Our Dear Carmela Has A Date...

How could someone be SO annoying in literally ten minutes?!

"Sorry Jackson, don't mind him. He's actually... a little messed in the head." Carmela said to the handsome redheaded boy behind the counter.

She heard Tae angrily scoff behind her and leaned on the counter sticking her backside out towards him. Good thing she wore black skinny jeans, hehehe.

"Ahh... I get it. Don't worry about it, Carmela." Jackson smiled, glancing at the tall fuming boy behind Carmela.

"Alright, well I'll see you later then!"

She slowly straightened up and waved goodbye, feeling satisfied. As soon as she turned around in front of Tae, her face changed into an evil smirk. His sunken cheeks were a little flushed and he fluttered his eyes around. He opened his mouth to say something but she quickly brushed past him, flicking her hair over her shoulder.

At least her cover wasn't blown. No one would figure out how much it hurt her when she heard Roxana say that she and Tae had been fucking. How much it twisted her gut and scrambled her confused feelings. Carmela would act like it didn't affect her though. And it DIDN'T. Its not like she actually liked Tae... she barely even knew him.

Suddenly a large warm hand slid into hers from behind and she gasped, spinning around. Tae towered above her, his messy dark hair contrasting against his pale face. His rosy soft lips were parted and his gentle eyes were filled with worry.

"What're you doing?" Carmela squeaked out, her heart thumping. He was so close to her, she could almost feel the heat of his strong body.

"Can you let me explain all this? Please, Carmela..." He pleaded, keeping his deep voice soft.

Carmela yanked her hand away from him, her cheeks growing hot.

"Ha! W-why do you think I care about what you do with your life? You don't need to explain ANYTHING to me at all."

"Huh? Oh."

"Yup. Why the hell did you think I'd get affected?

"But I thought--"

"Yes and you thought wrong."

"But weren't you--"

"Nope, I wasn't."


"You're right, that's my name."

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Why're you so... weird?" Tae said, but Carmela was surprised when he suddenly grinned down at her with twinkling eyes.

"What're you looking at? Why d'you always look at me like that anyway? First at the bench and now--"

"Ah, so you're counting how many times I look at you now? Crazy girl..."

"H-hey! Who're you calling crazy! And there's this thing called a memory that humans just naturally have."

"Sorry, never heard of it."

"Aren't you keeping your girlfriend waiting?" Carmela snapped.

"She's not my girlfriend."

"Right. You two sure know eachother well though, don't you?"

"Carmela, she's not my damn girlfriend."

"Whatever. Who cares! I don't even know why we're having this pointless conversation!" Carmela huffed.

But Tae stepped closer to her. The tips of his fingers brushed over the top of Carmela's hand, and she shivered. Her whole arm prickeled with goosebumps, and the tiny hairs rose on top her skin.

"I know why we're having this conversation. You know too. I can see it in your eyes. I can see how much you hated hearing those words." He said softly.

"W-hat? You don't know what you're talking about--" She froze as his long fingers traced circles over the top of her hand, brushing lightly over her skin.

"I fucking know, Carmela. You've showed me all I need to know. You're good at hiding it. But I can see right through you." He said.

"Ha! Right through me? Are you serious? Want my fist to go right through you?"

Carmela was flustered and kinda mad at his words. Who did he think he was? And how did he... how did he know how she was feeling?

"Look. Me and Roxana... that's never gonna happen again." He said, his voice deepening.

"Pfft. And why are you telling ME that?"

"I don't know. I just wanted you to know, I guess." His voice became suddenly embaressed and he quickly moved away from her.

"W-well, I have a date I need to get ready for. It's already 5." Carmela cleared her throat, avoiding his eyes.

"Oh. Okay."

She turned away from him and walked all the way back to their table. Jimin and Roxana were looking at something on Yoon's phone, while Yoon was busy daydreaming with his head on his arm.

When she approached the table with Tae behind her, Roxana looked up at them with a hardened face.

"Took you a while, Tae. And you didn't even get a drink?" Roxana said.

"Yeah. Changed my mind." Tae shrugged.

"Yoon. Jimin. Let's go to Forever 21! I need something for my date tonight!" Carmela announced putting her hands on her hips, smiling.

"Date? With who?" Yoon said, standing up and stretching.

Suddenly Jimin gasped out loud, and punched Yoon, who pouted and held his arm. Now that wasn't very nice. Carmela ignored her mind when it reminded her of when she punched Tae on the arm at their blind date. Woah, that seemed like such a long time ago.

"Jimin! Why'd you just--"

"Come on! Let's hurry!" Jimin giggled and grabbed Yoon by the hand. He walked over to Carmela, holding her hand too. Tae nervously glanced at Roxana and cleared his throat.

"Ahem! Jimin... Iwouldliketocometoo." Tae mumbled, gazing into the distance.

Carmela scoffed. Was he nervous right now? He always pretended to look at something far away when he was. Carmela wondered why the fuck she noted little details of him... it had to stop.

"What was that, Taehyung?" Jimin asked.

"Ahem... Iwannacometoo." Tae coughed into his arm.

"For fucks sakes! Speak, Tae, speak!" Carmela groaned, but she was having a little fun seeing him embaressed. It was his turn now. She had to admit, the sight of him nervous as hell and his attempt to explain everything to her, gave her a little smidge of hope and her mood lifted.

"Alright! I said... iwannacomewithyouguystoo." He mumbled and scratched his neck. OH GOD, PATIENCE PLEASE. Deep breath Carmela, deeeeep b-breath...

"Is there something stuck in your goddamn throat?" Carmela spat.

"Tae must be tired too." Yoon said, "If you want, Taehyung, we can go home together and take a nice LONG nap!"

Wow, that was the most excited she had ever seen him.

"No, I--ahem, it's--" Tae stuttered.

"I swear there's something stuck in his throat!" Carmela groaned, clutching her hair.

"No! I'm trying to say--" Tae said.

"You look tired as hell Taehyung! Let's go for a nap..." Yoon yawned.

"No that's not what--" Tae grumbled.

"GUYS SHUT UP!" Jimin suddenly shouted. "Tae, keep going! What were you gonna say?" He smiled and winked at Tae, who looked confused and embaressed.

"I just wanna... go with you guys." He mumbled, and Jimin smiled, nodding like he knew what Tae was going to say the entire time. Carmela's eyes went wide.

"That's it?" She asked.

"Yeah. And shop." He looked out past her head again into the distance. She sighed.

"How do you call me weird all the time, when you're such a weirdass yourself?" Carmela laughed, scratching her abs peaking out above the belt of her black jeans.


Roxana stood up from the table and turned to four of them.

"I need to go. See you all tomorrow at practice. I have something really important to tell you." She said, picking up her white purse.

"Okay. Later, Roxana." Tae waved.

"See you, Roxana!" The rest of them said.

The beautiful young woman marched away, and Carmela felt herself fan-girling over her powerful aura again. She was so... stunning. No wonder Tae liked her. Sure Carmela was a little upset and... sort of jealous. But she didn't stop liking Roxana. Tae was a dumbass and she had to figure out her feelings before getting mad at people. Yeah... that was the plan.

"OK! Let's go! We don't got all day you know!" Jimin said, and walked towards Forever 21 with Carmela hand in hand.

"Yeah. Our dear Carmela has a date." Tae grumbled behind them.