
No, please, no.


Just lemme sleep... I'll pay you.


Is that Tae... wait, why is the floor moving?

"Carmela, fucking wake up already."

Oh my god! It's an earthquake or something... oh my god, I'm gonna die... I'M--

"--GONNA DIEEE!" Carmela's eyes flew open and she jerked up in her seat.

Tae and Jin were staring at her from both sides, scared.

Oh. They were still in the car. Haha, right.

"Carmela, we're here." Jin said, smiling tiredly.

"Really?!" Carmela said, feeling awakened. Her legs were sore and her stomach churned with butterflies every time she looked at Tae beside her.

"Yes! Namjoon's just trying to find our hotel." Jin replied.

"Ah, okay."

Carmela yawned and tried to stretch her arms over her head but the place was too small and she whacked Tae in the face with her elbow.

"OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" Tae whined, holding his cheek.

"Chill, it was an accident, sorry." Carmela was surprised at his childish reaction. He didn't have to get so mad over one small thing.

"IT HURT!" Tae grumbled angrily.

"Oh my fucking-- YOU ARE SO DRAMATIC! Why do you have to make a big deal out of everything? Did I break your bones or something?"

"I make a big deal out of everything, huh? Remember that lovely time when I accidentally-- I repeat-- ACCIDENTALLY called you my colleague and you freaked out for days?"

"Shut your ass up, Tae! I don't want to talk to you anymore. Actually, I'M NEVER GONNA TALK TO YOU! You asshole..." Carmela scowled and turned in her seat towards Jin who was frozen at their sudden fight.

"So Jin... how was the car ride?" Carmela smiled at Jin, ignoring the boy's frightened face.

"Do you think I care? It's not like you talk to me anyways..." Tae grumbled and turned towards his window.

"Jin, did you know how much of a drama queen your friend Taehyung is over there?" She said as Jin blinked with wide eyes and gulped.

"What did you say?" Tae snapped.

"Nothing." Carmela replied.

"What. Did. You. Say?"

"Oh hey... I think I found your nose. It was in my business." She fought the laugh inside her, feeling Tae literally blow up beside her.

Suddenly Tae sat up in his seat and yawned loudly, stretching his arms. His elbow bumped Carmela's head.

"HEY! WHAT WAS THAT FOR, YOU LITTLE--" Carmela fired up but Jimin called from the middle seats.

"ALRIGHT, OKAY, that's enough for today guys. We're all super tired right now, but I promise you both can fight extra hard tomorrow." Jimin mocked. Hosi and JK muffled their laughs beside him.

Carmela huffed and leaned back in her seat. She couldn't help but think about Hosi. He was laughing and talking and he seemed... happy. Carmela was glad that he was feeling better because she felt guilty as hell yesterday when she told him she liked.... this absolute asshole.

"NAMJOON? HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF A GPS?" Carmela yelled to the front of the car.

"Y-yes! But I forgot it..." Namjoon called back.

"HEY! Why are you getting mad at Namjoon now? That's not fair--" Tae started.

"I'm sorry. You've mistaken me for someone who gives a damn." Carmela snapped as Tae's jaw hung open.

"What is with you today? You're actually crazy..." Tae looked away from her, but the corners of his mouth were resisting a smile and Carmela scoffed. Jin glanced at both of them and scratched his head nervously.

"If you guys are done killing each other back there, let's get off. We're here." Roxana said from the front.

What? Oh. Carmela hadn't noticed the car had stopped in front of a tall building. She sighed in relief and rubbed her sore legs.

"YES! FINALLY!" JK sighed tiredly and shook Yoon awake.

"We're here already? What time is it..." Yoon grumbled, rubbing his eyes.

"It's 8 pm. The work shop's tomorrow morning. Let's get rested up for it. Come on." Namjoon said.

Roxana and the boys in front of Carmela, Jin and Tae, opened the car doors and stepped out. They sighed and cheered as they stretched their backs.

Carmela kicked at the seat in front of her, trying to bend it down so they could get out, but it was stuck.

"Let me. You have chicken arms." Tae said and pushed the seat down in one try.

"Chickens don't have arms, dumbass. And I was just... tired." Carmela replied behind him as he jumped out of the vehicle.

She moved from her seat and stepped out the car too, with Jin behind her. The fresh air flowed through her nostrils and she massaged her scalp.

"Ahh. Finally." Hosi said and he bent down and touched his toes. "How was the ride?" He asked Carmela.

"It was... alright. Very tiring. How about you?" She replied, fixing her hair blowing in the wind.

"It was cool." Hosi smiled and shook his red hair from his face.

"Alright. Grab your stuff. Let's get checked in." Roxana said, opening the trunk of the large car.

Everyone grabbed their things. Carmela slung her black backpack over her shoulder and they all walked together with their sore legs into the hotel. The lady at the counter smiled at them as they all crowded around the front desk. Roxana walked up to the front.

"Hey there. We're TSB from GreatKick Entertainment. We have a couple of rooms booked for tonight and tomorrow night." Roxana said and the smiling woman clicked away at the computer screen.

"Just a minute... yep, you do! Okay, so you guys have 6 rooms. 2 of them are on this main floor and 4 of them are on the second floor. Here are your keys!" The woman handed Roxana a bunch of key cards and then walked ahead of them.

Roxana shoved a key into some of their hands and they hurried behind the secretary. Carmela clutched the key card and adjusted her bag. The skinny woman led them down the hall and stopped in front of two side by side doors.

"Here are both of your rooms on this floor. 11 and 12." Her caked face broke into a sweet smile as her hand waved in front of the navy doors.

"Okay, check your keys for 11 and 12. These are your rooms." Roxana said.

Hosi and Jimin shook their heads as they read their keys. Namjoon also didn't have the key to this room. Roxana checked hers and also shook her head. Carmela looked down at her own key.

*Room #12*

"Oh! I have the key for room 12." Carmela said, holding out her card.

"Great, that room's all yours. You can go in by yourself. Now, who has 11?" Roxana asked, looking around the group.

Carmela walked up to her door, trying to open the door with the key card. She was exhausted and was so glad Roxana had given her a room alone.

"I have it." A deep, annoyed grumble made Carmela spin back around.

Tae was holding his key card out with a small smirk on his pale face.

"Okay. Go in. Yoon, you're sharing with Taehyung." Roxana nodded to the three of them and the secretary led the her and the rest of the boys away.

Carmela glanced at Tae and cleared her throat. She pursed her lips and swiped her card across the small machine on her door. Tae did the same beside her.

"Goodnight, Carmela. See you tomorrow." Yoon said with a tired voice.

"Night, Yoon. Yep, see you." Carmela said and pulled the door open.

She stepped inside and shut the door behind her, taking a deep breath. She dropped the backpack on the ground and peeled off her sweater. Out of everyone in the group, why did he have to be right beside her! But it didn't matter. It was no big deal. It's not like they could fight through the walls. Or do other stuf--

A knock came on the door behind her. She put her ear against it.

"Who is it?"

"It's me." T-Tae?

"What do you want?"

"Nothing... just, um... remember to lock the doors... and windows."


"And if you like... need something... I'm right next to you-- your room, I mean. Me and Yoon are right next you..." He stuttered.

Carmela felt her cheeks grow hot and her heart thudded as his voice sounded through the door.

"Okay, Tae."

Carmela pushed her ear further against the wood, but there was only silence.


Silence. Hm. Must've left then.

Carmela turned around, a hint of disappointment tugging at her heart. She collapsed on the white fluffy bed and her mind wandered to Tae's soft lips kissing her pussy.