Do You Know How Much I Want You...

Carmela stepped out of the shower and dragged her fingers through her blonde wet hair in front of the foggy mirror. Ugh, better chop it off soon. Too much hair was too hard to handle.

A white towel lay folded on the wired rack on the wall and she grabbed it, wrapping it around herself. She tucked it over her chest and the soft towel hung down to her mid-thighs. Why were hotel towels so damn small? Like did they expect people to just magically shrink everytime they walked into this place?

Carmela exited the small bathroom and moved towards her bed.



A scream escaped from Carmela's mouth and she jumped onto the bed, holding her face.


A giant, hairy spider with thin long legs slowly crept over her backpack she had thrown on the floor by the door. Shit, the door! She hadn't even locked the door! How did she forget even after Tae's damn reminder?

"Oh my fuckin.... what do I do, WHAT DO I DO?!" Carmela held her head and she shivered, standing on the bed with just the towel around her body. Her eyes followed the crawling spider as it stepped inside the pocket of her backpack.


Carmela screamed, but just at that moment the door flew open, shoving the backpack on the ground aside. Tae burst into the room wearing white shorts and a white towel around his bare shoulders. He slammed the door shut behind him. Aw! He had heard her scream and now he was here!

"Tae! I can't believe you're here--"

"GET ME OUT OF HERE! THERE ARE FUCKING SPIDERS EVERYWHERE, CARMELA! HELP MEEE!" Tae shouted and he quickly dashed over to the bed, jumping up next to Carmela, and looking at the ground in fear.




"What the hell, huh? What do you think you're doing, barging in here?" Carmela snapped, crossing her arms. Her cheeks felt hot, standing in front of him with just a thin towel around her body.

"I... well... there was a giant ass spider on the bed. THE BED!" Tae explained, his eyes wide. His hair was wet and messy and Carmela tried not to gaze down at his bare muscular body. She focused on his frightened face instead.

"Wait, but where's Yoon?" She asked.

"H-he's still in there... He just wouldn't wake up!"

"W-well, my spider crawled inside my bag! What am I supposed to do now?"

Carmela huffed as she stared down at her backpack by the door.

"I dunno, just throw the bag out the window or something. But what am I supposed to do?" Tae whined. "I can't even go back to my room--"

"NOW HOLD ON A SMOKIN SEC THERE! Why can't you go back to your room and why did you come here in the first place?" Carmela glared at him as his tall body towered over her.

"Because where else was I supposed to go? I don't know where the others' rooms are and they're prolly sleeping 'cause they won't answer their damn phones!"

"Okay, okay! So what're you gonna do now? Are you just gonna... stay here?" Carnela said.

She gulped as his dark eyes wandered over her. He stepped closer.

"It's not like we haven't slept in the same bed before..." He said with a deep growl.

"Hey, that was diff--"

"It's not like we haven't touched each other before..."

"Tae, listen to me--"

"It's not like you haven't sucked my dick..."

Carmela froze as he parted his soft lips and he loomed over her. He was inches away, as they both stood ontop the bed. He shrugged the white towel off from his muscular shoulders and Carmela suddenly felt bare naked with just her bath towel wrapped around her.

"It's not like... I haven't tasted you before." Tae whispered, leaning in.

He lifted his arm and brushed his fingers against her elbow. Carmela felt the light hairs on her arm perk up and she shivered from the rapid beats of her heart. She stared at his lips right in front of her eyes and blinked nervously.

"What're you doin--" She began, but suddenly her phone burst into its loud ringtone, and Carmela jumped with surprise. The towel from her body fell down to the bed and she stood frozen in shock. SOMEONE KILL ME NOW.


WHY? Why is my life a fucking embaressing disaster... why...

"Shit..." She squeaked, covering her breast with her arms, as Tae's warm body felt closer than ever.

She pushed his hand away and went to get the towel that dropped between their feet. But he quickly moved down and snatched it first. His face was flushed pink and his blinking eyes were looking down at the towel in his hand.

"Hey! Give me that!" Carmela said frantically. Her heart was beating out of control and her stomach churned with nervousness.

"Fine." Tae smirked and threw the towel over her head, covering her eyes.

"You... little... asshole." Carmela huffed out muffled words as she tried to peel the towel off her head.

Stupid thing. WHAT JUST HAPPENED. That was enough embaressment for a lifetime. Carmela's fingers tugged at the towel but she ended up pulling her hair under it.

Suddenly, Tae's large hands brushed over hers and she froze. He lifted the towel from her head, and stepped even nearer, until his breaths could touch her skin.

"Crazy girl..." He whispered, dropping the towel to the side. "Do you know how beautiful you are?"

Carmela felt herself melt away into his sparkling dark eyes, and lifted her chin up. She could feel him breathe against her nose and she couldn't help but step closer.

"You're crazy, Carmela... but you make me even crazier." He leaned down as he softly spoke.

Carmela felt her breaths dangerously quicken at his gentle words and she instantly forgot about everything in the world.

Right now it was just him and her.

No one else.

Carmela crept her hands up to his shoulders until she wrapped herself around his neck. He leaned into her, brushing his soft lips over her neck.

"Carmela... do you know... do you know how much I want you?" He growled.

"Yes..." She hissed. "I want you too, Tae. I want only you."

He lifted his head, meeting her gaze and his eyes brightened into hers. She lost herself in his dark lashes, his flushed cheeks, and wet wavy hair and before she knew what was happening his rosey lips were leaning down towards her.

And then they collided. Tae grunted as his lips melted against Carmela's trembling ones. He sucked her bottom lip and gently bit it, sending a wave of flurries inside her stomach. His large hand grasped her cheek and she moved her fingers up to his dark hair, as his tongue slid between her lips. They turned their heads, deepening the kiss into almost aggressive yearning and that's when Carmela realized how much she wanted him. How much she needed him. There was no denying. No turning away. This was it.

This is what I want.

Tae growled a deep moan inside Carmela's mouth and her legs quivered. The sweet sugary taste of his hungry mouth sent sparks into her body and they both sank down on the mattress, unable to part their wet lips. He cupped both sides of her face and she grasped his strong jaw and messy hair, as they knelt onto the soft bed.

"Mmm..." Carmela felt breathless as she moaned against him, breathing in his masculine scent.

Suddenly, Tae took her by the waist and pushed her gently on her back. He lay over her, their legs tangled, swirling his tongue around hers. Carmela trembled as he gnawed at her top lip with his bottom teeth, and kissed parts of her mouth. His bare abdomen pressed against her stomach and her skin prickled with warm goosebumps.

"Ah--" She gasped as his soft wet lips travelled down to her neck, planting a trail of gentle kisses on her skin and swirling his warm tongue over her shoulder. He was so... gentle. It was so different than other men. Unbelievable. It was a million times better. No. Tae was the... best.

Carmela closed her fluttering eyes as his breathless mouth slipped over her chest, at the tops of her breast. But he didn't go any further. Carmela opened her eyes when she felt his head move away, and found his dark eyes staring down at her.

"Carmela... I don't know if I deserve you... but I do know that I want you... tonight and... always." Tae growled breathlessly.

"I... me too. I... I need you, Tae. Tonight a-and yeah, always..." Carmela whispered in a rush of shaky breaths.

"Kay... now... lemme fucking have you already." He said with heavy breaths.

His dark eyes smiled brightly and Carmela nervously grinned under him.

What was this feeling? Deep inside her heart... what was that warm, fluttering, almost satisfying feeling?

Nah. It couldn't be.