Nice Carmela or Mean Carmela?

"Tae, what the hell are you screaming about now?" Roxana yelled, stomping towards the locker room.

Carmela stood up from her place and quickly put her phone back in her pocket. She was certain she had drank out of JK's bottle, but then the memory of the similiar but slightly greener light blue bag came back to her and she groaned. But it wasn't even a big deal. Was he a baby or what? Is that how normal adults react?

"The frick is his problem? He needs to grow up man..." Hosi muttered to the boys and they snickered, resuming their warm up. But JK gazed at Carmela with a worried expression and stood up too.

"What bag did you open, Carmela?" JK asked nervously.

"The light blue one, like you said!"

"Yeah but... was it more blue?"

"Well, yeah, it was..." 

"Ahhh... fuc-"

All the sitting boys jumped up onto their feet.


Jin shook his head and put his hands on his hips. "I can't believe this, JK. This is just... unbelievable."

What the actual--Were they not letting JK swear? Bro, he's a teenager, you guys can't possibly do that to him.

"Guys he's like 16 isn't he? Why can't he say fu-"

"AHEM!" Jimin cleared his throat loudly and signalled to the young boy. JK apologized with a guilty mumble and sat down quietly. What? These guys are legit insane. It's fucking hilarious.

But what about Taehyung--uh, Tae. He didn't deserve to be treated formally like an adult. He was literally a cranky child. Carmela turned away from the boys who were now giving the poor JK a bunch of dramatic lectures about the importance of clean language at a young age. Uh... bullshit? They literally look only 2 or 3 years older than him.

"Carmela? Can you come in here?" Roxana's voice sounded from the locker room and Carmela gulped. She wasn't scared or intimidated, she just knew she was the one who drank out of Tae's bottle and he was gonna freak again. It was exhausting. Why didn't she grab the greener one? WHY?

"Carmela?" Roxana called again.

Ughhhhhhh, here we go.

"Yup, I'm coming." Carmela dragged her feet towards the locker room and groaned again before stepping in. Tae was standing at the bench with a black bottle and the light blue bag Carmela had opened. Roxana sighed and moved to exit.

"Alright, I'm out." Shit. Thanks Roxana.

Tae lifted his annoyed eyes to Carmela and she crossed her arms.

"Tae, this is ridiculous."

His expression changed, his eyes widening.

"Wait, why are you calling me Tae?"

"Maybe because you're literally acting like a fucking baby right now, so I can call you whatever I want." Carmela couldnt explain it, but she thought the cute name fit his childish demeanor. And everyone called him that, so why couldnt she?

"How am I-- you just spit in my water and you expect me to be calm?"

"Spit? Spit?! HA! I did not spit in your damn water for your information. I LEGIT just drank out of it! How could you say I spit in it?"

"Because I can LEGIT taste it! Uuugghh..." He shuddered and crisply dropped the bottle on the ground with two fingers. Carmela scoffed, and looked away from him, angrily laughing, before returning her crazed glare on his shaded eyes.

"You know what, maybe I should have spit in it. Maybe I DID spit in it! What are you gonna do?"

"Well I don't fucking know anymore because youre seriously blind and can't tell the difference between light blue-blue and light blue-green!"

"Are you-- are you kidding me? What the fuck is light blue-blue?! Are you actually kidding me?" This was absolute bullshit. THIS GUY was absolute bullshit.

But then she remembered the fact that this was her first day at work. Was it actaully? Has it literally just been less than an hour here? The boys outside must be waiting and she wouldnt be surprised it Roxana was outside the door listening to their convo right now. She took a deep breath and fought to calm her nerves. She would have to apologise for her misunderstanding but she sure as hell wasnt doing it the way she knew he wanted.

"Alright man, I'm done."

Tae's dark eyebrows unfurrowed and he put a hand lightly on his low hip.

"I'm so sorry, Tae.... for not knowing the difference between light BLUE-BLUE and fucking light BLUE-GREEN! I sincerely apologize." She clapped both her hands hard together and held them in front of his face. His eyes hardened and he clenched his jaw but... what was that? Behind his eyes? Was that... amusement? Fucking hell. Was this a joke to him? Was he just trying to ruin her first day? FUCKING HELL.

Carmela stepped back and stomped out the room, standing in the middle of the practice room, glaring at the group of boys.

"ALRIGHT GUYS, ENOUGH STRETCHING! EVERYONE GET UP AND GET OVER HERE." She shouted, her blood boiling. She would show them how she trained. That asshole had made a fool out of her enough times. No one messes with Carmela Lee.

Roxana froze and slowly stood from her kneeling position.


"NOW." Carmela crossed her arms tightly and continued glaring at the team. The boys looked shocked as fucking Hosi stifled his laugh.

"Something funny Hosi? Would you like to hear something funny too? Remember that time when your ice cream fell and you licked it off the pavement? Hmm?" She darkened her stare and the red-haired young man cleared his throat nervously, as the others looked at him surprised. They glanced at the frozen Roxana before jumping up and rushing over to Carmela. Carmela spun around on her heel towards the locker room.


After a second, Tae popped out the door, gulping nervously. The sight of him made her even more angry. Carmela threw an arm out and pointed with her thumb to the group behind her. The curly haired boy hurried over to them. Carmela turned back to the boys and found Jimin's hands over JK's ears. Are you fucking kidding. She glared at him and he quickly dropped his hands, looking down.

This was much better. Everything was finally in her control. Finally.

Roxana slowly stepped near them, eyeing Carmela who had begun to calm down. She wondered how the woman hadn't thrown her out yet.

"Now that we are all stretched and ready, I'm going to teach you some basic hip-hop dance moves. Let's start off with one today."

The six boys nodded as she explained... wait. Six? JK, Namjoon, Jin, Jimin, Hosi, and Tae are all here... but--

"Where's Yoon?" She asked and everyone turned their heads around the room. Jimin let out a smiling gasp and was just about to point to something across the room, but looked at Carmela with afraid eyes and froze.

Carmela followed his faltered pointing direction and found her eyes on the brown haired boy slumped against the wall, sleeping. Suddenly, the six boys stepped towards her.

"Sorry Carmela, it's not his fault-"

"He gets tired easily-"

"Please accept our apology for him-"

"We promise he won't do it again!"

Carmela was surprised at their pleading faces. She turned away from them and walked towards Yoon. She kneeled in front of the snoring boy and gently touched his shoulder. His eyes fluttered awake and she gave him a small smile.

"Yoon? It's time for practice..."