So. What's The Deal?

Is she... are they... but he...


But how... Its not possible...


How are they--


Jimin tapped her on the shoulder, and Carmela sat straight up in her chair.

"W-what?" Everyone at the table was staring at her, even Tae beside her.

He picked up her drink and took a sip. He liked the taste, and returned it to his mouth to drink some more, but Carmela smacked his hand away and snatched her drink, sipping it herself.

"Carmela. I heard what happened yesterday. I hope you are well?" Roxana asked stiffly.

"Pfft... andI'mthe blabberingone..." Carmela muttered under her breath, glaring at Tae and sipping hard at her drink.

"What was that?" The young woman said.

"Oh, um, nothing. I'm fine. Thanks for asking!" She smiled at the lead choreographer and looked down at her fingers wrapped around her drink.

But she still couldn't wrap her head around Roxana and Tae though. Were they really dating? I mean, if someone calls you babe, it doesn't always mean you're in a relationship. Hosi always called her that, so it was just as friends, as close friends... right?

"So... how's your day off going?" Carmela asked Roxana, being as casual as possible.

"It's great. I pulled Tae out of work. He barely has time for anyone anymore." Roxana smirked at the tall boy across from her, and ate a French fry. Carmela just stared at Roxana with wide eyes, and a frozen smile.

"Wait, why do I have to--" Tae started.

"We all know you're busy with your job and the band and shit, but you can't just go and abandon people completely. Especially people who mean a lot to you..."

Roxana reached over and put her hand on top of Tae's large one, patting it gently. Carmela looked at their hands with horrified eyes, and Tae glanced at her. He quickly withdrew his hand, scratching his head.

"Ahem... right. Sorry." He mumbled, glancing at Carmela again. Jimin looked between her and Tae, and nodded to himself for some reason.

Were they for real? Carmela couldn't understand anything that was going on right now, especially her feelings. Why was she so shocked and affected by this? Yeah, she had a small attraction, but she seemed way too concerned with Tae.

"So, how's your day going, guys? Shopping?" Roxana asked, looking at Yoon and Jimin. She hadn't really properly looked at Carmela. Was she... was she ignoring her? Why was everyone always mad, first Jules and now Roxana? What is with this ghosting shit...

"Yeah, we went to--" Jimin started.

"It's going awesome!" Carmela piped up, a plan forming in her mind. "I mean, except for the part where I woke up next to Tae of course..."

She ignored Roxana's dropped jaw, and sipped her juice. The bomb has been officially released.

"W-what? Tae?" Roxana glared at Tae, who was sitting straight up in his chair, speechless.

"No! I-It's not what you think, Roxana. Her aunt literally locked me up in the same room as her!" Tae explained.

"What the hell? Why were you even at her house in the first place?"

"Because, her aunt-- she invited me to dinner... and what's it to you if I--"

"Dinner? What are you fucking talking about Taehyung? Her aunt this, her aunt that!"

Carmela looked at the two arguing, a feeling of dread in the pit of her stomach. So they really were a couple... but it couldn't hurt to ask.

She stood from her chair and placed her hands on the table. Everyone looked up at her, silent.

"So. What's the deal. Are you two dating?" She demanded.

Roxana scoffed and crossed her arms, but Tae just looked surprised. Jimin was trying to hide his smirk, and Yoon was just gazing off into the distance, his eyes drooping.

"Carmela, why would you even thin--" Tae began, but Roxana quickly stood up.

"Hold on, why do you care if we're dating or not?" She asked.

"I-I don't care! I'm just curious." Carmela replied. She felt awkward and sat back down.

"But you don't need to be curious! Mind your own business." Roxana dropped back in her seat.

Carmela frowned and felt a pat on her arm. She turned to Tae, who was sitting on the edge of his seat beside her.

"Listen Carmela, me and Roxana are not dating--"

"Dating or sleeping! Same thing, isn't it?" Roxana interrupted.

Carmela felt a throb in her heart and her stomach felt sick. They were... they were... no...

"Roxana! Can you shut up for a fucking second? We're not dating! And this thing that's going on? I just told you like ten minutes ago, that I want to end it!" Tae said, frustrated.

"That doesn't even make sense! You're not even giving me one good reason why!" Roxana yelled, and they both stood from their chairs.

"I don't need to! It's my fucking choice! We can both back out whenever we want to!" Tae shouted back.

Yoon sighed and put his head on the table, closing his eyes peacefully. Jimin patted Carmela on the back beside her, as she felt frozen in shock. Some people were looking at Tae and Roxana arguing and cussing at each other.

But Carmela couldn't really hear them. They were... they were actually... no...

She suddenly stood up from the table, and everyone went silent. She walked over to the Booster Juice stand, and grinned at the tall hot redhead she had met earlier. He smiled a perfect smile as she approached him and waved.

"Hey! You single, or what?" She asked him, putting her arms on the counter.

"Yeah, I'm single. You?" The muscular young man replied, taking his cap off and dragging a hand through his hair.

"Of course I am. I wouldn't be here if I wasn't." She snapped, but she quickly smiled afterwards. "I'm Carmela, wanna get a drink later?"

"A drink? I mean-- yeah, sure why not? I'm Jackson, nice to meet you." He extended a muscular arm and Carmela shook his hand. She pulled him by the hand down towards her face, and licked her lips.

"Nice to meet you too. Can't wait for our little date..." She said softly, as Jackson hungrily smirked.

"Can't wait until I--" He began in a low voice, until someone called out behind them.

"Ahem, excuse me? I don't remember there being a kissing booth here."

Carmela let go of the young man and spun around, frowning. Tae was standing behind her, with a hard expression on his face.

"Sorry, Miss, but I would like to buy some juice. If you could please get out of the way--"

"Shut up Tae!" Carmela snapped.

She turned back to Jackson and pulled her phone out.

"Give me your number. Imma tell you where to meet for our DATE." She glanced behind her shoulder at Tae, who was giving them both a death glare. What was up with him? Go and sit with your fuck buddy over there, go on.

Jackson typed in his number, and Carmela quickly leaned in and pecked him on the cheek. He smiled and pecked her back, and they both giggled.

"AHEM! Miss, could you PLEASE move out the way? I am in SERIOUS need of Booster Juice!"