blonde brow.

"For, uh... well, that time when I, uh... knocked down your bag. On the bus. I wasn't having um... a good day."

Wait a--WAIT A SMOKIN SEC! Now hold on, so this guy was... that  guy?! What in the wor-

"It's all good Yoon! I get it, don't worry, bro. I cleaned it up well and I have a lotta other purses and bags too! Don't worry about it." She smiled at him while her brain exploded and he nodded, slumping away towards the boys who were now picking on their band member Taehyung. He was literally waving his hands protectively over his dark curly hair. Are you fucking JoKiNg? This guy needs help. Maybe Carmela would take him and Hosi to a therapist together. Yoon warmed her heart though. Definitely wasn't expecting that.

"Guys, Carmela's going to sign that stuff and then we're going to get started. Stretch until I say your done." Roxana instructed the boys.

Carmela looked down at the papers in her hand and was just about to shout out loud for a damn pen, but she sighed as Roxana walked towards her holding a black one. 

"This might come in handy. Go into the back locker room and hurry. We gotta start warming up and brainstorming dance ideas for the song you just heard. Go." 

"Okay, be right back." Carmela heart quickened with excitement, and she ran impatiently to her locker room and set the papers down on the bench. She sat on the cold floor and signed them as fast as she could. Once she was done, she stood up and stuffed them in her locker. She'd have to give those to the office later. 

Suddenly she felt her throat scratch with dryness. Shit, she was thirsty, and shit, she forgot a fucking water bottle. She didn't see any water fountains out in the practice room, because literally NO ONE ever forgets their water to dance practice for fucks sake. She walked out her locker room and popped her head out the boys' locker room door.

"Hey Roxana! Can I take a sip from your water? I forgot mine..." She called out the door.

Roxana was talking with Jin and Namjoon across the room by the tech stuff, and made no movement so Carmela figured she didn't hear. She sighed and thought about searching the building for a water fountain when she heard JK's voice calling, standing a little away from the door, stretching his arms.

"Carmela! You can drink from mine, I haven't touched it yet! It's the black bottle in the light blue bag!" 

"Thanks JK, you're the best!" 

She turned inside the room again and scanned her eyes around the heaps of backpacks until she spotted a light blue one. There was another one that looked a similar shade, but she decided this one was more blue. She grabbed it off the bench and unzipped it, finding a black water bottle inside with cold water. She tore the top off and drank it quickly, loving the feeling of the refreshing liquid down her dry throat. Fuck, that felt better. Her head felt cooler and she was more than ready to dance. If she got to actually dance today. Placing JK's stuff back to where they were, she turned around and moved to exit the door, but her forehead smashed into someone's damn chin.


"What the fu-" She muttered and stepped back holding her forehead. She pursed her lips as she saw the mess of curly hair above her.

Oh Hell. Oh, the irony. Oh, the fucking humour.

She fought to keep her laugh inside but it escaped her mouth a little, and Taehyung narrowed his eyes.

"This is not funny, Carmela, not even a little." He said. 

"What? Are you-- Ha! Are you kidding me, why would I think it's funny? Its- its not at all." She scoffed and crossed her arms, fighting to keep her giggles inside.

"Right, it's not." 


"Not even slightly amusing." 

"I know that."

She saw the end of his mouth twitch and she couldn't help it, and burst out into a fit of giggles. 

"Not funny at all, eh?" He said and smiled. Actually smiled. His white teeth stretched behind his rosy lips and his shining eyes looked into her amused ones that were frozen in her giggle. What the hell. What was this gross feeling, get the fuck away from me. 

Carmela cleared her throat and looked down. He quickly brushed past her into the locker room. She went out to the practice room and joined the boys in stretching, thanking JK for his water. Then she turned to Namjoon. 

"Hey, Namjoon. Is your guys' song, "Phony Affection", out for everyone to hear? Like, can I download it or listen to it at home?"

"Um, not yet. We've released teasers of the song but not the complete version. Since Roxana is directing the music video, she wants the song and dance to come out as a whole, and surprise everyone. She's kind of a genius actually. That's why I like working with her." Hmm, birds of a feather flock together.

"Oh. I just thought it would be easier for me to come up with a choreo if I really studied the song closely." 

"Yeah, you're definitely right, listening to it would give you some dance motivations. How about I send you the song. Personally. Just make sure it doesn't leak."

"That would be so great, thanks man. Here's my number." Carmela reached in her back pocket to take out her phone but realized she had left it in her locker. 

"Wait, I left my phone in there. Be right back!" Namjoon nodded and sat down, stretching his calves and joined the others laughing about some stupid joke.

Carmela ran into the locker room and gasped as soon as she entered. Taehyung was standing with just his grey sweats hanging loosely on his hips. He was in front of his locker on the right, fumbling with a black t-shirt in his hand. God, those fucking shoulder muscle- NO CARMELA, EW, STOP. 

The tall, messy haired boy turned his head to her frozen at the door and blinked, puzzled. Carmela shut her eyes and stuck out her hands in front of her. She tried to walk towards her locker room door that was across this room, but the end of a stupid bench caught her in the shin and she cried out stepping back, almost falling backwards. 

But then, she felt large hands on her shoulders, behind her, gently pushing her back into balance. Was it... f-fuck.

"Watch where you're going, you're blind remember?" Carmela heard Taehyung's soft voice behind her and suddenly her stomach felt weird again. Were those... butterflies? What the fuck, was she nervous right now? Because of... because of this weirdass? UH UH, NO WAY, NOT HAPPENING. 

She shrugged his hands off and continued walking towards to door, opening her eyes.

"Get off. I don't need your help walking, thanks. And I'm not fucking blind." She heard him scoff and step back to his locker. She walked to her own locker and unlocked it, pulling out her phone. She wondered why the boys didn't use locks on their lockers and just threw their bags around. Did they trust each other that much? They must be close. But Hosi had never mentioned them before. Whatever.

She quickly walked out of the locker room, and spied Taehyung out of the corner of her eye. He was wearing a shirt this time. Hmph too bad... EW CARMELA STOP GROSS.

Carmela reached Namjoon on the dance floor and was about to kneel next to him, when they all turned their heads to a booming yell from the locker room.


Wait... shit.