You Must Come. You Must!


Aunt Kass screamed as she entered the hospital room with a bunch of papers in her hand. The boys turned their heads towards the charging woman and jumped back as she violently pushed them off Carmela. Her teary aunt grabbed her face in her hands and planted two giant wet kisses on both her cheeks.

"Ay, mi pobre hija... oh, I was SO worried..."

Aunt Kass hugged her super tight, and Carmela lay her chin peacefully on her shoulder. The boys stood around them, staring at the sobbing woman wrapped around Carmela. Normally, Carmela would've been embarrassed and immediately shrugged Aunt Kass off, but she knew how worried her aunt was and besides, these guys were just her friends.

"Carmela? We're so glad to see you're okay! It's getting late though, so we'd better head back."

She heard Hosi softly say and she pulled away gently from the hug, holding her aunt's hand.

"Okay, guys. Thanks again for coming! It's so good to see you, really. I'll see you again at work!" She smiled widely at the grinning and waving boys. Hosi, Jimin and JK squealed goodbyes while Namjoon, Jin and Yoon waved and smiled. They turned and walked out the door, leaving the room empty and quiet. Carmela slightly saddened at their absence. Whatever, it's not like they're gone forever, Carmela, stop acting like a kid.

Aunt Kass kissed her again while muttering sweetly but sadly in Spanish, and they grabbed the last of their things before leaving the hospital room.

When they got out, Tae was leaning against the wall in the hallway, arms crossed.

"Hey." He said, and stood in front of them.

Aunt Kass let go of Carmela's hand and suddenly jumped onto Tae, hugging him tightly. He was shocked for a second, but then smiled and gently patted the short woman on the back. Aunt Kass pulled away and held his hand, while stroking his head.

"Thankyou my dear Taehyung! You don't know how thankful I am! If it weren't for you..." She sobbed quietly and Carmela was surprised when Tae softly hugged her again.

"It's okay Ms. Kass. Anyone would've helped. I just happened to be there." He said in a deep smooth voice.

Carmela felt her face slightly fall, but she shrugged off her thoughts. He was just helping her. Because she was in trouble and he was a good human being. That was it. What was she expecting? That he... that he cared for her or something? Yeah, as a fucking colleague. But why was she thinking these things? Was she beginning to... NO. Never.

"Mi querido hijo! Oh, you are such a sweet man! You must come with us for dinner! You must!" As soon as Aunt Kass said those words, Carmela choked again and stepped forward.

"Excuse me? Aunt Kass that's not appropriate. He's my colleague." She snapped, and ignored Tae's wondering eyes.

"Yes, but nina, it's the least we can do! How can I just thank him and turn away? No, no. We must do something for him!"

Tae cleared his throat.

"Ms. Kass, I've already told you. You don't need to repay me or anything! Really." He said, stepping back from her.

"But I can't send you off like that, nino! I just can't! You must come! You must!"

Carmela scoffed and took her pleading aunt's hand.

"Aunt Kass, can't you hear him? We don't need to thank him. He did what anyone would do. It's not like he was worried or anything. Besides, he's only my COLLEAGUE after all. Why do I need to care about his ass--"

"Wait, what? What's wrong with you? Why do you keep sa--" Tae angrily said.

"Oh, Carmela! That's enough! Enough! Come with me both of you. I don't want to hear another word!" Aunt Kass said, and grabbed both of them by their arms, dragging them along the hallway and out the hospital exit.

Carmela groaned as Aunt Kass pulled them all the way to the car. She saw the old driver peer at them from the drivers seat, and he started up the car quickly. Aunt Kass pushed them into the backseat of the car. She popped her head in for a second, looking at Tae and Carmela scowling at each other. Carmela burned her glaring eyes into his narrowed ones. Hopefully they would be able to survive the ride.

"Hm. I can tell you guys don't get along. Well, that makes my job harder but oh well... Sit tight, and have a nice ride!" She sighed before slamming the door and sitting up front in her own seat, beside Jerome.

Carmela was confused. What the hell was Aunt Kass talking about? And why was she in the back seat with this guy? She glanced at Tae and scoffed. She moved to open her door but her aunt saw her through the mirror, and suddenly smacked Jerome's arm who jerked the car forward, accelerating fast from their parking spot.

"Oh, no, you don't..." Aunt Kass muttered as the car sped fast along the road.

Carmela glanced at the tall curly haired boy seated beside her, and frowned. She reached up to grab her seatbelt, but when she came back down between them to click it into spot, Tae was coming at the same time, and they bumped their heads together.

"Ow! Are you still blind! Can't you see I'm trying to put my seatbelt on?" He whined.

