Don't Overfeed The Hippo

A spicy smell entered Carmela's nose and she stirred awake. She was lying on the living room couch and sat up, looking behind her to the kitchen. Aunt Kass was at the stove, frying something in front of her. It smelled like legit heaven, if heaven had a smell and if Carmela knew what it was.

"Yo, Aunt Kass! Smells amazing, what're you mak... ing."

She frowned as Tae walked into the kitchen, popping a piece of cheese on the cutting board into his mouth. Aunt Kass turned around from the stove and smiled at her.

"You're finally awake, my love! My Carmelita, my wonderful bonita Carmel--"

"Aunt Kass! Tell me already, jeez."

"Okay, love, okay. Why don't you guess what I'm making!" She said excitedly.

Carmela felt a smile stretch on her face as she sniffed around.

"Is it...oh my god... is it... SPICY FAJITAAAAS?!"

She shrieked off the top of her lungs and jumped over the back of the couch.

"Hm... let me think... you're RIGHT!!!" Aunt Kass laughed and opened her arms as Carmela crashed into her for a hug.

Tae stood at the counter, blinking in surprise at the two hugging and laughing. He smiled and turned to leave the kitchen. Leave us alone asshole. They're fucking fajitas. He evilly smirked at Carmela.

"Make sure you don't overfeed the hippo, Ms. Kass. I almost broke my arms carrying her all the way here..."

"HEY! WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME? A-and, who told you to carry me?!" She shouted, letting go of Aunt Kass and stepping towards him.

He laughed and popped another piece of cheese into his mouth, turning around the corner. Carmela huffed in anger. Asshole.

She heard muffled giggles behind her and groaned, turning to her aunt.

"Hell, Aunt Kass, seriously?!"

"Sorry, mija, sorry! But I can't help myself! He called you a... a hippo..." She wheezed out laughter, trying to mix the sizzling fajitas in the pan.

What the hell Aunt Kass. If you burn my damn fajitas, imma go kill Tae right now.

Carmela hated that he called her a fucking hippo, but... she couldn't control the fluttering feeling in her stomach when he said he'd... carried her all the way here. Did he mean from the car? Oh. So that's how she ended up on the couch.

But she felt... good. She didn't expect to feel like this after... after what happened with Ross and his boss. Ew. She shuddered as she thought about it. But... when she saw Taehyung sleeping in front of her in her hospital room, she felt instantly... relieved. That weird feeling had come back to her and she couldn't wrap her mind around it. He was incredibly rude, smart-mouthed, and said everything she hated, but he was also... kind of sweet. And... and he was at her house. Right now.


Her heart began thudding, and she felt anxious for a moment. She felt scared how easily she let herself slip away. Taking a couple of deep breaths, she ran towards the bathroom and shut herself inside. She heard Aunt Kass call after her but she ignored her and stood in front of the sink.

Her face looked flushed in the mirror, and her pupils were a little dilated. What the fuck was going on right now? Why did thinking about that asshole make her so nervous? She always thought about him before and she never felt this... this strange. She started sweating and suddenly her body became hot. Calm down, Carmela, just because he's in your fucking house doesn't mean... anything. Aunt Kass just HAD to invite him. Goddamn.

She peeled off her yellow top and looked at herself in the mirror in front of her. Her rising chest was covered with a strapless white bra, and she brushed her hands over her bony ribs. Hell. She was getting skinny. Too skinny. She clenched her teeth, thinking of Tae. That asshole was just... an asshole. How was she heavy? Maybe he just didn't have fucking muscles. Puny idiot.

That was the thing though. When she thought of him, she felt mad as hell and wanted to strangle him, but sometimes... it was different. It was like he was right next to her... doing things to her that no one could do... making her feel so good... Her eyes fluttered and she felt her stomach fill up with butterflies. What the hell was this feeling...

Suddenly the door flew open and there stood the tall curly haired boy.


Carmela screamed, covering her chest, as he stood there with a panicked and... red face.

"S-sorry, I didn't mean to--"


Carmela ran over and slammed the door shut in his frozen face. She slowly lowered her hands from her bra, taking deep breaths.

How could she forget to lock to door? She never locked the door anyways because it was just her and Aunt Kass. How could she forget?

And what a fucking little... ew!! Why was he just standing there? I hate him! But at the same time, she couldn't control her pounding heart. She tightened her pony tail, pacing around the bathroom. How was she gonna face him now? Ugh, this was so embarrassing! She pouted in anger, throwing on a baggy light pink t-shirt from the bathroom closet, and brushed down her long blonde hair and bangs. Her hands felt shaky as she pulled on grey sweats and adjusted the hem of her big shirt over her hips.

Slowly opening the door, she stepped out of the bathroom carefully. She looked this way and that, hoping he wasn't in sight. Her room was right across the hall. Sucking in a breath, she sprinted on her tippy-toes and crashed into her bedroom door, falling inside. She quickly shut the door and got up from her knees. Yes. She made it.

"Carmela! Your fajitas are ready, love! Come and get them!"

Carmela jumped at her aunt's thick accent, moving towards the door. But she stopped dead in her tracks. No, no, no! Why was she so embarrassed? Plenty of guys have seen her in bra, literally the whole club and all her friends from highschool. Many had seen her naked too, even Hosi. So why the hell was she so nervous about Tae? She took a deep breath and ran to her bed, drumming her feet together, thinking what to do. Should I go? But it'll be so fucking awkward....

She looked down at herself and decided to wear a different shirt, one that didn't make her look like a hobo. She should at least look presentable. It would make her confident. Probably. She took off her baggy t-shirt and threw it to the floor, searching around for a black turtleneck top that was slightly cropped at the stomach. It was one of her favourite shirts. She scrambled around, groaning and shoving through the mess of clothes on her floor. Why was everything there EXCEPT for the shirt she wanted? WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU, YOU DAMN SHIRT?

Suddenly, the door of her room flew open and Carmela jumped up, covering her chest.

"Your aunt told me to ca--" A deep voice breathlessly stopped in its tracks.

Tae was towering at the doorway, with flushed eyes and pink cheeks.

Are you... k-kidding me?