The Broadcast

"So let me get this straight. You just let the one person who now knows about this whole operation just slip through your fingers? How?! Is it really that hard to just eliminate them in any way?! Flash them, kill them, kidnap them, anything!"

"I- I'm so sorry, sir. We didn't know she was going to be so... so capable, we should have sent more men, or at least someone who could at least handle it."

"Oh, shut up. You just let someone go free, and now they could be anywhere! They've probably ran away! They have the power to expose this whole god damn operation, and you let them escape!" The man slams his fist on the table, the man across from him frozen in fear. "Not only that, but she may have the weapon! She might just be able to expose all of us in mere days if we can't get rid of her!"

The scared man finally thinks of something to say. "Yes, sir. She may even try to examine the weapon, and figure it out it works and is made. She is... His daughter, after all."

The first man looks up and glares at the other man across from him. "Do not bring him up. He is not important, first we need to get rid of her."

"So let me get this straight. You discovered a secret government plan that details the usages of mind control for corrupt practices, and now the one of most powerful organizations in the world is hunting you down?" Lua asks, pacing around the RV before taking a seat on my bed.

"Spot on, Lua. That's exactly what's happening. As it seems, they're gonna be quick with sending in more people to find me."

"Well... What are we gonna do? Apart from going off the grid, there's got to be something extra you've got up your sleeve. You seem to sure of yourself."

"Well, I do actually have a plan, that should keep those idiots of our tail for at least enough time to get far from her, I'm sure." I say to the dog as I carry in another bag, placing it on the ground. "Wonderful! I think that that should be everything we're gonna need. Now I do have a to stop by a few shops, specifically for more weapons. I've got a permit, but I've only ever felt the need to just keep a pistol in my house... But I am capable of getting something more. Maybe I'll spice it up a bit, modify it a little. My father was an engineer, and he taught me quite a lot." I say as I take a seat at the front of the car. Lua walks up and hops up onto the passenger seat beside me, and I start up the car, it roars to life and we begin to leave.

"Tell me about your Dad. What was he like?" Lua says, looking over at me curiously.

"Oh, he was great. I loved him, and he was like a mentor to me. Like I said, he taught me so much about engineering and how to wire things up, all that Jazz." I give a nod. "Honestly though, he was never too open about what he like... What he did. He never told me what he did with any of his work, but like, it was crazy what he could do. He was great. Truly a gifted person. He always said the same about me, but I just think I'm average, maybe above average, compared to him."

"Well maybe I could be the judge of that, Sami. Or should I call you Samantha? Or Blink? You have a lot of titles."

"Anything is fine, whatever you prefer. Maybe once we really get on the road and I fix this RV up I can show you some of my current work." I say, looking back a moment to see the RV. It is pretty spacious, a very top of the line RV for the time, the current year being 2031. There was a bed and some cabinets on one side, a table in the back with cabinets above it where I planned to set up my mini-workshop, a duo of beanbag chairs for Lua and I, and then another few cabinets with a TV above it to keep track of the times. The whole place was already quite decorated with lights and posters as I had used it a lot camping in the past. But now I was living in it. At least, for the time.

"Do you see the thing on your collar that I gave you? That's something that I had built. It's a translator, not the newest piece of technology but the used to be a whole lot bigger."

"Oh? Really? That's so cool! Is there anything else that you made? I'm really curious now, I'd love to see more!"

I finally turn into our destination. "Maybe I'll show you more sometime. But for now, we need some firepower." I say, hopping out the RV, motioning for Lua to follow. I walk up at to the front of the store, a gun shop that sells everything from pistols to full on shotguns and assault rifles. I always didn't think I would need any of these things, but they were always available to me because of some people in the past who always argued that they'd need their guns just in case of a tyrannical government forming or something of the like. Never did I think that'd be true, but here I am. I walked up to the counter.

"Hello there miss, what can I get for you today?"

"What's the best you got?" I ask, looking at him with a cocked eyebrow. "I'd like your best AR, shotgun and hunting rifle." I tell him.

"Coming right up." He replies. "It's gonna cost a bit, you sure you want 'em?"

"I don't exactly need money where I'm headed," I say as I pass my ID across the counter.

"Interestin'." He replies before handing me the cases with each of the guns, along with my ID.

As we walk out the store, Lua looks up at me. "Do you have much experience with guns?" She asks.

"Of course! My dad used to teach me some hunting skills when we'd go camping together in the past. I wouldn't say I'm the best of the best or nothing, but I can hit my targets."

"You're dad must have been one hell of a guy."

We get back in the car. I set my phone down on a table, opening up an app to broadcast things to the world. The same one I was using to stream just a day prior. "He really was Lua. I wish he could see me now." I say, taking a bit of rope out of a bag. I manage to hook it up to the ceiling, taking a small box to help myself get up. I finally finish tying the knot, and then I begin the broadcast. I slowly get up and stand on the box, putting my head into the circle of rope I had just tied.

I then jump off the box.

About 10 minutes pass and the stream cuts out, having been terminated by the moderators of the app for clear reasons. Someone had just killed themselves live on it. I shift my gaze from the app to Lua, who is looking at me confusedly. I then take a Swiss Army knife from my pocket and cut the rope, dropping to the ground with a thud.

Lua looks at me confusedly still. "What the hell? How'd you do that? How are you still alive? Huh?!"

"Just a bit of slight of hand, don't question the magician's tricks." Now let's see the news, I'm sure there's gonna be a story about it real soon." I smile, plopping down on a beanbag chair as Lua sits on my lap. I smile, scratching the dogs heat softly.

"Sir... she's dead."

"What the hell do you mean? There's no way she's dead. Why would she be? How would you know?"

"Look, she committed suicide live on camera in this live stream here."

"Why would she? She has no reason to... unless it's guilt, or too much pressure. I still feel she may be still alive. Keep investigating."