"Are you- are you serious? I was literally here first! AND IF YOU CALL ME BLIND ONE MORE TIME I'LL--"

"MIJA! Stop, dear. Apologize and let our guest get seated comfortably." Aunt Kass, called from the front.

"Guest? Guest? Aunt Kass, he's my fucking colleague!"

"Carmela! Mind yourself, love! This is the least you can do for making up that random story about his wife before!"

Hell, Aunt Kass knew about that? Shit. At least she didn't get too mad. Carmela felt a fuming anger in her stomach and took a deep, shaky breath. She burned her eyes into Tae's satisfied ones, before letting go of the seatbelt and throwing herself back against her seat. Fine, she just wouldn't wear a damn seatbelt.

"Thank you very much." Tae sneered and clicked his seatbelt in down beside her hip. She felt his finger brush over her jeans and she felt a slight shudder. But she cleared her throat and pursed her lips, frowning out the window. She could see Tae's eyes on her in the corner of her vision.

"Um, I'm done. You can put your seatbelt in now." He hesitantly said.

"Why are you talking to me? Do I look like I wanna talk to you?"

"A-are you for real right now? I don't even know what the hell I did wrong!"

"You didn't do anything! Just don't talk to me!" Carmela huffed.

"Fine, but just put on your damn seatbelt."

"What's it to you? Your my damn colleague, so start acting like one! Stop being a good fucking human for once!"

"What? What's wrong with you? You're literally crazy."

"Yeah, I'm crazy! I'm actually insane! Just leave me alone." Carmela felt her cheeks burn and she felt awkward all of a sudden. Why was she so mad at him? Why did she care what he thought of their... relation, or why he had helped her. Who the hell cares, pfft...

"Okay, listen Carmela. We can talk about this later..." He softened his voice, "But can you please just wear your seatbelt? It's not... it's not safe."

Carmela scoffed and turned her head back to the window. Fuck off, dear colleague.

"Fine then..." Tae muttered.

Suddenly, he got up slightly from his seat beside her. He reached directly over her grabbing the seatbelt above her head. Carmela's heart quickened as she looked at his chin and neck right in front of her face. He was so... close.

She flattened against the back of her seat, her face pink. He pulled the belt down and moved back to his seat, bringing the belt down beside her. He glanced at her flushed face before returning his eyes down to the seat.

"Move." He said.

Carmela finally let out a breath as she scooted over a little, and he pressed the belt into the holder beside her hip. He quickly let go and leaned back in his seat. He cleared his throat and rubbed his hands on his thighs.

What the hell was that? Pfft. W-why did he... what the-- huh.

Carmela hated the nervous feeling inside her and patted her hot cheeks with her cold hands. Tae quickly glanced at her, and she threw her hands down to her lap.

"Sorry-- uhm... I just... you just weren't listening so I--" He mumbled.

"I don't have to listen to you." She replied, but her thin voice wasn't as mean as before. And she hated it.

Carmela leaned her head against the window and gazed out at the night sky. The city whizzed past her and she thought of the secrets behind the streets, in the alleys, in the dark empty places, the perfect places for crime. So many people have suffered what she almost suffered. So many woman have lost their lives. All because of... fucking men. Carmela shivered with anger as she thought of how much men had brought pain into her life. Even after her dad had died, he still wouldn't stop hurting her. Those... guys. Those freakass bastards knew her dad, and he was indebted to them. She shuddered at how her dad had hung around those types of people. People who kill, steal, and harrass. It was absolutely fucking disgusting. And all of this happened because her mother couldn't stop herself from the irresistible bad boy her dad had made himself to be. Just because of his "cool" appearance, her mom had fell for him. Huh, that turned out pretty well, eh Mom? How did it feel to fucking... c-cut your--

Carmela stopped her trained of thought she felt her nose sting with angry tears. She hated crying. And she was doing so much of it lately. She hated showing others the weak side of her. The side of her people used and took advantage of. And this jerk was next to her too.

She sniffled and blinked back the stinging tears. She unwound her hair and ruffled it, letting it fall around her shivering shoulders. What a day. What a long fucking day. Her eyes felt weary and she let out a yawn, slumping back in her seat. She felt her mind drift into sleep and her bare arms twitched from the slight chilliness in the car.


Carmela felt warm. So warm.

She folded her arms around herself and fluttered her eyes open a little, still in the car. She realized she was under something white and soft, and she was leaning against something that was moving. She lifted her head a bit and realized she was sleeping against Tae's shoulder. He was sleeping too, slumped and his head tilted back on his top of his seat. She could see goosebumps on the skin of arms, he was wearing just a t-shirt. Carmela moved away from him and peeled the sweater from herself. She lay the sweater over his chest, adjusting it to cover his arms.

Before she could think of what she just did, she leaned her head against the window and closed her tired eyes, snoozing again.